Toadofsky Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 While I use to feel the way the poster of this thread, I don't anymore. I have to agreee with Nekkofrog adn Sir Nuts (like the sig Sir Nuts), gamers today may not know of the classics we played, but those games are dated and used the best of what they could back then. So if those kids were never exposed to games like that before playing games today that are structured 50 times larger with more features and overall better, how can you blame them? I don't, heck, they're just enjoying one of the biggest money/time wasters we have. Yeah, I know what you're gonna say, games today are nowhere near as good as what we played, QUIT looking through a false lens. Look at the games today with no preconceived opinions or thoughts from any other game, or "EXPERT" critic, or rabid fanboy, and you may just enjoy these games today. Somehow I feel I've gone too far off topic, haven't I? And by the way Coop, AMEN!!! Quote
anosou Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 This is a terrible thread. You've dishonored all the threads exactly like this that came before you, as well as the art of posting itself. You should be ashamed. QFE and for the lulz. Just play Final Fight or something sucky yourself OP, and stop hating on our gaming Quote
BluefoxIcy Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 If you ask me, I would definitely say that today's kids are jilted. Unless you're talking GTA, Smash Brothers, or some well-marketed, A+ graphic video games, these kids don't "know wussup". blahblahblah Today's games suck. They push graphics above all else. Someone said their kid wanted guitar hero and wanted it on xbox because xbox has better graphics than Wii; I told him Wii has more fun games than Xbox, since even the shitty games are fun and they're not all Call of Duty or Halo (FPSBox 360). Today's music sucks too. All these kids have iPods full of classic rock. Anyone who has good music from today is listening to either a cover band (like video game bands) or some band you've never heard of. If they're listening to Brittney or Spice Girls (okay that's yesterday, but still in my life time) they're NOT listening to anything good. I remember growing up the major topic in music was always some band sucks... Movies suck today but I love Marvell Studios. Thank God for someone not releasing constant crackhead garbage. Quote
Salluz Posted May 2, 2008 Author Posted May 2, 2008 I agree with what The Coop said. Oh, and Dhsu, you have completely lost my respect. You may not value me, but believe me, that isn't a good thing, considering that I normally have a respectful and positive attitude. Quote
Sir_NutS Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 I agree with what The Coop said. Oh, and Dhsu, you have completely lost my respect. You may not value me, but believe me, that isn't a good thing, considering that I normally have a respectful and positive attitude. No offense ghetto but if I remember correctly (I don't participate in the forums as much as I used to a few years ago) most of your posts were pretty ignorant and stupid, like this one. Simply put, today's games are as good as games back then. You missed chrono trigger, but chrono trigger is one of the best RPGs ever made, just as how now GTA IV is one of the most inmersive, open ended games ever made, or how Guitar Hero/Rock band/Wii sports are a revolution in gaming comparable to what the NES was. There are many more innovative and incredible games that came last generation and that we're still getting: katamari damacy, shadow of the colossus, okami, portal, etc. Games being more garbage now? hardly. Obviously you didn't own an atari, or a nes, or a master system, or a super nes, or any other console ever made hell, you didn't even set foot in an arcade room it seems; as every console in gaming history has an incredible ratio of bad to good games, bad being the obvious majority. Again, the Original post is just the ramblings of an ignorant person that has nothing better to do, and I've seen this post again and again, specially in teenage nerd-angst ridden forums such as gamefaqs. Not worth your time Dhsu, or any of ours. Quote
Dhsu Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 I agree with what The Coop said. Oh, and Dhsu, you have completely lost my respect. You may not value me, but believe me, that isn't a good thing, considering that I normally have a respectful and positive attitude. :cry: :cry: Believe it or not, I don't usually act this way either. The only other person I've treated like this is BlueFoxIcy, so I think that kind of gives you an idea as to the quality of your posts. Quote
Imagist Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 Today's music sucks too. All these kids have iPods full of classic rock. Anyone who has good music from today is listening to either a cover band (like video game bands) or some band you've never heard of. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha oh god give me a minute I need to clean the milk off my keyboard now Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 I don't see what's wrong with this generation in terms of stuff being cranked out. As everyone has said, there have been bad games up the arse in every single generation. If anything though, I expect more in terms of gameplay, A.I., level design, and the like, given the power of the current consoles as well as looking back on what we've already managed to achieve in gaming thus far, and I think we're getting that in a bunch of different games. This is a good generation for gaming. Also, more games with dinosaurs. And Islanders riding them. Fuck, could we please just have another Adventure Island? And Soul Blazer and Illusion of Gaia? Those were fun games. Quote
JCvgluvr Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 My take on this is that the same ratio of bad > good games exists now as it did back in "the day". However, I've been somewhat troubled as of late. What I've noticed, is now that I am approaching Adulthood (gonna be 20 in June), I've lost my child-like wonder. That + games = nostalgia. I've realized that its practically impossible for me to ever produce nostalgia for a modern game. I'm older, wiser, more jaded, and more skilled now then I was back when I was playing Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis. Those games made me what I am today. I'm pretty sure games will never give me that warm feeling ever again... Its somewhat depressing. But good games are still out there. Off topic: The TC is the one who should be blamed for all of the animosity in this thread. Quote
The wingless Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 Jesus Tittyfucking Christ. Why did I donate money to a site with threads like this, weaving their dank latticework of shit through the alabaster halls of the internet? I hope all the bad things that happen in life, happen to you, and you alone Quote
BluefoxIcy Posted May 2, 2008 Posted May 2, 2008 I miss PONG..... I'll get the plastic cups set up. Quote
