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Wow. That's the only thing that comes to mind when hearing the guitar layering, and sound. I'd cut off my left hand to make a guitar sound that good.

Although, the rest of the composition could have sounded a little more 'real'. It would really have added that extra factor if the opening would have sounded a bit more orchestral than synthetic.

Overall though, I just can't get enough of that kick-ass guitar. Definately gonna listen to this over and over.

Rating: 8/10



When I first heard this song i loved it, and because of that it will always stay on my hard drive...but it did start to get a little old after a while. It just lacks that timeless ethereal feel of death on the snowfield, which to me will never get old. Overall nothing bad about it, but i have heard better.

  • 1 month later...

Overall this is a somewhat decent rendition of a classic and heartrending theme. I can still remember clearly the first time i watched those Magitek Armor suit/mechs clomping their way towards Narshe in all of their crappy SNES (but awesome back then) 3D'ish glory while Terra's theme crept into the intro music. Ooohh yeah, i had goosebumps. I was worried i'd never get to hear it again and would be doomed to resetting the SNES and going through the intro over and over - good thing that wasn't the case! Uematsu and his contemporaries were able to make magic out of simple midi'ish effects on a that 'ol consol. Before I even really comment on Terra in black, I have to point out that paying homage to that sort of music at all is quite awesome in itself. You're all Remix fans already of course, so there's no point in preaching to those who are already diggin all this though i guess ^.^ With all of that being said, I can't help but to agree with other's in that the guitar in this song was quite awesome. I'm trying the guitar myself a bit and well, seeing as how my main instrument is trombone, trying to hold down and pluck strings to make music anywhere NEAR as nice as that in Terra in Black is quite impossible for me at the moment. It's because of this that I am truely appreciative of the skill and emotion that went into laying out Terra's theme so well. Being a brass player however, i'm afraid i must also admit that the smarmy synth Trumpets utterly ruined the intro for me. It's because of this that i'm not really getting the total buzz of euphoria a lot of you are experiencing. I hate to say it, but i actually like that Death on the Snowfield remix more. Both however, are excellent remixes in their own right. Also, it just so happens i'm partial to the accoustic sound of Death on the Snowfield.

Note: Sorry this is so long. It's my first post and i've gotten quite carried away.

  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe it's because I'm a huge fan of electric guitar, but for whatever reason, I really, really like this one. Stop reading this and download this remix. It's that excellent.

  • 4 weeks later...

Do electric guitar solos get old when used through the entire duration of a song? This remix proves that it don't. There are several timbres of guitar going on that play off each other in this remix and it is truly amazing to listen to. Now if only someone could go back and remaster the synth parts.


This is a pretty old song, but I had to give my 2 cents. I came upon this song by accident. I was trying to get the FF7 ROBOVoice (my friend love funny stuff like it), and when I saw they had a torrent, I went "cool! I can get this song straight quick." I quickly realized that it was half of the entire repository, but I decided to keep on it. I waited until a song finished dling, and the first one was Terra in Black... to think I might've never heard this if it hadn't dled so quickly.

The way I describe this song is beautifully powerful. One of those songs you can close your eyes to and just feel the music. I haven't listened extensively (if at all) to the bands that Andricon compared this song to, but it really reminds me of is Trans-Siberian Orchestra, with teh soft instrumental going into electric guitar. Bravo, Ailsean. Now, to get my hands on a copy of FF6.


This site needs more great guitar remixes like this one. Dance beats and piano have their moments but nothing is like a well mixed guitar track. Actually I find that some of the background sounds lessen the incredible goodness of the guitar work. I especially think I'd like it a lot better if the theme for "The Young & the Restless" wasn't playing in the background for half the song. Still, it's one of the best FF mixes there is.

  • 4 weeks later...

Good stuff. Plenty of people in this thread were ridiculously fanboy about it, and plenty others were ridiculously anti-fanboy, but in the end it's good stuff. The trumpet patch in the beginning is almost painful holding notes, but it doesn't stick around for long, and it's neither the first nor last time I'll be hearing a shitty trumpet patch, so whatever. Also, those intro beat-keeping chimey/bell-like whatevers were indeed painful reminders of my mom watching CBS soaps when I was a kid, but ok, once the trumpet kicks in my pain is diverted away, and then they fade away entirely. FINALLY, we get to the Ailsean guitars, and all is right with the world. Awesomely 80s, he shreds about as well as I'll ever expect from someone not getting paid for their efforts... and I happen to LOVE 80s music, once all the long-hair, drag makeup, and fucktarded costumes are removed from the equation. So yeah, a few problems, a few awesome points, and some seriously over-shadowed work going on behind the guitars... and it adds up to a nice whole. Again, good stuff.

(Sorry to bring this back up, but since it's been bumped every other month for the past 3 years I figured you'd get over it...)

  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

This song remind me of Super Mario 64 a bit. Especially the part at 1:50. The guitar playing has a very nice sound to it. This could be called the best song on OC. But it depends on your personal tastes. For me, it's just a really good song deserving a 10, but the melodious parts want me to take off a half a point or so...

