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Everything posted by DragnBreth

  1. When the tempo slowed and the sax started (repeated partially in the outro) I thought for sure Ballad of the Windfish was going to make an appearance. Not the type of music I listen to, however still an impressive performance and arrangement. Mixing sounded great (though I'm inclined to agree with Impluo about the kick drum) and the playing sounded very professional. Plus you guys looked like you were really getting into it during the video. Awesome stuff.
  2. "Metroid Prime" coming to a theater near you, Summer 2016.
  3. True enough. I also love me some prog rock/metal. Totally agree. The two themes really employ a similar motif, probably for the very reason you mentioned. Now I really want to go play FF9, lol.
  4. I mostly meant that I found it difficult to identify distinct drum sounds except for the occasional cymbal/hat. Alas, I am pretty bad at mixing and mastering, so my comments are strictly from the standpoint of what I was hearing rather than any kind of technical position. But it looks like Timaeus and Flexstyle have pointed out some good starting points.
  5. So I have very little experience with the DnB style... That said, I will try my best to be constructive without being harsh. The first thing I notice is the mix sounds really muddy. Everything seems to clash and try to overpower each other. Sometimes the lead comes through clear, but it only seems like that is when the bass disappears. The drums are hardly there and (to me, anyway) sound like they've been super compressed or something. Finally, I'd say the song is a bit repetitive. There doesn't seem to be much variation besides the fade outs near the end, which sounded really awkward to me. Hopefully that didn't sound too harsh. I think the piece needs a lot of work, but I hope you do go back to it at some point. If you do I'll be interested in hearing what you decide to do with it.
  6. Nice. Very chill. Seems like the covers of the two themes should be separate tracks, though. Also the transition from the electronic backed portion to the drums was kinda sudden. Advice: Keep making music!
  7. Sounds pretty good. The only thing, for me anyway, is the rhythm guitars at the beginning when there are fewer instruments playing. The palm muting sounds kinda harsh. Not entirely sure how to describe it. Its kinda jarring at first, but becomes less noticeable later as other instruments are introduced. In fact, I'm thinking maybe it needs to be that way later in the song to cut through the mix? Anywho, still a great arrangement, and once the piano is adjusted (as you've already noted) I can see this being on the front page. (Also, only a day or so O.O ... Dude)
  8. Not only did the intro sound epically familiar, but there was another part around 1.02 (by soundcloud's reckoning) that gave me some serious Star Wars vibes. Awesome stuff, as always.
  9. Not much I can say other than: This is awesome and I look forward to hearing the finished version!
  10. Thanks. I think I need to start posting here more often. Your reply is super helpful, esspecially since I tend to have a bit of a bias on my stuff and don't see some of the obvious flaws. The plan is definitely to redo this one (and most of my other entries) once I've improved my guitaring... by a lot. Seriously, that "solo" was pushing it as far as something I could actually pull off *palmface*. Lots to learn, lots to learn. But your advice I'll most definitely be taking on to whatever I happen to do next (we'll see what theme next month brings at DoD).
  11. End of the Road MP3: http://dragnbreth.com/music/Legend_of_Zelda_A_Link_to_the_Past_-_End_of_the_Road.mp3 Youtube: http://youtu.be/m8bsMdWpoUE Source: - Been a long time since I've posted anything here, mostly because I haven't felt like I've made anything worth sharing in quite some time. Not even sure this one is worth it, but it is (in my opinion) the best cover I've produced thus far. Anyway, this is a metal cover of the 'Credit Roll' music from A Link to the Past. It doesn't really stray from the original at all other than the fact that I've dropped it into a minor key. It is finished, as the thread title states, but I still welcome comments and criticism. I know its not Sixto or Nekofrog quality, but I hope someone besides myself can enjoy it
  12. This looks awesome. Can't wait to download.
  13. Pretty awesome. As soon as the results showed over at DoD this went to my iPod. Really reminds me of Paradise Lost's "Erased." I'd have to agree with the judges that the timing seems really off in places and kinda awkward. That being said, the remix is awesome and I will continue listening to it nonetheless. Also, vocal remixes are awesome. There should be more.
