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Donkey Kong Country 2: Serious Monkey Business - History

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Mmm. A collab with Virt sounds like aural sex topped with whipped cream. Er. He probably wouldn't want to collab with me though. :)!! It would be nice if it said in the first post what software the collab requesters are using, and whether they care what software the other guy uses.


Oh, such awesome news!

I'm up to my elbows in DKC projects already, but I've been dying to create something for a ReMix project. I'll put my effort into Cranky's Conga and see what I can come up with.

Are we going to be aiming for smooth transitions, or completely standalone tracks?


Steel Drum Rhumba is that one track that only plays once you hit halfway through Screech's Sprint, right? Talk about an underrated track, hooooooooooly shit. I wish I knew a thing or two about making music, because I would pick that one in a heartbeat.


Aninymouse, you're thinking of Bad Bird Rag... and yeah, that track deserves some lovin'. I look forward to hearing Mazedude's take on it.


Comeon, anytime I think of Donkey Kong Country 2, I immediately think of the music that Diddy raps when he beats a stage.

Someone should totally do it.

Aninymouse, you're thinking of Bad Bird Rag... and yeah, that track deserves some lovin'. I look forward to hearing Mazedude's take on it.

My interest in this rogue project has been FIRMLY cemented. Honestly... it's Mazedude. This man is prolific.

Also, this project is coming together alarmingly fast. I mean, I knew everyone on OCR (just about) wanted a DKC2 project, but honestly I was never sure it would ever happen. AND ESPECIALLY with all the bajillions of site projects that we have already!

This makes me happy.

I think my sig is kinda full, otherwise the banner for this would go in there, definitely.

EDIT: I suppose it would be a bit odd to PM somebody and beg them to do like a bonus room theme.

Your mockery of bonus room themes makes me sad. :sad:

Looking forward to seeing what mixes will come out of this project. Heck, I might even try my hand at a mix; I should probably get on that so I don't get stuck with Lost World Anthem again (like I did on OLR's project). :wink:

Your mockery of bonus room themes makes me sad. :sad:

Looking forward to seeing what mixes will come out of this project. Heck, I might even try my hand at a mix; I should probably get on that so I don't get stuck with Lost World Anthem again (like I did on OLR's project). :wink:

Lost World Anthem is godlike! one of the best songs on the soundtrack! IGNORANCE IS NOT TOLERATED!

Your mockery of bonus room themes makes me sad. :sad:

Looking forward to seeing what mixes will come out of this project. Heck, I might even try my hand at a mix; I should probably get on that so I don't get stuck with Lost World Anthem again (like I did on OLR's project). :wink:

To your credit, I loved One Zero One. Where you been?

Can't believe no one has taken "disco train" yet. I'll see if I can get a little wip in soon.

SnappleMan had it but he's busy atm with his Contra 4 project.

And people, just because someone is making a wip doesn't mean you can't start one either - there's no guarantees that we'll approve a person's wip of a track.

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