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I have been reflecting recently on my gaming library and I have to say, I have had more than my share of bad game purchases.

So let's see those list of bad games and what your mindset was when you purchased them.

99 Nights <- Hot chick on the cover, always a good choice

DOAX2<- Again, hot chicks

Wangan Midnight<- Liked the arcade version

Devil May Cry 2<- I was really drunk and stupid

Pokemon Trozei<- You DO have to catch them all...

Need For Speed: Prostreet<- Again, drunk and stupid

Tony Hawk's Proving Ground<- I thought it might be like THUG http://epicgaming.us/?p=69


Harry Potter: OoTP --> EA was throwing out truckloads of free games at Siggraph. I got "lucky."

Ninety-Nine Nights --> I don't know why I expected this to be good.

Devil May Cry 2 --> I had 1 & 3 and my compulsive collector inside took over.

Family Guy Game --> I was blinded by love for the show.

DOA Xtreme 2 --> I'd enjoyed the mellow fun of the first one so much. It didn't carry over.


South Park Rally (PS1) - I paid $55 for this.

Final Fantasy Origins (PS1) - The biggest additions were completely redundant FMVs and loading times.

Soldier of Fortune (DC) - Again, loading times galore. Not sure why I got this when my PC could handle the game just fine.

Sega Rally 2 (DC) - Should've gotten Daytona 2 or PGR.

Lineage 2 (PC) - Grind, look at some boobs, grind some more.

Metroid Prime 2 (GC) - Maybe not a terrible game, but I spent about 1 hour with it and never touched it again.


Animal Crossing

Bought it used at Blockbuster, went home, played it for 2 hours, went back and returned it. The guy gave me a full refund and was like "I knew you'd be back with it".

Mario Kart - Double Dash

Played it, beat it, hated the AI, multiplayer sucked, got bored with it in two weeks and traded it at GameStop. The guy there said a lot of people had come to trade it.

That's about the only two purchases I ever regretted. I recently bought Endless Ocean for the Wii and thought I'd regret it but fortunately after playing it for a good while I got really into it.

Animal Crossing

Bought it used at Blockbuster, went home, played it for 2 hours, went back and returned it. The guy gave me a full refund and was like "I knew you'd be back with it".

Mario Kart - Double Dash

Played it, beat it, hated the AI, multiplayer sucked, got bored with it in two weeks and traded it at GameStop. The guy there said a lot of people had come to trade it.

That's about the only two purchases I ever regretted. I recently bought Endless Ocean for the Wii and thought I'd regret it but fortunately after playing it for a good while I got really into it.

8-O Wow. I agree with your second paragraph though.

I'd say the worst purchase I've made in the past five years is Sonic Heroes. It was only 20 bucks when I bought it, but I found out why pretty fast.

Haven't bought anything bad on the Wii yet, but I'm considering buying a crappy fishing game once the prices come down a little more.

Mario Kart - Double Dash

Played it, beat it, hated the AI, multiplayer sucked, got bored with it in two weeks and traded it at GameStop. The guy there said a lot of people had come to trade it.

Quoted to save me time. Also:

Starfox Adventures: A Starfox game made by Rare? How the fuck could that go wrong. Should have seen it coming after DK64 though to be honest.

Mario Sunshine: Mario 64 wit a crappy waterpack, fewer levels, less variety, and crappy level design with exploration (something I loved about Mario 64) on par with searching through my lunch bag for a sammich. What ever happened to being able to do Shines (or Stars) in whatever order I want, without being guided by the hand to them?

