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  1. Hi, it's been a while since I've visited this site and coming back here gave me a rare peace of mind that comes from seeing something that has, thankfully, never changed. This site and the amazing remixes people have made helped me more than the authors may ever know. Thanks for all your sick tunes but a special mention to Unreal Tournament - Foregone Destruction. Man, that tune spoke directly to my soul but also to my love of popping heads in that awesome map! A few weeks ago the main theme for the original Tomb Raider popped up in my head out of the blue and since I've been into synthwave lately I thought I'd have a bash at a remix. I always preferred this game over the later ones purely because of the puzzle like aspect to the movement and that theme music is just like when the sun hits that ridge just right. I'm working on some better mastering at the moment and perhaps the arrangement or something needs work. Hope you like it! Edit: Version 2 has some tweaks to the overall sound. Added some light EQ, sat, comp and a touch of reverb. Edit: Version 3 has a more polished flow, new melody and some high hat stuff as well as a better overall mix though I think it still needs a tad more umphh.
  2. Hello everyone. Here is a ReMix I am making for the site. Any suggestions? The ReMix: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UMmQ3DqYvNmYEAPIkYC-e_LUPIZ75fLT/view?usp=drivesdk The source: I hope you have a nice day, BurningMagma
  3. Something I made on FL mobile https://drive.google.com/file/d/1vrEbkf9D9CfUhgAweb8klXjZ8Gn2GyiW/view?usp=sharing
  4. Hey all, first remix here. I've tried re-imagining Sonic's Casino Night Zone with a more "adult" lounge/VIP feel. I don't have a lot of experience working with this genre so any input is appreciated! Original Track Remix
  5. Done as a gift for a new friend that reminded me of a few things that I liked. Kind of wanted to pull some Street Fighter II sounds into this. First time really working with jazz chords. I think I kind of broke my brain that day.
  6. https://youtu.be/DaOltcaEnhY I would dare to say this one could be called the Start Screen theme as well, but for me it's the World Map theme when you watch the very beautiful scene of when you're circling around Yoshi's Island (at least I thought it was beautiful back in 96'). The reason why I did this remix now is because it holds an old memory from 1996 when me and my brother got Yoshi's Island for christmas, hence this is my holiday remix ? This was our first christmas after my aunt's husband passed away 6 months earlier, so we went up north to where she lived and spent both christmas and new year's eve with her. I remembered the huge amount of snow we had and that we played a lot outside - until we opened this christmas gift with Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island inside (and by a coincidence we had brought our SNES unit lol). With this remix I think I kind of honor the memory of my aunt's husband, and also Yoshi's Island itself since it holds a great deal of memories to me and my brother. It's not one of those intense and very "synthwavey" tracks I've made, but there is emotions and a chill atmosphere over it, just like when you're walking in crunchy/creaky snow by night and everything is completely silent except the sound of your own footsteps on the snow. As you probably have noticed I took a complete break from my remixing this holiday, which I spent only with family and friends. But to be honest, I started with this remix like a week before christmas, but on a very basic level. However, this last weekend I tried to complete it more and more, and just last night I think I did the last thing (edit: No. I did the last adjustments on my lunch break today). The remix: starting off with some chilly wind FX and slowly fading in the original arpeggio with my alternate main synth. Then I put some chords on the arpeggio to make it more groovy and dynamic. When the melody kicks in the song is quite naked, no played chords. I separated the melody section into 4 parts, where part 1 and 3 is very naked, 2 and 4 are backed up with chords. After the melody sections there is a variation of the main melody over different chords with a jazzy touch. Then it goes straight into an atmospheric break where I start to build up for my solo part. You could do so much beautiful things with those chords. After the solo section I'm finishing the remix with a naked outro and some sound FX from the original SNES game.
  7. Greetings! I've been in the music industry for quite a while now, in fact, I've been a member of this site for more than 10 years and I've been enjoying the work that everyone has been doing in here but only now have I gathered the courage to submit an arrangement of mine. This was inspired in a flamenco style with a touch of what one might hear from Professor Layton, I also added a few themes from other zelda games here and there but always sticking to the Gerudo valley we all know, any feedback would be greatly appreciated and thank you for time
  8. The remix's time signature is different but kept key changes and rests that were in the original. Original: Remix: https://drive.google.com/file/d/11NuqaiEno8H98MOAMOyJamkI8Np9p_jg/view?usp=sharing
  9. Hey all. I'm currently working on a fangame based on Sonic Colors titled "Sonic Colors Demastered" and am collaborating with some other Sonic remixers to give it an original soundtrack of remixes based on the original game's songs. I'm working on a remix of the map theme for Tropical Resort and here's what I have so far: For reference, here's the original track: I actually got inspired by one the hub world tracks from Splatoon 3 for my remix and was trying to channel the same funky, synth focused energy that song has (it's this one here): I'll admit though that I'm not really satisfied with how my track is sounding so far. For one, it doesn't feel nearly as "funky" as the Splatoon 3 track that I got inspired by. I also feel like my song just sounds generally empty but I'm struggling to figure out ways to make it sound "fuller". I want the song to have a bright, bubbly vibe fitting of the first area in the game (like the original song it's based on does) but I don't think I'm nailing that vibe. I would appreciate some feedback.
