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01 - Smash Emblem

02 - DK Initials [Donkey Kong Series]

03 - Starfox Insigna [starfox Series]

04 - Star [Kirby Series]

05 - Falcon Icon [F-Zero Series]

06 - S Logo [Metroid Series]

07 - Mother Symbol [Earthbound Series]

08 - Pokeball [Pokemon Series]

09 - Triforce [Zelda Series]

10 - Mushroom [Mario Series]

11 - Yoshi Egg [Yoshi Series]

12 - Sword [Fire Emblem Series]

13 - ?

14 - Plum [ice Climber Series]

15 - Leaf [Animal Crossing Series]

16 - Wario's W [Wario Series]

17 - FOX Unit Logo [Metal Gear Solid Series]

18 - Pit's Bow [Kid Icarus Series]

19 - Gyroscope [R.O.B.]

20 - Hedgehog Head [sonic Series]

13 = MEGAMAN FOR BRAWL !!11!!!1!!1&!!



To those running the gamestop midnight tournament: I know you can't bring your own, but do you get to choose which controller you use? As in, do they require everyone to use the wiimote, or do they ask if you want to use a gamecube controller, classic, or wiimote?

To those running the gamestop midnight tournament: I know you can't bring your own, but do you get to choose which controller you use? As in, do they require everyone to use the wiimote, or do they ask if you want to use a gamecube controller, classic, or wiimote?

Its strictly Wiimote because that is what they are doing it in every part of the tourney. (District, Regional, and the National) They are trying to make it fair and a new experience for most.

I was gonna bring in my Wavebirds but read the rules and cant. I just don't want someone moving on to phase 2 and saying "I got to use a Gamecube controller at the other store" And I get in trouble. XD


Ack I meant Wiimote + Nunchuk, either way its not the GC controller.

Also unless the store is doing the tourney on Sunday, most are doing it before the midnight release. Hence your gonna have to watch or participate either way :P (if you get there early like one should)

My store is Wiimote + Nunchuk -- the worst control scheme, IMO. That's why I'm not bothering -- I just want to get home and play.

I'd rather do Wiimote + NunChuck than plain Wiimote.

and that's what my gamestop is doing. damn them and no chance for customization either.

this tournament... is it normal? 1 minute fights. crappy control scheme. it just doesn't seem fun at all. but then again, tournaments are strictly fun free, arn't they?


Most tourneys are 3 (used to be 4) stock 1v1, which is much better. The first minute of a fight, both players could still be feeling each other's styles out....it's a waste.

Edit (to avoid double posting):

I think I'm going to give the Classic controller a shot to force myself to not think about Brawl in terms of Melee. Here's what I've got in terms of a control scheme -- feel free to give advice on changes before Sunday:

D-pad -- Taunts

Left stick -- movement (jump disabled)

Right stick -- Tilts (not smashes)

A -- Throw

B -- Jump

X -- Special attack

Y -- Normal attack

L -- Throw

R -- Shield

I'd rather do Wiimote + NunChuck than plain Wiimote.

and that's what my gamestop is doing. damn them and no chance for customization either.

this tournament... is it normal? 1 minute fights. crappy control scheme. it just doesn't seem fun at all. but then again, tournaments are strictly fun free, arn't they?

Im doing 2 minute matches at my store (shhh don't tell anyone) cause well, 1 minute match would mean Sudden Death every time. Then the final match will be 3 stock.

Right... but there are 1000+ pages.

EDIT: Found it. Do we know thirteen, or is that Game and Watch?

Number 13 has to be Mr. Game & Watch by the logic I posted... Also we know he's in the game anyways.

Edit: "Plum" should say "Eggplant".


O WOW THAT'S WHO IT IS!! WHAAHWAHAWHAWHAA!!!! :D And it's Psi whatever, or whatever it's called! HAHA!!!


By the way is he an Assist Trophy, or just a collectible trophy?



Ooh, the snapshot feature will provide hours of entertainment!


HAHA the ones on Page 4 are the best!!! (Either that or I'm getting way too tired!)

First thing I'm gonna do is unlock Falco and see how my old main handles.

Very different. Falco was my main in Melee. Now with Brawl, I can no longer do all three types of laser hopping, drillshine/pillar, or waveshine escapes.


Lol, those pics are great! Keep 'em coming!

Cool to see that Isaac is an assist trophy. What does he do?

Also, how do you bring pics onto the computer? I'm guessing: Save them on the SD, bring to computer?


Well, no one's seen me play but ASA I get the game this Sunday Ill play you all or Ill send vids of my gameplay w/ my buddies.

But the songs I'd like to use as long as they are not taken are:

F04, D01, D10, I07, I 03, B06. Any of those as long as they are not taken.

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