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The Coop

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Everything posted by The Coop

  1. Check page one again, duder
  2. It needs to hit $.49, just for the symmetry of it.
  3. This lull hit full stride when I left the project. I accept full responsibility
  4. Chrono Trigger. And now, for an easy one...
  5. Nut + construction worker... Nut... worker... ... A prostitute?
  6. Not many people gave the game much of a chance. It's kind of an underrated jem (no folks, that's not a hint on any level ).
  7. If 18 gets to the point of driving you utterly mad, PM me and I'll give you the name. And 38 didn't give me any trouble. I got it less than a second after it started. It's 37 that's getting to me. I'll figure it out yet, along with 30, 40, and 44.
  8. Well, I didn't grow up with that system, so 3 was a tough one since I'd never played it until about a year ago.
  9. Up to 41 now. I figured out 3 and 5. I'm still almost sure I own the games that are 40 and 37, and now 30 and 44 are nagging at me. The rest are total blanks.
  10. HAHA! It finally came to me. 48 is solved, and 39 is now my score
  11. I went back and gave them a listen again. Got my score up to 38 (1,2,4,6,7,8,9,10,12,13,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,31,32,33,34,35,38,39,41,42,43,45,46, and 49). I'm almost certain I own a copy of 40, and 3, 5, 37, and 48 are really bugging me.
  12. Soul Fighter (DC)- The previews sounded interesting, coupled with the nice graphics and a need for something new to play with the shelves a bit barren at the time, equaled a forty dollar kick to the nuts. Tack on the most nonsensical ending I've ever seen, and a boss that as far as I can tell, can't be beaten, and I wept. Onslaught (Genesis)- After playing the spectacular port of Star Control, and the nearly as good port of Turrican, I was fooled into thinking this game by Ballistix (aka Accolade at the time) would be just as great. It looked alright, but it was so dull and horrid in gameplay that I'm almost certain my Genesis gagged. Soldier of Fortune II: Double Helix (PC)- I enjoyed the first one, and this one got some good scores. But this was simply way too drawn out. By the time you got to the mid-way point, you were left wondering when the game was going to end. By the time you got to the end of the dull story, missions, and level designs, you were left wondering how much brain capacity you just lost having played through the whole thing. Half Life 2 (PC)- Sure, it looks nice, and it has good voice acting. The story's semi-decent too (or at least parts of it are). However, that's where the good times end. Boring levels, several tedious and mandatory vehicle sequences that were much to drawn out, a difficulty level that's basically nonexistent, less than thrilling combat (AI? What AI?), and quite possibly the worst ending ever in an FPS. After all the hype this game had, I didn't see what was so special. The first game was great. But this one? Not even close. Battle Arena Toshinden (PS1)- All I have to say is, thank God I got this dirt cheap. Nice looking for an early PS1 game, but uh... where's the gameplay? You can literally beat the game doing a single move, and not moving your character at all. A blind leper whose arms fell off could play this game by mashing the controller his feet, and win. Ghosts 'N Goblins (NES)- What happened? I mean yeah, I expected the graphics to be less than what the arcade was, but what's with the horrid collision detection? Why is my guy falling through platforms he clearly landed on? WHY ARE MY SHOTS PASSING THROUGH ENEMIES! WHY HAVEN'T I RIPPED THIS GAME FROM MY NES BEFORE IT DESTROYS THE SYSTEM'S INNOCENCE?! Road Riot 4WD (SNES)- The original arcade game was a straight forward racer that looked and played reasonably well, with a little spit wad cannon on the front of your car to slow enemies down so you could pass them. The SNES port got the spit wad cannon right, and nothing else. D-Force (SNES)- HA HA! HAAAAAAAAAAA HA HA HA HA HAAAAAAAAA! HAHA! *snort* UH HA! *snort* UH HAAAAAAAA HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA... *passes out*
  13. Came out of it with a score of 31 (1,6,7,8,9,10,12,15,16,17,18,19,20,22,23,24,26,27,28,29,32,33,34,35,38,39,42,43,45,46, and 49), and there are several I'm certain I know, but their games aren't coming to me... namely 2,3,5,37, and 48.
  14. I don't hate or love EA. They've made good games, they've made bad ones... though I do have to admit they sure have gone patch happy as of late with some games. Perhaps some extra game testing is in order. Anyway, what I'm not fond of, is the idea of there being fewer and fewer game companies out there that aren't under some larger conglomerate's umbrella. I've always believed that competition is fertile breeding ground, and it's hard to have competition when companies that once fought and pushed each other, are under the same roof. And really, with this move, EA is in the position to literally eliminate one of their biggest competitors (perhaps their biggest?) in the world of sports gaming. That's not a good thing to me. Yes, there's a chance that various aspects of the 2K line may wind up in Madden, but I personally believe that Madden is its own machine, and that nothing of the 2K line will remain should EA acquire Take 2 (be it by hostile or mutual means).
  15. Except for the folks making the 2K sports games. Those people will get a nice fruit basket and a hearty pat on the back as they're escorted from the building
  16. I haven't given up on those last four from Puzzle Booble 2, I've just been a bit busy. So fuckin' help me, I'm going to find a usable color for each of them.
  17. Dear DrumUltimA, No. It's only gone because you have it currently selected. Once you change it, the new one will vanish from your list, and the old one will reappear. Backwards Pantless Hugs™ and Hershey's Kisses, The Coop
  18. Don't have any bewbs, but here are a couple tits... Nice and symmetrical too.
  19. The drama! The suspense! OMGWTFAFK! Anyway, I used a couple different pictures of our latest candidate... As friendlyHunter, the skin color isn't right at all. Even taking into account the jpg compression, you can tell our candidate has paler skin of a different shade. You can also see, that JV has likely had his nose broken at some point (see the odd bend in the middle of its bridge). Another thing, is that despite being pudgy, JV has a chin to comes to a point noticeably more than NWG's. Factor in differently shaped ears, and other smaller difference (eye shape, head shape when smiling, etc), and I believe I can safely say that JV and NWG are not the same person. He could do a good cosplay, but he ain't OCR's mystery man. And just for the hell of it...
  20. What a fantastic idea!!! I wonder why no one has ever thought of this. Because it doesn't work on the Internet?
  21. THAT'S what the other theory was (Spanish soap opera). When I logged off last night, something was nagging me about that. Anyway... I personally don't believe they're one and the same unfortunately, for several reasons... - The bridge of the actor's nose seems to be more pronounced (might be to viewing angle though). - The shape of the actor's face, even with the less poofy hair, appears longer than the round face of NWG. - The bottom of the actor's nose looks narrower. - The actor has a longer chin. And here's my final bit of evidence... I used an old trick to compare their faces. First, you rotate both heads so that they're eyes are horizontally level, and then scale the larger head down so that the eyes and the bottom of the nose basically line up. As you can see, the actor's head looks too small on the NWG's body after doing this, yet his chin still extends below the NWG's, even though both have a very similar facial expression. It's a good likeness, but I doubt it's our mystery man.
  22. It's actually closer to one twentieth I believe that's what it was. However, I don't recall ever seeing links to anything, or posted images, comparing NWG to anyone.
  23. I read that a long time ago, but I never saw any proof, links or anything else to show his theory to be anything but that... a theory.
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