Resident Evil 4: I loved every RE before this except for 0, so why wouldn't I buy an RE with new controls and a better aiming system? Well, I hate the aiming system since the laser sight only shows up on things you can shoot, making it incredibly difficult to shoot anything until it's right on top of you. The inability to move and shoot also annoys me. It's pretty much the same old RE controls with a different aiming system, which like I said, annoys the hell out of me. If I actually liked the aiming I might not hate it so much. Toss in a crappy story, with lackluster villains and boring monster design and I hate it all the more. But the worst part of all was that it was waaayyy to long. The original RE's had the formula right; have the experience last a few hours so the player doesn't get bored. Now we were stuck fighting wave after wave of enemies for about 20 hours. That was the whole game. How did they change it up? Now the enemies have shields and helmets. Brilliant. I actually enjoyed the game for the first 3 or 4 hours and was willing to overlook the flaws in the combat system, but by the tenth hour I never wanted to see the game again. The only reason I ever beat it was because I wanted to see if it ever changed things up a bit and because if I didn't I knew no one would ever take my opinion on the game seriously. It didn't change things up though, and I'll probably never touch the game again.

Aside from those I like all of my other games.

Mario Sunshine: Mario 64 wit a crappy waterpack, fewer levels, less variety, and crappy level design with exploration (something I loved about Mario 64) on par with searching through my lunch bag for a sammich. What ever happened to being able to do Shines (or Stars) in whatever order I want, without being guided by the hand to them?

Are you sure you played Mario 64? You've always had to collect a specific star in order to unlock the next mission. The exploration is supposed to be in the optional quests. Still, with that said, I didn't like Mario Sunshine too much either.

The only reason I ever beat it was because I wanted to see if it ever changed things up a bit and because if I didn't I knew no one would ever take my opinion on the game seriously.

No offense, but I think the fact that you hate RE4 means that no one will take your opinion seriously anyway. :P I don't really have anything to say about the monsters and villains since I usually don't care about them, but I have no idea what you're talking about with the aiming. There is big red laser line that tells you where you are pointing, regardless of whether you can shoot it or not. Also the new over-the-shoulder perspective and movement system were vast, vast improvements in my opinion.


NiGHTS: Journey into Dreams. I couldn't get into it. I bought it because of all the hype surrounding the original game I've heard over the years. It was okay, but in the end I wasn't interested and just traded it in 2 weeks later.

Donkey Kong Barrel Blast. Shut up, I was desperate. Don't laugh.

Rayman 2 Revolution. A port from the DreamCast to PS2 that was originally a port from the N64 to the Dreamcast. The game feels slow and unnatural, the voices are terrible and you can barely hear them, and overall the game's pace is unbearable.

Megaman X: Command Mission. Maaaaan, I traded in games for this, which made it even worse. A bare-bones RPG with little in the way of side quests or exploration (save a few cheap-ass bosses), horrible VAs and story. In othewr words, par for the course for an X game. The battle system was okay, at least.


Hey You, Pikachu -> I thought maybe my sister would like it ...?

Road Rash 64 -> I loved the Genesis ones so much. It really doesn't seem that hard to make a good version of this game.

Wrestlemania X8 -> I hadn't played a wrestling game in a while (since No Mercy and the 2000 iteration), and I had an urge. Little did I know this was nothing like those games.

Nanostray -> I'm sure this was a great game, but I couldn't beat the first level so I couldn't tell you.

These are just some of the most memorable misfires. Maybe I'll have some more after a few more posts.

Metroid Prime 2 (GC) - Maybe not a terrible game, but I spent about 1 hour with it and never touched it again.


As for me, just one comes to mind:

UNLIMITED SaGa - SaGa Frontier was an excellent game; this is a new SaGa game -> this should be an excellent game, right?

I tried hard to like this game, hoo boy, I tried. But after ten hours of non-stop reels, I just couldn't take it any more. Absolute worst purchase I have ever made, as I bought it at the full $50, and most likely the worst I will ever make.

I rented unlimited saga, played it for 20 minutes, and then just bought the artbook instead. Much better idea, IMO.

Would've been an even better idea to get the soundtrack. Beautiful stuff.

Edit: Never mind, I was thinking Romancing Saga. That game wasn't nearly as bad.


