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OCR00911 - Streets of Rage 2 "Go Back"


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I think you did a great job sequencing this one, like DJP said, this sounds like the OST redone with nice sounds, but why is it so distorted and choppy in parts? Was that how it was intended? There is a lot of clipping, and sounds a bit like when my computer can't handle a big arcade ROM and the music starts to cut out. It's a bit distracting, but everything else is great! A definately worthy SOR2 remix, and would be top notch if the distortion problem was fixed.

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No point in denying I'm a fan of the series: for Blaze, beating countless people senseless(ain't it great?) and finally, but most important, the music. This song to me seemed to be a good one to follow SID of Rage and it is (try it). Good use of sirens and all the sounds. It came together very nicely. I say enjoy this song and don't stray away from his others, new stuff is good.


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What is it that makes the Little Richard "wooyeah" sampled so much? Not to say it's bad. It's just wierd that of all the sounds in the world that particular sample shows up all the time. Anyway, good remix. High energy fun! I luv pretty much all the synths. Only thing is the ending. That last chord never gets resolved. And that makes me a sad panda. Other than that all I have to say about this remix is "WOO Woo woo" "YEAH!"

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Let's go back. Way back into time.

The piano, the lead, and the standard, but necessary eighties vocal samples, help take this piece back to the eighties dance mix era.

I haven't played this game, nor have I heard the original music, but I love the drive of this remix (despite its distorted sound).


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"Streets of Rage 2" is my favourite game soundtrack by far, so it's always hard for me to listen to a ReMix that holds up to the original.

And I have to be honest, no SoR2 ReMix has impressed me enough to keep it :(

Yes, I am very biast. But I felt there wasn't enough that was improving upon the original. Sorry, bro.

Keep up the ReMixes, though. Obviously, people are enjoying your work.

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Does this remix, in the beginning anyways, remind anyone of Bomberman Hero's/64's soundtrack? I don't know why, but when I downladed this and it started playing, I had to make sure it was an SoR2 ReMix....But this mix is incredible nonetheless. Keep it up Gecko!

mainva | aptigo | JTD out

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Not bad, it's alright. There's actually not much to compare this to on the net, cause no one's attempted to remix the 1st stage of SOR2. So i'd have to say it's a good job, BUT for personal taste i do rather have the hardrock mix version (for those of you who know SOR2 the game very well, there's an alternate version of 1st stage music in the Soundtest screen!), it's got much harder drumbeats and bass was emphasized, even on the ol' Genesis sound chip, it WAS ROCKIN!

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Loud, overbearing, and still somewhat fun. The instrument (whatever it is.. my ignorant self has no clue) that comes on at the beginning is blaring and annoying, but the rest of the song as a variety of well done instruments that paint a nice picture for the original. The best parts are undeniably the vocals, which for once at a tremendous amount to the feel of the song without drowning out the other elements. 4/8

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sor tracks are very difficult to remix since they are pretty intense already. i think gecko pulled it off very well, maintaining the feel yet still putting in some new stuff. i doubt it could have strayed further from the original, cause its already a lot. in my opinion, sor2 is very difficult to mix, and for gecko, he has produced yet another winner.

(wow mustin ur tough heh ;))

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Gecko Yamori, huh? I never listened an remix from this guy. But I know this dude in some place...

That's the first stage theme from sor2. And sorry, but it is very seemed with the original song. Except in some concepts, instruments, etc. But I'm pretty sure I liked it a lot. Enough changes to keep it interesting the whole way through. Good stuff.

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