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  • Real Name
    Michael Boyd
  • Location
  • Occupation
    Music Instructor


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  • Collaboration Status
    2. Maybe; Depends on Circumstances
  • Software - Digital Audio Workstation (DAW)
  • Composition & Production Skills
    Drum Programming
  • Instrumental & Vocal Skills (List)
    Acoustic Bass
    Acoustic Guitar
    Electric Bass
    Electric Guitar: Lead
    Electric Guitar: Rhythm
    Vocals: Male

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  1. I would be interested in doing Serenity.
  2. /casts resurrect on this thread I've finally had the chance to really go through and remodel my studio. http://imgur.com/a/pQpkS Still waiting on another shipment of auralex panels and bass traps, but overall I'm pretty happy with it.
  3. What kind of music would you be making? If you're not doing any live recording, you can probably get away with a soundblaster card. If you are doing live recording you really don't want to skimp on your audio device, there are decently affordable 1-2 channel audio devices for usb or firewire out there for under $250, I'd recommend something like http://www.zzounds.com/item--PRSAUDIOBOX Ultimately if you're building a new pc for audio, you want to make sure you've got a good motherboard, a good processor and a decent chunk of ram if you're using EWQL stuff. Furthermore, sites like https://pcpartpicker.com can help you make sure your components are compatible. If you don't need an audio interface for live recording, you could go with something like this: https://pcpartpicker.com/list/RtjZ9W
  4. I'd be up for taking Prisoners of Fate. With my past I'd understand if you'd rather not, but it wouldn't be a repeat of that situation.
  5. Something I tell my students is to remember to keep your fingers arched, and to practice pressing the strings with different parts of the finger. What a lot of new players tend to do is overcompensate and play with the very top of their finger right under their nail, because they don't want to hit the string above it. However, this ends up leaving the fleshy part of your finger laying all over the strings underneath. Moving your elbow to rotate your hand can help with some chords as well.
  6. I'm 1000% ok with any of my submissions being used. For any purpose.
  7. Good to see RushJet here! Always loved his stuff. Been on a chiptune craze lately and this is great stuff!
  8. This seems very close to the original track and might not fit the arrangement standards of OCR. The judges tend to look at submissions on how you made them with your own ideas, not just the quality of the performance or how good it sounds. It needs to have something that makes it stand apart from the original. It sounds great as it is, it does, but I didn't hear anything new and that's something the judges are going to look for.
  9. Updated: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4gs06u4wxmu41pf/dkc2hotheadbop%2010072015-FINAL.mp3?dl=0 Fixed the piano, looking to wrap this up. Any last minute feedback appreciated!
  10. Link to mp3: https://www.dropbox.com/s/4gs06u4wxmu41pf/dkc2hotheadbop%2010072015-FINAL.mp3?dl=0 Been working on this for a day or so, I know the piano is a bit off as far as timing so I'm already working on making that better, but looking for some feedback on everything else. Source:
  11. So how do I make sure I'm in the OCR block? I don't see a section for group name? -Nevermind, I'm a derp. didn't realize it was on the Magfest site and not the hotel site.
  12. Use reference mixes when you're doing your final effects on your track. Find a song that has a similar sound that you're looking for that's been done by professionals and compare it to your mix, see what's different and make the appropriate adjustments. Dave Pensado talks a bit more about it here if you'd like a visual explanation.
  13. Very nice! I've been on a fingerstyle/classical kick lately myself, and it's refreshing to hear such a great adaptation of one of my favorite themes. Well done!
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