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Ok, basically, this remix is mad sweetalicious. Saying anything lesser of it is a sin and you should die. Assuming I didn't appreciate it from the first time I hit play I think the part that caught me the most was the solo. Blew me away. I never really thought of doing what they did for a video game song let alone throwing things like that into the fray. I approve.


I actually love the original Terra's theme, so this song is like an added bonus to the pot. From the classical style intro to beautiful fiery licks on the distortion geet, this remix is definatly worth anyones time. The abrupt switch from 'classical' to heavy is brilliantly played out for a sense of drama and almost cinematic vibrance. The electric guitar is handled in such a way that an ignorant listener would swear that it was something from the great guitar gods. I don't know whether its the individual portions of the song, or the entire mix in general that sold it to me, but this is without a doubt one of my favorite remixes.


rolling stone magazine came out with a list of the 100 best guitarists recently, and my brother called me up to tell me about it:

<ME> really? the 100 best guitarists?

<HIM> yeah, all 100, i disagreed with a few here or there, but all the big names were on the list

<ME> which number was Ailsean?

<HIM> Ailsean? which band did he play for?

<ME> no band, he just does some awesome stuff on OCR

<HIM> i dont think he is on the list....

<ME> look again man, he has to be there

<HIM> i'm looking right now, the name 'Ailsean' doesnt appear anywhere

<ME> well, Ailsean must be an alias. when i find out his real name, i'm sure it will be on the list

so yeah, rolling stone is stupid. how could they leave out ailsean?


some people can draw out emotion with every note. he is one of them. I was listening to the "Time and Space" Cd the other day, and i accidently had it on repeat for the first track, but it didnt really matter, cause the first track was Scars Left By Time by Sean Stone & Dale North. I listened all night and i could listen to it now without losing interest in it. And dont get me started on "You're not Alone!" ...

  • 2 months later...

When I first came to OC Remix, this was the first thing recommended to me, and I'm sure the hell glad it was. This remix keeps the same mood as the original, and the guitar sounds great. It's the right tone (is that the right word?) for the piece IMO, and is one of those instuments that instill feelings. The trumpets at the beginning, while they sound a bit fake, I still beleive are good. And whatever synth it was at the beginning, it sounds good in the background during the intro. Later through it, the drums seem to take its place, and quite well. Altogether an awesome remix, and as an RPer (Role-Playing, fanfiction), I must say it help me to write quite a lot. Also a good listen any other time. ^_^;;

9.7/10, -.3 for the little fakeness of the trumpets.

  • 4 weeks later...

This is utterly insane. This is simply my favorite remix ever. There really is no better remix and if there was it would be one of Ailsean's. It is too bad that all remixes can't be this good. It is too bad that no other remix on this site even comes close to being as good. The only thing that any other remixer can do now is bow down. I honestly can't wait until Ailsean dishes out another. Amazing dude...... simply amazing.

  • 1 month later...

This is one of the best ReMixes. When I first heard it, I felt in Heaven! By the time I'm writing this, I'm listening to it... for second time in a row. This song is telling me: "Hello. Pleased to meet you. Now I'm one of YOUR songs; I'm part of you now, your new companion." Damn! It sounds sooooo pretty! It has electric guitar, violin, cello... need I ask for more?


I've been wondering around this site for a while hoping(silently) that I whould never have to comment on one of these works. Well looks I was wrong - djprezel & all other positive reveiws(I don't think there was I totally outright negative post) have already given enough aclaim to a true masterwork. I think this just might urge me into contributing some of my own works.(I think I'll have to listen to some of this sites offerings)

  • 2 weeks later...

I liked every part of this mix. The guitar was simply awesome, the beginning starts out kinda slow and then just builds, I felt an actual jolt when the guitar started in. It's so rare that a song can trigger a response like that. Great job!

  • 3 weeks later...

