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The intro reminds me of the lve theme from romeo+juliet.

i'll try not to hold that against you. :wink:

The lead patch at the beginning sounds like its from my roland jv1010. familiar. i dont particularly like the strange attack.

i'm about 2'30 in now, its pretty nice. i think it could use some 'verb.

i would have liked to hear the strings kind of build up more.

overall pretty good.


I haven't listened to the song yet, I just got it downloaded. By doing this, I hope to give you a true evaluation.

the intro is right on track so far

I love the guitar chords and tonal colors in the background

the piano tones in the melody is great

Brilliant workup to the main riffs.

nice pizzicato strings

nice drums. Real precise and they enhance the feel

the kick back into melodious part is nice, and again, great texturing with

the tones in the background.

The bass tones, in my opinion should sound a little more, shall I say, traditional. But they are still nice on the ears.

I would like to hear the final melody part done with a medium distorted guitar, not real noisy, but it would enhance the feel.

All in all, I think it was great. You made alot of great artistic decisions, I know, because I have the original on here. Your version made me wanna pick up my accoustic and learn the begining chord progression, I believe I wwould learn a little bit from playing it.

On a 1-5 scale, I give it a 4.7


goat eh? .. interesting. Start! <songplayed> there are some things i like about this.. Lovin' the vibe it puts out, I also like how the mood shifts so frequently throughout the song. however, This song is really sub-par to the rest because of Instrument quality for the most part, I really wish goat woulda' suped up the samples a bit more. There are some hints of emotion though, and they do bring the piece to life a bit.. but still, needs far more work in my eyes. sorry man.

0:01 - er.. whoa! .. you jump right in.. infact.. with the way this sounds, i wish you would've Slowed things down.. you moved to fast there. way to fast... Fast like a ninja! ..er.. sorry

0:10 - The quality of that..eh..flute-thingey? is sounding *VERY* bad.. and killing the mood for me, when it hits those quick-notes, it can't keep up.. and it sounds just plain nasty.

0:26 - Again, the quality of the instruments used immediately hits me, They could *really* use a huge upgrade. and i mean *REALLY* but the arrangement sounds fairly good here.

1:08 - Diggin' this work right here.. soundin' good.

1:28 - Much better quality here. everything sounds much better.

1:53 - Not bad, one can note the ammount of emotion that comes through at this section in the piece, it makes you smile and nod. because your like "yeah" ..

2:31 - The instrument quality has slipped down again to sub-par. They really spoil a big portion of the song for me :(

3:05 - And your repeating the same thing, mix it up, you add another instrument or so but it really doesn't do much to the overall picture.

3:26 - Um .. did my song cut out? ..3:30 right? .. wtf.. that ending was very odd, while i like what you ended on, you Rushed up to it, and whats worse, you didn't hold it off at all, you just let it drop.. don't let it drop man! NEVER let it drop! .. :( needs a *lot* more work in my opinion.


Heh..I was expecting more from Goat...It sounded a little bleh...but WAIT! getting heavyer I hear?! now THATS goat! When the rock kicks in, Its awsome. Nice drum beat, makes you want to save the world or something. Omg..The ending cut off WAY too fast!! You should have let that last note fade out.....cause the ending was awsome...Oh well.. Keep those SOLID ROCKIN beats comming our way!



i rarely write reviews here... but i think this one needs it...

ok.. first off... WHY IS EVERYTHING SO DRY!??@%%

:( :( :(

the intro is terrible, in my honest opinion... i mean seriously... gah.

what the hell is that horrible flute sounding thing? wow. yuck. and that guitar is just sorta there. it sounds SO quantized and lifeless. every note is the EXACT same volume. play with the velocities or something man.

same thing with that piano. SOOO DRY and lifeless. use some reverb! play with the velocities!

the backing strings work pretty well, although at some parts they are kinda overpowering.

that harp at 1:02 is blah also. once again. reverb plz!

1:14 ... now we're talkin... but that harp is still killing it for me.

1:25 now we're really moving... but still... the harp... gyah....... those drum samples could have also used a tad of reverb.

then at 1:51 it really kicks ass. the synth there ain't the greatest, but it actually works pretty well for this bit here. the strings backing the song work great.

at 2:35 you bring in another synth... it doesn't sound TERRIBLE... but it could have used some EQ (some of the notes just dont sit right with me for some reason)

and the ending... wtf? no wait... no yeah. wtf?

the ending would have been perfect if you held onto it for a whole measure and THEN dropped it or something.

ok... so here are my suggestions:

A) Reverb!!!11111 It sounds SOOOO FREAKIN DRY MAN.

B) Play with the velocities on the guitar and the piano. make it flow better if you know what i mean. it sounds like it's being played on a really cheesey non touch sensitive midi keyboard or something.

C) find some not so GM sounding percussion samples... these aren't terrible, but there are tons of free ones out there that are a lot better, so there's really no excuse.

D) EQ and mastering skills are your friend.

E) Being able to end a song is your friend.

nothing personal, but i just feel like this song could be 10x better with a little more work.


I was initially surprised when I saw this song of mine pop up on the judge's list, because I had asked for one of those heavy guitar ones on here to be judged in place of it (which happened, but then this one came through too). I'm glad though because the constructive criticism here tends to be excellent.

