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Air tripping has happened to me once. I went to recover, starting with my second jump. But instead of obeying my input, Zelda decided it would be a better idea to just start tumbling to her death. The CPU opponent was nowhere near me, so I wan't footstool jumped. The controller rumbled when it happened. I think it's a glitch. There's no way they'd even bother to implement something with such a small chance of happening.

There's no way they'd even bother to implement something with such a small chance of happening.

FFX. Omega Ruins. Open 12 treasure chests in the correct order, that order being random everytime you load a game. Slightly different, yet a very small chance of happening. Besides, I didn't think they'd do something as stupid as random tripping, but they went ahead and did that. At this point, it wouldn't surprise me if air tripping wasn't a glitch ("OH NO! I MOVED MY FEET AND THEY GOT TANGLED AND NOW I FALL TO MY DOOM.") based simply on the fact they made it so characters will trip in the first place. It doesn't matter if the probability is 1/(2^32) (2^32 is the amount of values represented by a standard integer) for air tripping, it's not that difficult to implement it. I assume that everything that needs to be calculated (say if you air trip, air dodge, etc..) is calculated once per frame:

void doWhenInAir()
....//other stuff
if(rand() == sucksToBeYou) //assuming rand returns a pseudo-random integer and
//sucksToBeYou is defined as the integer chosen that means you will air trip
....//other stuff

The above code snippet would cause a trip 1 out of every 2^32 times (if the number was truly random, but we'll not get into this here). There would probably be other things (say that decrease the chances of tripping if your character is on the ground, etc..), but because I don't know how the developers chose to implement it, I can't comment on. But it's still a very easy thing to do (bother with something with a very small chance of happening). If they wanted to make the chance REALLY small, they could have used a double instead of an integer, and then you'd have a trip every 2^64 times (roughly 16 QUINTILLION times).

But yeah, just because something won't happen very often doesn't mean it wouldn't be coded. Of course, it could still be a glitch, but if it wasn't, it's not that difficult to implement.


Air tripping does exist, the Sonic didn't run and fall of the platform. The game is captured in such slow motion there should be NO mistake that he tapped down to drop through the platform. Right around the time he falls to the height of the stage, the way he's falling instantly changes from a controlled fall to as though he was struck with an attack (a tumbling animation). It is believed to be a glitch, and so far the people I know that have experienced it have been playing as or against Olimar, though I'm interested in hearing the details of Cynical's case (was your opponent Olimar?).

Also, tripping by movement has approx. a 1% chance to occur on normal ground (though quantitative values are through testing by Hitaku on SWF, I'm not sure how exact his figures are). On slippery ground, it seems as though the chance of tripping is increased by 3 times (or 3% given Hitaku's quantitative value). Also, when traversing uneven ground (i.e. steps, not slopes) like going from the grass to the road in the Mario Kart stage, it seems to also increase trip rate, though there is no quantitative value.

The chance of air tripping occuring hasn't been measured because it has happened so few times that a quantitative value could not be ascertained. Though it happens at a far lower rate than normal tripping (and so far, only with Olimar present).

Tripping has been pretty thoroughly researched already, it's a dead horse on Smashboards and the general consensus is that it's entirely random. We've looked at all the possibilities of it being due to some RNG system that could be exploited, except we've seen characters trip 5 times in a row, and characters sometimes trip at the very beginning of a match, and so if there is some RNG system like Golden Sun's drop RNG exploit, there is some initial value that gets set at the beginning of a match and each time you trip, making it so random it's impossible to reverse engineer.

I have personally experienced tripping from shield grabbing several times, which requires no input from the control stick. I have also tripped out of neutral-B moves, as well jab attacks, and many other people have as well. Some people claim to have tripped from rolling, though I haven't seen this happen yet (but that really sucks if it does happen).

please son just because gt is better than me does not mean that Ganon is a good character, besides he has to switch to a different character to say beat atma's olimar

Often times not.

I can at least play 2/3 of the roster awesomely while Atma can only play ONE character which is mediocre at best. He beats the lot of you because Olimar is a disgustingly cheap asshole.

Also air tripping when fighting an Olimar? Another reason to abhor the tiny douchebag.

And what's up with this guessing game about your main out of nowhere, Garde?

He beats the lot of you because Olimar is a disgustingly cheap asshole.

i don't think olimar is that cheap, i just think most of us happen to suck dick at this game

the point still stands, ganon is a terrible terrible character


haha ok gt lets do some olimar v ganon sometime to settle this

and yes the only reason i ever win ever is because i am olimar i am actually terrible at the game

and i thought garde mains the salmon


That's not what I meant. Of course it would be easy to actually program it in there. What I mean is that, given the EXTREMELY small impact air tripping has on gameplay (as in, the vast majority of us have not even once experienced it), it would be an utterly pointless addition. Tripping was added because it was thought to provide balance (twisted logic is fun). But air tripping just has such an abysmally small chance of happening that there's no way it's a legitimate gameplay mechanic. IMO.

