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Everything posted by I-n-j-i-n

  1. Sessler and Xplay has been consistently good. Basically the only 'gaming' thing in the entire channel. Sessler the Super-Jew. I love him.
  2. I don't think replacement of DNA is that big a hurdle. It's not like they're just going to put in a single cell or expect a static source of DNA information. It'll have to regenerate like all the other cells in the body. I think the problem isn't the storage, but how you transmit the data into the brain.
  3. Will wait until it comes out on TV... A few cute jokes and references in there, though obviously it's not highbrow movie. If you want a true piece of art, watch Diving Bell and the Butterfly.
  4. As sad as it is, you guys who say 'nobody watches Fox News' is wrong. Because their network pulls in some monstrous ratings at times. The truth is, we have a culture of ignorance with a lot of Republicans. Now, I hate hardcore Democrats too, but Republicans simply scare me. Absolutely scares me with how they use ignorance as a literal weapon.
  5. Fox News does it again: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RTms02ctnss Brokeback Mountain jokes were never, ever funny. Death or no death.
  6. I love it. I love how the internet community is getting on those other media's nerves like this. And I don't know about Mass Effect. It's for the most part, just not worth criticism at all. So you can choose to kill a few criminals if you're evil (where was the outrage when you can massacre innocents in Baldur's Gate for no reason at all?) or let them go if you play a good guy. It's not exactly Disney, but the story isn't anything different than something like Star Wars. You can be Darth Vader. So what?
  7. I actually am more impressed by a larger fraction and genres of games than ever. Especially since I'm more busy and independent, it comes across as more of a rewarding experience for me.
  8. I fail to see how this is any 'particular' incident where Gerstmann got himself fired. All this created a firestorm because this just was not the norm though we saw signs of this for years in places like IGN though they never really shelled the IGN reviews for having a 'negative tone' about them. He was fired, there was an unnecessary controversy and Gamespot was literally put in a spot and basically buckled under pressure. He wasn't the only victim but he certainly was one. Why single him out when all the major game reviewers have the same kind of 'negative' tone to reviews dealing with bad games? What part of 'warranted' do you not understand? I'm pretty sure most of the internet community would have cared even for a lesser known blog/website if its opinions were silenced by a gaming company. If you read the article, Kotaku and other smaller sites have went under siege by major gaming companies but most incidents led to a proper compromise or the websites held fast to their right to their opinions. I don't think his popularity is the only issue like you keep saying it is. I don't see why that is any part of the conversation. Game reviews has been pretty consistent and you never had the totally blatantly obvious 'bought off' aspect of many movie reviewers (especially on smaller markets). Some lesser scrutinized game reviews might have been, but that definitely was not the norm I would think. And I totally disagree that game reviews are not influential. Just about every gamer I know usually don't do it entirely out of word of mouth but with the general buzz they get from collective reviews and general consensus online, whether it's from blogs or message boards or major game reviewers. And if Eidos really thought it was inconsequential, then this whole mess would not have happened. That's a fallacious line of reasoning since we ARE talking about opinions of games here. And I don't need to mention how varied the gaming opinions amongst reviewers tends to be even in magazines like Nintendo Power or Xbox Magazine. Apparently Gerstmann's was out of the line and for some unspeakable reason, they singled him out. Overall though, I don't think it has anything to do with the reviewer himself in Gerstmann or even Gamespot. It's just the lack of the whole transparency from the website that you would think you would get out of the candid form of media in online journalism (game journalism as well, but like I said, I doubt the actual reviews themselves are the issue here. Even Nintendo Power can get critical about Nintendo games at times). It's just that we all know that gaming journalism has never been a perfectly open and separated from corporate interests, but it never seemed to get entangled in it no matter how bad the publicity for a certain game. When we're confronted with an actual case, I think it has long since become a real issue with it all. To dismiss it as trivial just because it's 'bunch of guys reviewing games' sounds callous to me. Written media? Movie media? You almost expect the corporations shoving their thumbs in. Online media? I would have a problem with that out of the philosophy alone. PS- That 1UP article is a yet another amazing 1UP article. Durr. But I think that article raises the biggest point: The change in top ranking personnel. That further cements my view that the issue isn't really about Gerstmann but the whole organization itself. Hopefully, it doesn't lead to a slippery slope where individual bloggers get undue pressure if their site has a little ad sticking up for it. Eidos just strikes me as badly managed for a decade now so I'm not surprised on that side of the issue.
  9. While it is cool, I don't think there is real gaming potential there yet. Where is the feedback, the control, what will be the proper perspective? Would that thing result in eye strain like so many virtual reality 3D projection often does? I'm even more skeptical since most game developers are struggling to make proper use of the Wiimote right now.
  10. His breakout work: The Patriot (yes, I loved it, shameless Mel Gibson too). The difference being that Dean died of a total freak accident even if he was driving around like a madman because of dad problems. I think Ledger died of the typical sleeping pill + alcohol deal. Ledger had a lot of potential, but Dean singlehandedly changed the way actors act. It's still a shame.