Arc the Lad Collection - I figured, hey, I pretty much like every tactics game I've ever played, this was the first one on PS1, and I get all three in the series! How can I go wrong? Oh, yeah, the developers forgot to program in any FUN.

Eternal Sonata - Previews and reviews made it out be the first great 360 JRPG, but apparently they were using a special scale that applies only to retarded six year olds. While pretty and nice to listen to, the repetitive, unchallenging battle system and lack of any coherent story made it a chore to play through.

Resident Evil 4: I loved every RE before this except for 0, so why wouldn't I buy an RE with new controls and a better aiming system? Well, I hate the aiming system since the laser sight only shows up on things you can shoot, making it incredibly difficult to shoot anything until it's right on top of you. The inability to move and shoot also annoys me. It's pretty much the same old RE controls with a different aiming system, which like I said, annoys the hell out of me. If I actually liked the aiming I might not hate it so much. Toss in a crappy story, with lackluster villains and boring monster design and I hate it all the more. But the worst part of all was that it was waaayyy to long. The original RE's had the formula right; have the experience last a few hours so the player doesn't get bored. Now we were stuck fighting wave after wave of enemies for about 20 hours. That was the whole game. How did they change it up? Now the enemies have shields and helmets. Brilliant. I actually enjoyed the game for the first 3 or 4 hours and was willing to overlook the flaws in the combat system, but by the tenth hour I never wanted to see the game again. The only reason I ever beat it was because I wanted to see if it ever changed things up a bit and because if I didn't I knew no one would ever take my opinion on the game seriously. It didn't change things up though, and I'll probably never touch the game again.

To each his own, I guess.:?

So to add to the list...Red Steel.


Sonic Adventure DX. Half-assed port of a mediocre platformer? SIGN ME UP! I don't know why I bought this game. I don't even really like Sonic.

Metroid Prime 2 and 3. These are probably the only two highly-reviewed games that I can't stand. It wasn't so much the gameplay I didn't like, but the mood the two games presented just couldn't match the awesome vibe that Prime 1 gave off in every environment you step foot into. Also the scan visor in Prime 2 pissed me off. Why they thought having the entire room emanate a disgustingly bright multicolored glow would be better than the simple icons presented in Prime is beyond me.

Viewtiful Joe. Eh, just didn't click. So it's a side-scroller and you can speed up/slow down time. Yay?


Yoshi Topsy Turvy. That was terrible even for a Yoshi game. There were no redeeming factors in that game. I bought it because I really liked Yoshi Touch & Go. Even though that game was short as all fuck, it was still a lot of fun for me.

Sonic Adventure DX. Half-assed port of a mediocre platformer? SIGN ME UP! I don't know why I bought this game. I don't even really like Sonic.

Metroid Prime 2 and 3. These are probably the only two highly-reviewed games that I can't stand. It wasn't so much the gameplay I didn't like, but the mood the two games presented just couldn't match the awesome vibe that Prime 1 gave off in every environment you step foot into. Also the scan visor in Prime 2 pissed me off. Why they thought having the entire room emanate a disgustingly bright multicolored glow would be better than the simple icons presented in Prime is beyond me.

Viewtiful Joe. Eh, just didn't click. So it's a side-scroller and you can speed up/slow down time. Yay?

Oh my god! GASP.


Ha, all you suckers traded Double Dash in? I sold my copy on ebay months after launch for $40.

I have DMC 2 in my collection too, but I haven't got to play it yet (I bought the DMC 1 - 3 collection a while back). Other than that, I have a sealed copy of Eragon that I bought for $10...still haven't opened it up to play it yet. I need to stop buying shitty games for cheap :sad: .

Edit: Wow, some of you are crazy.


Mark Ecko's Getting Up --> It's a cheap used copy, but I have no idea what I was thinking. It actually wasn't too bad if you turned on a bunch of cheats so you didn't have to deal with the horrendous gameplay. The vibe and cutscenes were still pretty cool if you just cheated your way out of playing the game. Still, probably not worth the money.

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