9.8/10 fireballs.

Honestly, this sounds like Steve Vai got a hold of a Final Fantasy song. Incredible work, solid arrangement, flawless execution.

well obviously the song is good, I'd even say great but this has nothing to do with Steve Vai man...

Since everything positive have already been said about this song, I'll say what I think could have used some improvement.

First of all, the drum sounds are not very good; it looks like the guy went for a true drum feel but didn't succeed very well. Maybe that's just my impression.

Second: the samples from the rhythm track aren't up to par either, but well that's a pretty old mix. I still love those "icy" glockenspiel things going on.

Third: I don't really like the guitar tone... too loud, too compressed and too chorused, but that's all too subjective.

Four: Nothing overly original about this song except he did away with the triplet march style and went for a 16th feel in place. Of course there's always the solo and the break after.

At 2:40, I don't really like what's going on with the guitar (beginning of the solo). In fact I don't like the first twenty seconds of it, but the rest is purely great. The slow break after the solo totally HAD to be there, there's no way around it so props for that.

Now I'm just reacting to people saying it's the best music ever. When I say I don't like something in this remix, it doesn't mean I think it's crap, it means I think it could have been better and therefore this is not a perfect, amazing, the best ever mix.

In terms of guitar playing, I can clearly see a distinction between Ailsean and known pros like Steve Vai or Joe Satriani or Mark Knopfler, whereas I think McVaffe's Drum'n Bass grooves or Blind's trance are up to par with the pro ones.

So to sum up, I have to say in all humility as a guitar player that I do not think I could have done something as good as Ailsean's work (cause we have to admit, he's got talent) with this ReMix, but I still don't think it's perfect.

  • 4 weeks later...

Honestly, this is one of the best pieces of music I have ever heard, even surpassing the original Terra's theme. Someone should go the the soon to be held, LA D Concert, go up to Nobuo and let him listen to this shit, and see how he reacts :D

The music creates such an atmosphere, like some people said, telling a story. Right from the start, I'm getting the impression of a Princess in a dark tower, trying to get out.


  • 1 month later...

What can I say? I just love a good metal ballad. The original song was wonderfully mood-setting and translates pretty well to this genre. I'm particularly impressed that this translated to non-overblown metal ballad - the whole thing reeks of pure emotion without me immediately getting the idea "oh, it's metal, angry metal". This has soul. I particularly like the soft, nearly acoustic ending. (By the way, for great effect, stick "Death on the Snowfield" after this one in the playlist. They go well together :) )

Though I kind of disagree with this being appropriate for the game... if they turned the game into a live-action movie, this might be appropriate for that.

In all, one of my favorite remixes of this tune.

  • 1 month later...

Golly, this song is just darn good. I've never liked metal b4, but this changed my view :)...so u gotta to know how good this song is. I told everyone that Terra is the best song to make remixes, and look, here u go, this remix is one of them! :P

  • 3 weeks later...

While being a newcomer to the site in any offical capacity, I have been listening to ReMixes here for over a year and a half and my collection is well over 5GB.

However, out of all the songs I have kept on my harddrive, there is only one that I not only learned how to play, being someone inclined to learn an instrument when I get bored enough, but it is also the most beautiful, soul ripping rendition of the otherwise overkilled Terra's theme that I could possibly imagine.

Not only does it do an immense justice to the original, I agree with Dj Pretzel when this is how the original should have been done, but it's also reminiscent, atleast personally, of the emotionally infused instrumentalism that one could expect to hear from a new age symphony.

Truly refreshing, and yet hard enough to run with any dog of the metal genre. I must admit, I have this song burnt onto about 7 cds and it's on every playist my winamp has.

A truly dynamic and wonderful masterpiece; mi complimenti.

  • 2 months later...

Man, I was going to write a long spiel on how great it was, but Osiris said everything that needed to be said!

I'm naturally thin-skinned, emotionally speaking. A lot of the time, it's a curse: the slightest hint of rejection, and I go into a funk for days. It has its good side, though: when I listen to music, I tend to pull a lot more emotional context out of it.

'Soul-ripping' doesn't begin to describe it.

One of the first times I heard this song, I was in a semi-permanent funk (running about five years). This song jolted me out of it for months (no mean feat). It felt like it was talking about me, like it was a way to be stronger.

The beginning felt like a boxer on the mat- somebody telling himself how weak and pathetic he is- somebody about to give up. Then, he decides that he can't. He has to keep going. He slowly gets up, to the awe of the crowd (who thought him beaten into total submission), and gets back into the fight. This time, he's beating the other guy back- he's so fired up that he goes above and beyond himself to knock his tormentor out. Then, standing there in the center of the ring, as the ref declares him the winner, he finds his confidence restored, and that as long as he perseveres, he can win any fight. He always had the strength to win, but as long as he doubted himself, he could never use it.

Sorry for rambling like this, but that emotion, that idea, resonates pretty deeply with me. It's a beautiful song, brimming with feeling, and it never leaves my computer/ipod/CD player.

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