"Blorf" :vomit:

*Without reading every review for this track*

It would appear that I may be the only person who does not like this track. In fact, it drives me nuts. I can't stand it, and even less so when other people ooze praise about it. It may be somewhat well put together, but it's as gimmicky as the worst of the 80's Big-Wig-Metal. I hear it and think "Slaughter-winger-whitesnake-cinderella (and countless others)." Maybe I should just refer to it as Slingersnakerella?

We need to take steps forward with music, not backwards. "Retro" is something that should only be used in good taste. Not with a musical style, such as Hair-metal, which was never really that good to begin with.

If the artist wanted to do a "modern rock" remix, there are far better ways to go. By which I certainly do NOT mean that it should sound more like the corporately owned, and "force-fed to us" crap like Korn, Cradle of Filth, Staind, P.O.D., or any other band that sports an angry, over-privileged white-boy with dreadlocks.

Maybe the cheese-factor was intentional and meant as tongue-in-cheek humor. If that's the case, not only did he succeed, but most people are not smart enough to have caught on. In which case, I applaud your creativity, and ability to slip a joke past everyone.

I'm sure this review will get under some people's skin, especially those who worship the track, but guess what:

Get over it. You're entitled to love what I consider to be bad music, just as much as I'm entitled to hate what you consider to be good music... and vice versa


Why on earth did you mention KoRn when talking about Terra In Black? I mean, seriously.

You just said A sounds like B and C sounds like D so TiB is like Winger and I like writing with black ink and the time 8:37 scares the living piss out of me. Basically.

If I compared every orchestral ReMix to Bach, I'd be foolish.

By the way, if you grew up listening to 80s music, you'd know that TiB sounds absolutely nothing like it.

Why on earth did you mention KoRn when talking about Terra In Black? I mean, seriously.

You just said A sounds like B and C sounds like D so TiB is like Winger and I like writing with black ink and the time 8:37 scares the living piss out of me. Basically.

If I compared every orchestral ReMix to Bach, I'd be foolish.

By the way, if you grew up listening to 80s music, you'd know that TiB sounds absolutely nothing like it.

Umm... several things:

1. I mentioned Korn as what not to do when trying to give music a "modern rock" sound. You'd know that if you opened your eyes and actually read my post.

2. Lot's of high-end, dueling guitars... yeah, that's pretty 80's to most people I know.

3. Did you not see where I said "I'm sure this review will get under some people's skin, especially those who worship the track, but guess what:

Get over it. You're entitled to love what I consider to be bad music, just as much as I'm entitled to hate what you consider to be good music... and vice versa"

... so, um. Get over it.

4. It's my opinion and my review of the track. So please shut up. If you want to continue this, then take it to the General Discussion forum. Of course, it's not like I'd ever reply, considering how you're not going to change my opinion about it at all.

5. You're not sticking to the "review guidlines," and in order for me to defend my position, have provoked me to break them as well. Post whatever you like about me or my review, or how you disagree with my opinion. I will not be replying back. I accept the fact that you don't like my review, or that you don't think it was well founded. So what. Just move on, dude.

6. Is one "black mark" going to destroy this remix or the person who created it? Do you want to live in a world full of "yes men?" You can't get everyone to agree on any issue.

OK... It's been a long day, and I'm admittedly cranky. So now I'm just going to bed.

PS: Don't take any of that too personally,


:idea: You need to get laid.

I'm using this song as my Philosophy of Music discussion piece. It's deep on so many levels, and since most people in the class have never heard of Final Fantasy VI (and definately not Terra's Theme) it should be cool.

I think I'ma gonna compare it to the piano version just to show the way that a single melody can stay the same and yet change so much.

:idea: You need to get laid.

You're the one so avidly defending a remix of video game music, to the point of flaming other people about their sex lives.

I know where he's coming from. I feel that this mix is very solid and well-done, but its absurd amount of blind devotion makes it seem worse than it really is (I dislike FFVII for the same reason).