  11. Didn't a few of SNK's artists work in Capcom as well? I wouldn't be surprised if the influence carried over.
  12. I think it's ironic that the PSP is starting to pump out a lot of good 2D games, including totally new and innovative ones like with LocoRoco and the new game from the same developer: Patapon. Patapon blog Strange how the Sony development houses has some intriguing 2D titles in the works. Ironic when a lot of their 3D titles haven't been doing too well recently.
  13. You're right. But it's really strange seeing that anyone other than the Japanese seems to genuinely care about those oldies than the Japanese themselves. And most of the time, they do the more than enough justice. It's strange to see them use the full potential of the 360/PS3 for a 2D oldie remake, but that game really does look gorgeous.
  14. Way, way, way better than that horrible monologue and writing-staff-backed gigs. The writers shouldn't even come back.
  15. 360 being unreliable... What is this, 2006? But wow. The bunch of Americans getting into the old game is really something. It reminds me of the dedication the Metroid Prime team had for the source material. The "nerd" comment had be blurting out laugher. Great redone music as well. Now I'm going to play the ROM.
  16. No it is not. You pay the same money and you get the different calibur of products. There are PLENTY (IE: hundreds) of preassembled and delivered PC systems that cost around $1700 and you can actually get a quadcore AMD computer replete with monitor, keyboard/mouse, power source and printer. And $1700 is the 'higher' calibur of the new MacBook Air. I don't want to hear how the assembly costs actually factors into it. Because the same applies to PCs. Like I said before, the thing you get out of Apple is the dependability and stability, while you get the raw power and sheer modifiability with PC systems. Obviously it depends on the user's preference, but I tend to stick to the highest calibur and I'm not sold on the hype that Apple is exactly on the cutting edge. It is a consistent platform, not definitely not the 'cutting edge' it's advertised as. And no, I'm not comparing the relatively inferior Vista to the Mac OS's. Just the hardware package of it all.
  17. I thought Trials and Tribulations ended a bit weakly since it cut to too many useless, silly characters and nobody really knows what happened to Godot and others. It just ended. Not much of a wrap up. And Apollo Justice seems to continue it a bit, so I doubt Phoenix's story has ended.
  18. Who ever thought the 360 would become the new king of modified 2.5D games? I didn't.
  19. I was too young to understand Star Trek The Next Generation when it first aired, but watching them now, I'm fully convinced it has some of the most intriguing and snappily written dialogue in any sci-fi or perhaps in all TV. For every ho-hum episode, they have one incredibly intriguing/funny/introspective one the next. And I always loved Robotech, though Macross obviously is a few notches higher because it's the original material. The best bastardization of anything, ever.
  20. Not much of an RPG element as it is a stipulation. I like the system in which you can actually LOSE something instead of only gaining. I thought the award system was always unbalanced in SSBM that way. If the insanely well featured and polished Call of Duty 4 for the 360 costs $50, you'd have to be a lunatic to buy Umbrella Chronicles for the same. I mean, Umbrella Chronicles is decent, but once you're done, you probably won't play it many times again. It's totally a rental. A good rental, but I'd imagine it'd be a horrible investment to buy it.
  21. Finally, a Gyakuten (Ace Attorney) game that uses DS functions instead of relying on GBA function. I hardly even remember playing GBA anymore.
  22. I agree, though trusting businesses in Japan is always somewhat iffy because of the constant Yakuza presence in entertainment mediums (not sure about gaming media) and all sorts of weird corruptive practices. I think Famitsu is decently honest, then again, they rated some games way too highly even when I thought they were great. Wind Waker never, ever deserved a perfect score. And of course, the laughable perfect for Nintendogs, a yet another game I liked, but perfect? I do think SSBB probably deserves it though, but I'm just iffy about Famitsu's scale of a 'perfect' game when I think at least a few dozen more should be in that pantheon if they're willing to go that far with perfect scores. Somewhat like how EGM rates games.
  23. I think it's mostly fair to say that Macs just simply underperform compared to the PCs of a similar price (A new, trendy $1700 Mac is going to have to bow down to a monster machine you can build for a PC). But I agree the OS is great, though its lack of modifiability within its own OS's is annoying. It was annoying a decade ago.
  24. Wow. Just when you thought it wasn't going to be delayed again, it does. That is at least five major delays right now, in the midst of a lot of smaller, vague ones. If they're going to improve the game constantly like this, why not delay until November?
  25. It's too early to even hint that a retcon is planned. For all we know, they could end up back in time or this is just an alternative timeline, not some total retcon. Also, the story right now fits the idea of inevitability in the Terminator timeline. There is no escape to Sarah Conner's fate and for all we know, they may end up in the same timeline as T3 by the time it's all over. If anything, they might just mess around with the actual specific time the events occur. I did think T3 left too little to the imagination with Sarah's death coming so soon after T2.
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