I'd appreciate any feedback on how to incorporate samples that are external to one's built in synth samples (I'll go check one of the forums), because I did feel a bit limited when choosing instruments for this. To people expecting crunchy guitar...sorry, this was made before the guitar ones (before I sponged the mold off my axe), and I won't leave real guitar out again (unless I raise my sample/sample-mixing level to kick-@ss).


I'm liking this. Sure the sample quality in parts could be a bit better, but it doesn't ruin the overall enjoyment of the song for me. Plus its not at all what I expected to hear when downloading a song by goat. :D


I think I remember hearing this in the WIP forums long ago? I don't go there anymore, but I used to and I remember you and Russell talking about the "Sudden Loss" from Ninja Gaiden. I think your take may be more accurate towards what they were going for in the game (rock). I still like Russell's sort as well though.

But yea, interesting song. Not my favorite amongst your others, but it shows a good progression. I too once submitted remixes more like this onee but then turned to the guitar.

This is a great, GREAT powerful song!

I just wish I remembered when it plays exactly in the game...

They talked about that in the review thread for Russell's version. Actually, more like argued. Anyways, it was from the end of the game. If you made it past all the nail-biting and hair pulling of having to start over on the three segments of the last board if you died against Ken Hayabusa or the Jacquio or that Alien thing, then you would hear this music. Not exactly an easy task.

The intro reminds me of the lve theme from romeo+juliet.

Yes, the two are quite the same. You often have to wonder if the composer of Ninja Gaiden borrowed it or honestly thought of it himself (because of course there is some variation). But then again, it sort of is a love song about Ryu and Irene, so take it as you may.


the first 1'01 of the song sounds remarkably like the theme from john woo's 'the killer'. don't know if this was intentional... but it definitely has that cheesy '80s chinese-pop feel to it. which isn't entirely out of place...

it isn't the worst thing i've ever heard on OC, and it's a welcome change from the thrubba-thrubba house mixes...

kudos on tackling a classic.


Not bad...yet again, goat makes a damn good mix. Although it wasn't nearly as guitar-oriented as most of his stuff is (And as anyone who knows me at all knows, I'm a HUGE fan of guitar-oriented ReMixes), it was still pretty fucking cool. And I've been wanting another Ninja Gaiden ReMix for a while. Actually...I might just get around to that black metal Ninja Gaiden II remix I've had in the back of my mind for a while...


They talked about that in the review thread for Russell's version. Actually, more like argued. Anyways, it was from the end of the game. If you made it past all the nail-biting and hair pulling of having to start over on the three segments of the last board if you died against Ken Hayabusa or the Jacquio or that Alien thing, then you would hear this music. Not exactly an easy task.

hellya! i think only twice in my lifetime have i ever made it passed all these parts without getting sent back!!! The tough part is when u beat the possessed Ken and then u fight the superJaquio, but they take away whatever special weapon you had after beating Ken.... Anyways, this tune is exactly from the cinema where Ken dies after blocking a shot intended for Ryu, then he dies in Ryu's arm's. Still one of the best stories ever in a video game series, part 2 is good too :)

onto the mix, this is a totally cool take on the theme. it's super hard not to compare to the other mix of the same tune called "Death of a Legend" by Russell is it? (sorry if i got the name wrong...). but for me, i just see it as rock version vs. classical version. both evoke different emotions. Although there is a part in Goat's version that seems to be made up....after the thunder sfx? Anyways, glad u kept workin on this mix so that it'd see the light of day on OCR! way2go!

  • 4 months later...
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  • 2 years later...

Definitely carried by the arrangement here, as most of the samples were really rigidly sequenced and exposed. It all significantly limits the very tangible emotion of the writing. Chris could get this one sounding twice as good nowadays, and I don't even mean just by having a real guitar. Just based off this one though, I can't wait to see goat eventually tackle more from the Ninja Gaiden series.

  • 1 year later...

This is pretty weaksauce compared to other Goatly tracks, held back by poor samples that are poorly used.

The arrangement itself is really hot, and if it had some feeling behind it, it could really shine. Scaredsim or Sixto both have reputations for taking good arrangements and making them really come alive. Maybe they should collab and save this one. :-) Or better yet, even Goat himself could update this one.

Bottom line: great arrangement poorly done.

  • 1 year later...

Interesting intro here. I'm not feeling the midi sounds here. The piano is very mechanical. The strings are much nicer in comparison. The introduction of the rock elements definitely helps. The strings sound better when they're not so exposed. I like to hear goat trying to expand his style a bit, and I'm a sucker for orchestral fusion with rock, so I love the effort! This track would be EPIC with a modern production flair to it. The drums, while they sound better than the previous mixes, just feel out of place. Throw some reverb on those bad boys to make it sound like they're being played with the orchestra. There is some bad clipping in the low end with the kick drum. All in all, not the best from goat, but I love to hear him stepping out of his comfort zone and I hope he tries this again!

  • 1 month later...

I don't think my ears are keen enough to notice all but the most heinous of poor quality samples used, especially when it comes to submissions from the site's early years. Held to the standards of then (as opposed to now, I like this. Alot of what was posted in those days reminds me not so much of professional, polished video game music remixed, but...like, video game music enhanced. This qualifies, and still deserves its space on the server :D

  • Liontamer changed the title to OCR00934 - Ninja Gaiden "Sudden Loss"

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