  10. Howdy everyone. My most recent submission was rejected, and I would like to ask for help! I am reworking some of the remix's composition, especially the beginning. I've posted both the submitted version of the remix [Reshiram/Zekrom] and my current WIP [Minccino] below. My biggest hurdle in re-submission is this: the judges' most prominent critique of this remix is the mixing, which to be frank is something of which I understand very, very little. I've tried to learn what I can over the years, but I always get lost in a soup of foreign terminology and differences in audio which I have trouble quantifying or sometimes find indistinguishable. So... I would love to find someone who could shape this up for me. (My DAW is FL Studio 20.) Otherwise, I would appreciate feedback in the most layman terms you can possibly give. link to the Judges Decision thread Here's the original version I submitted (and which was rejected): Here's my current WIP version:
  11. Ignoring the fact that Midway happened in 1942....I thought I would post a WIP of this. This is the first half, and even what's here isn't fleshed out fully yet. I am amused by the name I came up with it...even though bu-bye doesn't exactly rhyme with butai. This is an MP3 file at 112kbps so I could attach it to this post. The 1.43 MB limit is quite small:) Kido Bu-bye, 1943-Battle of Midway Stage1 Remix.mp3
  12. Something I just finished up today, and thought I would put it on the forums:) It's a redo of something I submitted a while back. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rrsU7hsjG64Od5Hv2hBD7awh2gIGEuqX/view?usp=sharing
  13. Just a quickie. Very electronic. Curious to hear feedback! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rtPdX66CRxAmna3WlsGD9K1tMMlFVMGf/view?usp=sharing
  14. This is another attempt at this song. It's pretty different than the last try, and this one was done on PC instead of phone. Feedback welcome! https://youtu.be/7JhJUGe71Cc
  15. Here's my take on Terras Theme from Final Fantasy VI. It's me playing live.
  16. If so, I think I'd need @Sam Dillard's permission to do so --- and you could help me to convince him by leaving your upvote in the comments. The more, the better! I'd really be hyped if people in this community had an interest in a successor to Metroid: Organ Transplants and to let me build this 1h45m monster! IMHO, Sam's work is just BREATHTAKINGLY PHENOMENAL. However, sometimes you can add even more cherries on top of the sundae... ^^ Let's make this the world's most buttered and sugared icecream milkshake candybar piece of soundtrack awesomeness on this planet! EDIT I'm talking about his most recent album, Metroid Cinematica Recharged, which was released just a few days ago on July 1st 2020. Watch his release trailer here:
  17. Here is a list of Drakkhen Remixes I've done recently. I wouldn't call them Amazing, but from how thin the apparent Remixes for Drakkhen is, I think It's a good start.
  18. A WIP arrangement of the intro theme to American McGee's Grimm. My idea is to go full symphonic and to make it a medley....With Kingdom Hearts. Since that series has Disney Characters in it which obviously most of which are from fairy tales, I figure it would be a grand opportunity to twist and distort some of its soundtrack into this twisted waltz. I'm looking for an arranger and orchestration for this. I'll be providing the main vocal. Anyone think they'd be interested in a collaboration? American McGees Grimm Theme cover demo.mp3
  19. Hello, I'm trying to get a few takes on one of my new mixes and would love some feedback. Trying to figure out what I need to bring up or take down or if anything seems missing. Thanks!! https://soundclick.com/share.cfm?id=14441889
  20. Phantasy Star II - Restoration - An arrangement album (Sorry if this is an inappropriate place for this thread. Move if need be.) Introduction: Hey OCR Folks, it's been a long time. This is the first project and music remixes i've actually worked on in 4 to 5 years. (Last complete thing I made was an audio restoration project for Grandia II https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=673761272 ) So i'm a little rusty. The reason it's been so long is that in 2016 through a myriad of unknown circumstances I acquired Tinnitus in both my ears along with some major sinus issues and something wrong with the left side of my jaw that has caused a variety of symptoms in my left ear that i've had to learn to deal with. (The biggest issue being for whatever reason more low frequency sounds seem to travel through my left side of my head more than the right. And so listening to audio with bass it sounds more localized in my left ear and slightly off center and not entirely unidirectional.) Learning to live with this stuff took a long time to not only acclimate to, but to get over the extreme anxiety of never being able to hear really the same as I used to. One day I was fine, one day I randomly woke up and my whole world was changed. And so I thought I had to give up audio and music forever. I did try to start a few things here and there after 2016 but could never overcome my anxiety to finish. I uploaded a few on my soundcloud Something you could do to be helpful as well. I've only ever played part of Phantasy Star II, never finished it and I watched my older brother play through parts of it a lot when I was younger. (I was born 2 years after release) and so while I am familiar with the music and love it. There is a lot of context to some of these I am missing. So if