Even though I'm not crazy for this mix, I still admire its technical skill and enjoy listening to it. Well done, Ailsean!


This song relates nothing to 80's hair metal. I don't quite understand where that came from, but it's rather unrelated to this peice entirely. Andricon, you are making a gross generalization by saying that this sort of guitar sound, instantly equals 80's hair metal. Which is simply not true. This peice is a unique composition, and was orchestrated very well. I do not agree that he is deserving to be in the top 100 lists of guitarists, he isn't that skilled(well, it doesn't show on this track). He does deserve to get some recognition for his moderate ability to shred(although only momentarily). I do find this song compelling, but the review you posted was completely fabricated. Maybe if you try expanding your musical horizons, you will notice that not all music in a single genre, is under the same sub-genre. Hair-metal? No, my friend, not at all. Before you negatively review a song, please understand what you are writing about before-hand. Otherwise people will be offended, not only by harsh words, but by your blatant showing of ignorance.

Edit: It seems I was very repetative in this review.....Great.


Something about the interaction between the guitars and the synth makes me like this song: it's very soothing yet powerful. There's a slightly canned feel to the samples and a "Days of Our Lives" vibe going on in the beginning, but this does not detract from the way this sucked me in, and does not change the fact the composition was well thought out.

I have no emotional attachment to final fantasy 6 and had been exposed to all sorts of guitar remixes by the time I heard this (those two facts might make my take somewhat unique), and I think his newer stuff outshines this both in composition and production quality. That's no knock against this song at all: it's still really enjoyable. The highlight for me was after the bridge-like section, when the guitar canon returns at 2:12, but this time with the first guitar playing lower notes than before (adds some snarl that the song was just screaming for).

  • 1 month later...
  • 4 weeks later...

I love this remix!

I started by downloading all the tracks from FF7, and then from those tracks, chose the ones I liked and then downloaded remixes by the same artists.

I have never played FF6 and listened to this track before reading any reviews of it so I would like to think that I have a non-biased opinion of it.

From the moment I heard it I loved it and now it is probably my favourite piece of music of all time :P.

As to the heated argument between Andricon and sketch, I take sketches side whole-heartedly. How can you possibly not like this piece of music!?!?! My mum's a classical pianist - passed grade 8 before she was 10, and even she thinks it's not bad.

There's no cheese here my friend, it's your toes you're smelling!

  • 1 month later...

GREAT Stuff... I love it..

This was the first remix i heard from here.. so this site has become my main source for music... by the way since i heard this remix i've been learning to play guitar and synth. Great stuff man.... just awesome...

BUT! of course i do have A SINGLE crit.

the intro needs a LOT more depth... more instruments etc.. less synth strings.. maybe try using a real violin or some very good violin samples, and for the trumpet part back it up with some more variety in horns and string bass.

that would be awesome.. :)

I'm still a newbie to music, mainly im trying to improve my guitar and synth skills, so i have to compliment your awesome guitar playing, you are aeons ahead of me in music skills.

all in all i give this a 8/10.. with a little bit more bang added to the intro i think this could be even more awesome. :)

  • 2 weeks later...

I was frankly blown away by this one...it's one of the better FF-VI mixes out there, in my opinion. The intro is sublime, and the guitar that comes in is an inspired touch that elevates this mix to the next level of greatness. Highly, highly recommended for the FF fan!

  • 2 weeks later...

This mix's beginning always reminds me of a mix between winter and a soap opera. I love it. The guitar, when it first comes in, kicks total and complete ass. This is one of those "Play it a million times and never really get sick of it" songs.

*Plays it again*

Whoo! *air-guitars to it*


A beautiful song indeed. Every time I listen to it I can see myself playing the game and living the experience all over again.

It has an awsome intro and you just don't expect the guitars comming but when they do it blows you away.

I remember the first time I listened to it... the second the guitars came into play I just started to cry thinking to myself "THIS is the most beautiful song I've heard in my life".

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