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Found 15 results

  1. https://youtu.be/N3jCsGeEf_k Hello folks! I'm not sure why I started creating this remix, I just felt such an eager to focus some love on one of the best games ever made. And the intro is really something, I remebered the jaw dropping when I saw it the first time back in 1998. I had one good friend who owned a PS and I'm so happy I got the opportunity to be introduced to this masterpiece when it was somehow new. I have to confess, this is the most difficult remix so far. Not only because of the grand composition by master Nobuo Uematsu, but also because of the original style is aligned to the orchestra/symphonic genre which is far away from my ordinary synthwave/retrowave. I tried to mix both styles in this one piece. 0:00 - Opening One of the best introductions to any video game in my opinion. The atmosphere and visual impression are spot on to what kind of place Mako City is. I wanted to modernize and absorb the theme into my synth style, and I hope I succeeded with that without too much loss of the original. 1:17 - Bombing Mission This theme is so cool, and so fitting to the intensity of the mission before you. I couldn't stray too far off the original's boundaries without losing too much brilliance from it (I tried a couple of variations) so I kept it as it is, mostly. I added some chords here and there, and of course a drum beat. The lead synths used here are multiple variations from my signature lead, tweaked to sound a bit more like brass which the original composition is all about. I'm not sure why I keep transcribing everything by ear, it's really hard sometimes which showed clearly while writing this remix. All the things happening in this theme was hard to keep track of from time to time, and it took me forever to just finish the transcription xD I guess it's kind of more freedom to just transcribe any song you want, instead of searching for MIDI files or sheet music. But enough about that! Thanks for listening!
  2. My cover of the Save Room Theme (Save Haven) from Resident Evil 1 (Original/Remake/Remaster). I just love this game series so much and all the save room themes, this cover/recreation was long overdue! Builded from the ground up, I wanted to give it a more orchestral and richer feeling and took inspirations from all the different versions (original, remake, deadly silence). Let me know if you like it!
  3. This is my cover and tribute to one of my favorite games of all time, Resident Evil 2 (1998). Inspried by the Resident Evil Orchestra Album and with a few new things added.
  4. Thanks to the talent of @TeraCMusic, @VelkkuEvilBastard, @pixelchips and @Dextastic, here is a remix from "Castlevania: Symphony of the Night" to celebrate the holiday season ! A huge thank you to everyone involved in this project -- you guys are the best ! HAPPY HALLOWEEN !!
  5. Hi dear Ocremix Community, Here is my latest recording, is a cover of the opening of the japanesse version of the videogame Mega Man X3 on the Playstation 1 console. I hope you like and could send me a review of this version. Here is the Youtube link: Kotono Shibuya - One more Time (Mega Man X3 Cover) Regards!! lml
  6. Hey guys. I'm completely new to remixing and would love a bit of feedback to help me find my feet! Here's something I'm working on right now: It's my first time experimenting with samples and I've set them in front of a bongo and marimba cover of the Crash Bandicoot 3 - Warped theme. It still sounds a bit amateur to me but I have no idea what exactly is giving it that feel - hopefully a few of you might be able to point out anything obvious? Source material:
  7. Though it was meant to be sung by the fairy in the Playstation game, I always picture Sonia singing this lullaby to young Trevor at the end of" Legends" ! I also thought arranging the piece in the same style as A2's "Chosen One" might be a good idea -- tell me if it is Original: Remix (Instrumental): Feedback is welcome !
  8. Hello friends. I greet you from Colombia. I'm thinking of working on a 3D scene or animation for the melody shared in the Forum by me, from Xenogear: Faraway Promise - Music Box. The animated short consists of a scene where the character (Man) is winding a Musical Box, then he goes to bed to take a break and begins to remember old time ... the scene has different cameras that will change partially and will not surpass the Cinematic version of the melody. It will be done in 3DMAX or preferably in Blender as it is more comfortable to start the modeling. In animation and Rendering, you may use Unity. The creation process will remain in this post and will change to "In Development" and "Completed". Anyone who wants to collaborate, either in models or suggestions, do not hesitate to leave your opinion below. I am open to any help ... Greetings and forgive my English (Translator). https://soundcloud.com/marlon-rodr-guez-colombiologo/xenoremaster If the Official OCRemix Channel wants to upload the melody on Youtube I would be delighted.
  9. I desperately need more "Resident Evil" remixes... or an official OCR Album -- a man can only dream But for now, I want to see how far I can go with this piece of my own. Inspired by Tony MacAlpine's "Tears of Sahara", I'd like to see if I can come up with a sweet rock ballad version of "Sleeping Beauty", which I fell in love with. Original: Remix: I need to reach some friends of mine in order to help me record the final version. In the meantime, feedback is very welcome
  10. I kinda realize what Capcom wanted to go for in Juri's SFV theme. And I actually somewhat like it. BUT, to be honest, we all know it doesn't fit her. So, here's my take on it.
  11. Been a big fan of this site, and I've been mixing since I was a teen. Just decided to drop my remixes here now. This one's basically a slower dance/house remix of Topo's Groove Heaven theme from Brave Fencer Musashi. Enjoy! Title: Rodent Raveyard (Topo's Groove Heaven Theme from Brave Fencer Musashi) Genre: House BPM: 130
  12. Rival Schools was one of my favorite fighting games that Capcom produced and one I feel they should reboot along with it's sequel: Project Justice. This is the first theme of the Pacific High School team. I added a touch of the original sound to it with the trumpets but decided to make it a little more modern as opposed to the original. I made it longer than the original, but I tried to add a few elements to show the struggle of Roy, Tiffany, and Bowman being brainwashed as the story reveals. I also tried to add elements of each character in this theme. Roy with his cocky and cool nature. Tiffany with her bubbly and out there personality. And Bowman with his gentle, yet massive presence. Hopefully, I've captured in this sound what I want you guys to hear. HOPE YOU ALL ENJOY!!!
  13. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-2J1PjMY5F3oWURd0gv-mg I've made a new Gamertag (Zer00-1nfinity) and play USFIV on PS3. I upload a lot of replays from online onto my channel (most of which is Ryu [Me] vs. Evil Ryu/Ken/Dan), so if you want to grade how bad I am at the game, feel free. I usually upload a new replay a couple days a week, since I play it every time I turn on the PS3. If you would like to fight against me (and probably beat me), feel free to add my Gamertag, or vice-versa. Also if you're a good Ryu, Ken, Guile, (Balrog, Rolento, Vega) or Yun player, let me know because I would love to learn some new combos and stuff like that with these guys.
  14. Finally got a new album out everyone - The theme revolves around some of the PS1 games I've played when I was younger. EKI'95(BANDCAMP)
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