  14. Awesome! Lookin' forward to it.
  15. Knife Edge (originally by ELP) Star One: Enjoy the Silence (originally by Depeche Mode) Lacuna Coil: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nzy6CE4q2Fo The Evil That Men Do (originally by Iron Maiden) After Forever: Remember Tomorrow (originally by Iron Maiden) Metallica: To Tame a Land (originally by Iron Maiden) Dream Theater: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=11RSbUiPk_o Super Fighting Robot The Megas:
  16. Have their "Best of..." album. Hilariously awesome cover right there. also on the album, Fanfare for the Common Man Original: ELP Cover:
  17. Like the Journey cover. Lead vocalist sounds familiar... Anywho, Zergonaleash's post made me think of this Eleanor Rigby cover. Kings of Metal Original: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUx8gRFnNWQ Van Canto cover: I Want Out Original: Hammerfall cover: Mr. Sandman Original: [at least, I'm assuming this is the original since its the only other version I've heard... thank you, Back to the Future.]Blind Guardian cover: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F-LbNqzBFk0
  18. Had to. I dunno about better than the original, but definitely more likely for me to listen to. Amusing. Definitely more appealing than the original for me.
  19. Downloaded and will be replacing the current version on my iPod. Awesome stuff.
  20. For some reason I have a mix of and running through my head. O.o
  21. Okay, yeah, I see what yer saying. Hadn't thought of that. Although, I guess if what neblix and Nekofrog have said are true then my best option would be a used guitar from a guitar shop? Adding a username to the query should narrow down the results. I'll take a look.
  22. Only problem with that is I can't play it a bit first and get a feel for the guitar before buying. Or actually getting a chance to hear the guitar tone, y'know? - Its not totally imperative that I get the guitar now. I'd like to have something that doesn't have horrible innotation and stays in tune longer than 15 minutes, lol, but I can deal with it if the necissary funds to get a decent guitar are higher than what I currently posses. If there is something in my price range thats good, that'd be awesome, but at least in the interm I'd have some idea of what guitars to try out. But its been less than a day, so I'll wait and see what others have to say...
  23. Thanks, DusK. I took a look at the Pod Studio when I saw yer post. Definitely more what I'm looking for. I guess the X3 is for if you're wanting to play live as well or somethin'? I'd just seen a lot of guitarists going for the X3 in the past (on here as well as youtube and even Arjen Lucassen) and had never heard of the Studio. I'll definitely keep the Schecters in mind as well. Certainly a nice lookin' guitar and based on your stuff on Youtube, a decent tone like you mentioned. Definitely test 'em next I'm in a Guitar Center. (Note to self: Next time friends are being indecisive, suggest Guitar Center...)
  24. Heya, So, I'm looking into purchasing a new guitar. I took a look at some of the other requests for guitar suggestions that have previously shown up on here, but sadly the poster's budget was slightly higher than my own. I was wondering if I could get some advice. I've looked at the reviews, but quite honestly I'm more inclined to believe people on OCR than random reviewers. Anyway, I'm thinking an Ibanez, since I've heard a lot of good things about them, but really have no clue about guitars. I mean, my current guitar is the Behringer iAxe 393... *cough* Yeah... Only reason I bought it was for the USB support... and it was on clearance. Before that was an Epiphone Special SG which ended up falling appart. Not the best guitar track record. Some of the models I've looked at (online) and seemed to have good reviews are the RG321E, GRGA32T, GRGA32, and GSA60. But I'm really not sure, and I don't want to blow that kind of money only to find out its not as good as it says... Budget: $300-$400 (USD) max (not a lot to work with, I know) Use: Metal. Specifically power/prog metal. Notes: I'm also intending to purchase the PodX3 to record with (since that is the sole purpose of a new guitar and which is partly why my budget is as low as it is). Obviously I'm open to other brand suggestions, if you have them. My thanks for any and all advice, and especially for your time.
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