ALSO this is the first time I've heard that air tripping only occurs when Olimar is present. Unfortunately I can't remember who my opponent was, other than it was a level 9 CPU in an offline game. So it could've been him, I donno. If it's true that it only happens when he's an opponent, though, then it's definitely a glitch. Good thing Nintendo doesn't believe in patching their games huh!


Ganondorf (actually the horrible substitute for Ganondorf that they snuck into this game) was created simply to make me cry whenever I play Brawl.

I loved Ganon in Melee because he was a tank and his moves could be used very effectively.

In Brawl all of his attacks that used to be good now have long winded, pretentious animations that make them useless.

Damn you Sakurai, Damn you.

Well, at least Falcon can still knee people in the face....


G-T, did you ever put my FC into your list? I am still awaiting registration from like weeks ago and have been dying to play you. Maybe we just haven't been on at the same time...

Atma, yeah, since you've played against me, you should know (aside from me posting on the other forums who my main is a few weeks back). This was more of a question for the people that DON'T know (which is why I said if you know, don't answer...).

I was just curious to see who people think I'd main if I'm abandoning Link, that's all. I guess the cat's out of the bag now.

As for Olimar, the only things that really make him frustrating for me are how fast his projectile is, and how small he is, imho. If one of those two things changed, I think he'd be a lot less of a nuisance. If both changed, I think he wouldn't be very good, and if his priority was nerfed, he'd be the shittiest character on the roster. As it is, lag benefits him greatly due to his spammable smashes and how easily he racks up damage. Without lag, I don't see him being as difficult, but I have yet to play an Olimar that has a decent grasp of spacing and camping in person.

As it is, Atma might suck with every other character, but he at least knows how to camp, which is a skill regardless of how frustrating it might be to play against.

G-T, did you ever put my FC into your list? I am still awaiting registration from like weeks ago and have been dying to play you. Maybe we just haven't been on at the same time...

Atma, yeah, since you've played against me, you should know (aside from me posting on the other forums who my main is a few weeks back). This was more of a question for the people that DON'T know (which is why I said if you know, don't answer...).

I was just curious to see who people think I'd main if I'm abandoning Link, that's all. I guess the cat's out of the bag now.

As for Olimar, the only things that really make him frustrating for me are how fast his projectile is, and how small he is, imho. If one of those two things changed, I think he'd be a lot less of a nuisance. If both changed, I think he wouldn't be very good, and if his priority was nerfed, he'd be the shittiest character on the roster. As it is, lag benefits him greatly due to his spammable smashes and how easily he racks up damage. Without lag, I don't see him being as difficult, but I have yet to play an Olimar that has a decent grasp of spacing and camping in person.

As it is, Atma might suck with every other character, but he at least knows how to camp, which is a skill regardless of how frustrating it might be to play against.

What? I don't even think I have your friend code. I apologize but I can't even remember when we even exchanged friend codes. I'll PM you after this post.

And yes. Atma knows how to camp. My Olimar beats his though and I don't even know how to use Olimar. :3

What? I don't even think I have your friend code. I apologize but I can't even remember when we even exchanged friend codes. I'll PM you after this post.

And yes. Atma knows how to camp. My Olimar beats his though and I don't even know how to use Olimar. :3

hey its gotten better

you didnt 2 stock me once today and i beat you twice out of like 10 (and i 2 stocked once :o)

also i dont suck with snake


i thought this was interesting, i was trying out dedede just for fun. I was on FD with items off. I started throwing a whole bunch of waddle dees, but on the last throw an item came out and a smash ball appeared. Are there any other examples of characters being able to create items?

i thought this was interesting, i was trying out dedede just for fun. I was on FD with items off. I started throwing a whole bunch of waddle dees, but on the last throw an item came out and a smash ball appeared. Are there any other examples of characters being able to create items?

you dont know how to turn items off apparently



It's called a Pity Final Smash, and yes, they were intentionally put into the game to help stragglers catch up. It was posted on the official SSBB site in December here.


I need to figure out what the heck is wrong with my internet connection. :(

My Wi-Fi seems very unhappy, though my computer (connected via a CAT-6 cable) seems to be just fine in terms of ping with a lot of online apps.

I think it's time for a new router, or all the torrenting college kids to get out of my town.

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