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OCR01688 - Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening "Forest of Hysteria"


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Some really creative sound usage and processing here. A real dirty texture throughout the song that I fancy. The arrangement is pretty nice, maybe not one that take many unexpected turns and switching up a lot but still enough to make it an arrangement. Though personally I would've liked some chord change-ups during the first half of the song because it gets stale quickly, but I can live with it.

The arpeggios are like gods gift to man and the section at halfway through is a nice break from what was becoming quite repetitive. Nice break into a more melodic section after that.

Overall good mix that, while it gets repetitive easily, is creative enough in the sound department to sit good with me. Nice.

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Very very interesting indeed... After reading the description, I was afraid I wasn't going to actually be able to recognize the song (it's been a while since I've heard the original). Been lookin' for a Mysterious Woods song that I like for a while (They're all Funky... which, while sensical, isn't my style really)

Anyway, Love the little work in of the song of awakening in the intro, it's REALLY hard to hear, but it's there :)

All in all, I like it :smile:.

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I have to admit, the last two minutes were a little tiring to my ear, because of how relentless it is. And obviously, it is very dirty. I can get why people wouldn't dig it, if you aren't into that style. But I don't understand the comments that this was an accident or that the noise isn't intentional, because I thought this was pretty cohesive and had a lot of creativity. (In fact, I'm not even sure why something being an accident is a criticism. Whether it sounds good is the real question.) I would've probably YESed it too.

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thank you dhsu :smile:

yes palpable you are definitly right. my expectations with this number was that around 50% would be able to take it. the next submission i have in the works won't be this experimental..

i've always had an odd style and people often tell me that it takes some time to get used to.. so im not surprised that some of you don't appreciate it as much as the other one. and this is also probably why i don't really bother - you see i wasn't expecting more than this. i'm very happy with the submission :smile:

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I really enjoy this remix, this crunchy chip style is one of my favorite genres. I'm glad the judges let this one go through, a lot of good original material - it's a delicate thing, to make sure something this style is not too grating, this remix pulls it off with polish. Chips, crunchy drums and real instruments are like, my favorite juxtaposition ever. Plus zelda. :mrgreen: It does go on for a long time but carries the energy throughout.

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sounds like it was done in FL in five minutes.

hehe :) well impulse tracker (dos) is a limited software, it hasn't been updated since 1998 ;) the schism clone that i use (windows) is almost identical, the only big difference is that it supports stereosamples .. there's no VST or effects in any kind involved and it took me 2 months of hard work to finish ..

well it can't appeal to everyone, as i stated before


oh and as a side note, reading the panels judgement the convo between zircon and BGC they use the word "drumloop".. just to remove possible misunderstandings i'll have to tell you that there are no "loops" involved, it's all programmed

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lol, I found this mix likeable. Yes, it was slightly repetitive, but that delayed, bitcrushed synth used in the soprano is friggin kickass. Love it! Very reminiscent of the old tune...and to be honest, I think the repetitiveness partially has to do with my nostalgia. Maybe I would have liked it if the bass was panned every now and then because it started to eat away at the centre of my head (whatever tha means) after awhile. Creative, new, glad it made it through. =p

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This is great, though I'm VERY surprised this made it up on OCR (though I'm glad it did otherwise I probably wouldn't have it).

With all the shit I've gotten about drums in the past, that's why I'm surprised this passed.

That said, I love this track. The drums are awesome and I wouldn't change them (I guess that's my style!). Link's Awakening is one of my all-time favourite games (and the best Zelda game - all you OoT lovers - suck my balls), and I have to say that I feel this really does the game for great justice.

Love the lo-fi. The effects are well-timed and well-spaced. I'm impressed with the pacing on this track too. It builds where and when it needs to.

I'd love to hear a mix of the "Face Shrine" in this style! From a musician to a musician I know it's a bitch to get requests sometimes but damn that'd be hot!

Keep it up!

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Awesome! I'm liking this remix a lot....true about 50% of the people I know would probably hate this remix, but how can you resist those distorted drums and the raw synths.

Pretty cool to me.

Good stuff, Platonist! :wink:

Can't wait to hear more from this guy.

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