prophetik music Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 I'll get the plastic cups set up. lulz that was the best post i've seen you do in ages. too bad you're fucking banned now, fgt. Quote
Sir_NutS Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 Wangless: lawl. JCvwutever: Nostalgia needs time to develop. I feel nostalgia everytime I see or play mario 64, and I'm sure I will feel the same for some of my favorite ps2 and gamecube games. All those lost feelings that come attached with the moments you spent playing your games is what makes them feel nostalgic, and it doesn't really work if those memories are still fresh. 10 years from now more morons will be creating threads like this saying how they don't make games like they used to, like, that golden era of games like shadow of the colossus, portal, bioshock, etc. Oh, and how New super mario bros was the last great mario game. Quote
Deathtank Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 Wangless: lawl.JCvwutever: Nostalgia needs time to develop. I feel nostalgia everytime I see or play mario 64, and I'm sure I will feel the same for some of my favorite ps2 and gamecube games. All those lost feelings that come attached with the moments you spent playing your games is what makes them feel nostalgic, and it doesn't really work if those memories are still fresh. 10 years from now more morons will be creating threads like this saying how they don't make games like they used to, like, that golden era of games like shadow of the colossus, portal, bioshock, etc. Oh, and how New super mario bros was the last great mario game. true, and this not only happens with games but with movies, tv series and cartoons. Quote
Platonist Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 a few years back, my now 11 year old baby-brother - refered to Majora's Mask as "Zelda 2" .. the statement was so bizarre to me that i turned around and told him " NO! sorry bro, but that's like .. Zelda 6" ? or something like that... i brough him back into the guestroom in my moms apartment (where our old NES is) and i showed him Zelda 1 & 2's majestic Gold Cartages from the 80's and i said. "these games were made 10 years before you were born, THIS is Zelda 1 & 2" he was like "WOW!" grabbed the games and asked if he could try them out ... i was happy ... very happy so yeah my point is .. Ghetto is right, Dhsu is right too .. there's no point in complaining about new era's .. that's what old people do when they listen to our music, to our culture and to our ways .. let's not become like them, shall we? .. but hell yeah, the kids these days have no clue ;P Quote
Brushfire Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 You whippersnappers don't know what you want!! In my day we walked six miles in the snow and earthquakes to get to our nearest Funcoland to buy games that costed 50 dollars in 1986 money. All you kids are spoiled with you World Wide Whatzits and you Amazon Rainforest.orgs. Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 Yeah, but look at that example. You showed your younger brother Zrlda 2 and he went nuts for it. All we have to really do is give all these games some exposure. Nostalgia doesn't make a good game a good game(it might make a shitty game a good game), a GOOD game makes a good game. If Zelda 2 was great back then, chances are that if you show it to someone who never got a chance to play it back in the day might go nuts over it. I've been letting my little cousins play Mario Bros. every now and then, and they love it. Quote
Platonist Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 i agree 100%! we shouldn't forget that it's our task to expose .. media won't do it, nintendo and those guys might do it in Virtual Console and the like -- but i doubt that they'd pay of their points to something they don't personally know of.. so ya .. spread the word .. Zelda started in 1985 ! Quote
Aninymouse Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 I'm 22 and to date I've yet to play a Kirby game EXCEPT for about 30 minutes with Squeak Squad at Best Buy. I feel ashamed. I also wish Super Star would come to the Wii VC soon. Quote
prophetik music Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 i have to admit that i haven't played a lot of the classics outside of the RPG genre =( i need to get working on that! Quote
Triad Orion Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 I'm 22 and to date I've yet to play a Kirby game EXCEPT for about 30 minutes with Squeak Squad at Best Buy.I feel ashamed. I also wish Super Star would come to the Wii VC soon. I'm 23 and I've only played whatever length of time the Masterpiece on Brawl lasts for a Kirby game. Though after that, I quickly realized my mistake. I share your sentiments about Super Star now. Quote
Avatar of Justice Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 i agree 100%!we shouldn't forget that it's our task to expose .. media won't do it, nintendo and those guys might do it in Virtual Console and the like -- but i doubt that they'd pay of their points to something they don't personally know of.. so ya .. spread the word .. Zelda started in 1985 ! The original Zelda is kind of a classic example of an old game that doesn't hold up in my mind. One of the things I notice about NES games is how...aimless they can be. Just think of original Metroid and how you crawl through screen after screen that looks the same. In the original Zelda no one tells you where to go and you are just supposed to find the dungeons. It just seems like you have no clear direction. The game seems like an exercise in frustration unless you just look at a FAQ on how to get to all the dungeons. Now, I love A Link to the Past and Link's Awakening as they actually give you a clue as to what you are supposed to be doing. Old games that I have played and sincerely enjoyed are NES Ninja Gaiden and Castlevania 3. They both have good music and good stages, even if Castlevania 3 has the wonky stilted Belmont controls that are in place even through Dracula X Chronicles. I never played those games until 3 or 4 years ago, and they are my favorite NES games, NOT the NES games I played as a kid. Quote
Moseph Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 The original Zelda is kind of a classic example of an old game that doesn't hold up in my mind. One of the things I notice about NES games is how...aimless they can be. Just think of original Metroid and how you crawl through screen after screen that looks the same. In the original Zelda no one tells you where to go and you are just supposed to find the dungeons. It just seems like you have no clear direction. The game seems like an exercise in frustration unless you just look at a FAQ on how to get to all the dungeons. Actually, this is why I love the original Metroid. Quote
Platonist Posted May 3, 2008 Posted May 3, 2008 yes, i don't like this in the "newer" games . finding your way is kinda like 50% of the feeling of those old games .. i just feel like an idiot when the game tells me what to do .. like "i could've figured that out myself thank you" Quote
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