anyone could provide useful hints about where or how pieces of music are played (For songs I haven't already posted a WIP for) that would be very helpful for inspiration Restoration - Current WIP https://drive.google.com/file/d/1yzQDh5vofXpNKiHUEUjTcDoTZWZqv2V4/view?usp=sharing Basically finished and loopable. I'll come back much later to make adjustments with a clean head. Step up - Current WIP https://drive.google.com/file/d/1q9G4tk3cujM5CqJ7XHii6bZDOvhTsOkz/view?usp=sharing Song is almost finished, last sections don't have all parts in yet, but I wonder if the ending doesn't work? A Prologue - Current WIP https://drive.google.com/file/d/1IjI-ikQpJPlQPdKoyO8GfArAJg6dp7LT/view?usp=sharing This one is fairly far along. Polished sequencing/performances and a lot more developed mixing and arrangement changes. (Plus a reference to Phantasy Star 1!). A prominent feature of the first half of this "Nightmare" is a Heartbeat driving the song. The arrangement is a lot more fleshed out and additional sections of music have been added. Overall I feel like this song really wants to channel some Vanegllis and Blade Runner. Subconsciously, those are what my brain goes to with "Space!" Bracky news - Current WIP https://drive.google.com/file/d/1kBuadh82dQrVpgQCGgFcuvKRJMwZXE7D/view?usp=sharing Another song that started out as a *very* short original piece of music. Like 16 seconds. The composition is extended to almost 1.5 minutes with variations of the core composition to make a longer loop. This one gave me the most trouble so far trying not to go too overboard and make something that won't be fitting to hear in game. There are more guitars because I can't help but think about Metal when I see this guy http://u.cubeupload.com/MrBonk/ps2weaponshop2.png So I wouldn't be opposed to scrapping this arrangement and starting from scratch for something more "Blip Bloopy Spacey" Mystery - Current WIP https://drive.google.com/file/d/1957JaRXvnb21sCb0-YTqePaiJgMTYwWu/view?usp=sharing The song is blocked out and essentially done foundation wise.Basic mixing and placeholder instruments until Arturia fixes one of their plugins. Phantasy Pressure - Still been plugging away at it here and there trying to get close what I originally envisioned in my head. Still a lot placeholder performances for bass/guitar solos and stuff. But the foundation is there. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1EfFFAfDj-fF5JW034s7O82aHjm7l9VqP/view?usp=sharing Pleasure My Home - There are some gaps in the lines later on but I think it's blocked out. Tried to keep the structure more simple this time but let me know your thoughts if you have any. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1RKZ5GpZabyuBoUtiLdGgW-89xsUt_cKU/view?usp=sharing Rise or Fall Movement Advanced - I've had the hardest time with this one. Go easy on me will ya?? Vocoder still misbehaving. And lots of clipping so please forgive it! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZiOMMuLTKTLqwikwlIXBzRw0gjXY0vJS/view?usp=sharing Secret Ways Over - Song is blocked out. Basic mixing, let me know what you think! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1txu6qum7n4Cy7HbI3-w3msOVORE4ugRc/view?usp=sharing Silent Zone - Rough mixing perhaps but the song is taking the kind of shape I wanted https://drive.google.com/file/d/18S0nCqho9NAicq5f0iB68_-Ecc6H_2h4/view?usp=sharing Excite Town - Final WIP for blocking out Excite Town. Lots of little things to change when final pass is done later. Quite like how most of this turned out https://drive.google.com/file/d/1FP7TrmFhhT-4t0f_b8k1wc2CZ6ADGU3D/view?usp=sharing Violation -https://drive.google.com/file/d/1CBo4OX5CWHaAzNI2o-ApHisYWZjjxtvJ/view?usp=sharing First WIP for Violation, just sat down tonight to get the base out of the way. No percussion yet. I like how this is sounding to start with ? Power - Blocked out. I like this. But other times I hate it. /shrug https://drive.google.com/file/d/1lw68HYE-Gy69bLgDjKwczhKhs-bkpjBh/view?usp=sharing Under Death Place Exclaim Never Dream This will probably take a while to finish between working full time and trying to do other stuff. But i'm more motivated the more I go on,though I have to mind my ears. Some days with Tinnitus are worse than others and that can affect my sound perception. And worst come to worst if I can't finish i'll just release the few songs that are finished eventually. Nya??
  21. Hey, this is my first attempt at a remix that I intend to publish, so I was looking to get some good feedback. I'm especially wondering if any of my sound selection or design needs tweaking. Robo Yard
  22. Will extend later. Any feedback appreciated. Original: Remix: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1W0qwh7JO3q3prLm9CP3MAMVsrLVNTEcF/view?usp=sharing
  23. I probably won't ever try to submit or update this, just an experiment with FL studio mobile that I happen to like. DW1 walk theme 5_25_2022.wav
  24. Hey everyone! I'm going to be working on a developed version of the FF6 Opera Scene "Maria and Draco". I'm getting singers to record themselves playing, but here's a short promo vid of the piece!!
  25. I think at some point I stopped looking at this as more of a remaster project and more something I wanted to take to a more remix level. Not really sure what to do though? But I definitely would like to do more with this in the future. It loops once so after the first run through its the same song. If you have any ideas I'd appreciate any feedback!
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