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Right, proper update now.


Only a few things left to do now:

- Add proper Cello/Strings

- Record Guitar Solo

- Clean up a few little fuck-ups (lead guitars at the end are too loud, transition to the second clean part.)

- Any other suggestions?

Also, check out Ashane's version and steal some of his ideas, no remix of this song will ever get close to his, so it's okay to steal from it.

http://housethegrate.powweb.com/ashane/audio/Ashane-04.09-Chrono.Trigger-Zealous.Entropy.mp3 (part 1)

http://housethegrate.powweb.com/ashane/audio/Ashane-LuIzA-05.07-Chrono.Trigger-Cessation.of.Mammon-WIP.mp3 (part 2) (poorly written lyrics aside...)

Listening to this only now (now that the arrangement is done, because stealing is for suckahs :) ). Absolutely not a fan of prog, but this is has some great guitar playing and is pretty cool in general, thanks for linkage.


That koto sounds great now! Don't know if you even did anything to that.. You could introduce the cello a bit later than the koto, say at 01:22-ish.

Arrangement/structure-wise you get thumbs up from me. Plenty of ass-kicking, pleasantly brief slow/quiet sections to catch breath with.

List of what to improve:

* The clean guitar doesn't sound quite in the pocket at 01:40-01:46.

* Unfumble the bass fubmle break around 02:00; it sounds like the bass player messes up his/her spot in the limelight

* The clean rhythm guitar at the part from 02:03 onwards: not tight enough. Also the sound is weak to me. Try to get more "ring" and "space" into it, kind of how an acoustic guitar would sound.. I hope you catch what I mean.

* The dual lead bit from 03:24 onwards sounds out of sync.



Holy hell, ASHANE did that? Funnily enough I actually have that song from a friend, but I had no idea that Ashane wrote it. That's insane.

More on topic though, the instrument accompanying the Japanese instrumental break sounds more like a shamisen than a koto, but regardless it sounds awesome. It's got some serious Hiromitsu Agatsuma grooveage.

Some suggestions:

- What evktalo said.

- The timing of the riff at 2.58 is off.

- The whole solo section from 3:00 - 3.23 (especially the bend at 3.16 and the ending bend) sounds really out of key; it sounds like you're using E modes (do I hear some chromatic licks?). The tonic for that section is in B, however. If you transposed your scale, the notes would fit way better, such as the blues note at 3.20.

- Is there a way you can get your hands on an acoustic guitar? The part itself at 2.03 is tight, but the nylon-stringed rhythm guitar sounds flabby and weak.

Other than that, I have nothing to say. I'm loving the use of the synth throughout the song. What is it, square?


- The whole solo section from 3:00 - 3.23 (especially the bend at 3.16 and the ending bend) sounds really out of key; it sounds like you're using E modes (do I hear some chromatic licks?). The tonic for that section is in B, however. If you transposed your scale, the notes would fit way better, such as the blues note at 3.20.

Ahhh, that was probably what made it sound so different. You see, I almost made a point that I liked those solos, even though I don't usually care for such solos. I couldn't figure out why that sounded good to me, so I left it out. :P

Not that I really understand much about modes and tonics, myself. Maybe I just have massive rust in my ears, but it doesn't sound bad at all to me, very much the contrary. I don't know how it would sound changed the way you suggest, but I suspect it would sound more oridinary to me then. Now it has this tension, which is good.



Wow man! I gotta say Tensei, everything you make totally appeals to me. there are lots of great guitar remixers on the site, but your style is totally my thing. I dig this. Sorry I can't be of help on the production side which is really the only side you seem to need advice on. You ought to be shredding this site up with your sweet guitarage pretty soon I think!



Thanks for the feedback. About the synth solo, it's a very tweaked z3ta preset (Juno Square or something it's called) ran through a guitar amp sim.

The synth solo really doesn't sound that bad to me, I write by ear but I was definitely aware of the weird scale usage (mixolydian pentatonic iirc). Yes, writing in different modes can sound dissonant but I honestly don't think it's all that bad here, on the contrary, IMO it gives it an interesting edge it wouldn't have if it was completely on key. :P


I haven't analyzed that "dissonant" solo's notes or anything, but relying upon just my ear, it sounds like it's creating a very intentional effect. It doesn't sound too dissonant and I think that changing the notes to be less dissonant would make it sound less interesting.

In short, I think it sounds cool the way it is. I agree with Scaredism. You should submit this mofo.


Well a lot depends on the (missing) guitar solo before that section. I imagine it will be on a more usual tonality, and the next section will take it to the next level. I don't see any problems myself. That "dissonant" section is kind of like modulation.. only 1000x more badass.

edit: The note the clean lead plays at 02:19 sticks out badly to my ear.



I'm glad you took it upon yourself to solo in the right key.

Chip and others approve of your synth solo, so some judges may like it, or may not even notice it. Liontamer doesn't play an instrument, so.. he goes purely by what sounds "cool."

There are some that do catch the dissonance though, like NekoFrog. At any rate, I think it would be in your best interest to shift the tonal center of your synth and guitar solos to B just to see how it sounds.

P.S.: Evktalo, that's definitely.. not modulation.

I'm glad you took it upon yourself to solo in the right key.

Chip and others approve of your synth solo, so some judges may like it, or may not even notice it. Liontamer doesn't play an instrument, so.. he goes purely by what sounds "cool."

There are some that do catch the dissonance though, like NekoFrog. At any rate, I think it would be in your best interest to shift the tonal center of your synth and guitar solos to B just to see how it sounds.

So it's a matter of personal taste whether you like the solo or you don't. It's not in the wrong key, it's in the right key for what I was trying to achieve. I ALWAYS follow my ears, I never let myself be guided by musical theory. I quit musicology because they represented musical theory as rules, not as guidelines.

The only use musical theory has for me is to look at things in retrospect and tell other people what I did at a certain point in a song. So I'm afraid no, I'm not going to change something because it's wrong according to theory.

If nothing else, a shift/modulation to E is at least HEAVILY implied. The backing chords are E, G, A, B, which are all part of the E minor scale. What's important here is that the first chord of the progression becomes the E, rather than the B as it was the case in the riff before it.

Of course, due to the use of power chords these same chords would fit in the B minor scale, which is pretty much the case in the previous riff where the B is the first chord played. Apparently I liked to toy with this ambiguousness and created tension by approaching dissonance with the synth solo.

There, I did it, I came up with a retrofitted theoretical explanation of why I did stuff. Do I win a cookie now? :3


I also don't approve of your questioning of Liontamer. Contrary to your reasoning, Larry tends to be one of the most consistent judges with some of the most useful criticism. Your 'because he doesn't play an instrument' is ignorant, Darkesword doesn't play an instrument either afaik, that doesn't make him any less capable as a musician/composer or jdgfgt for that matter.


Just want to address this:

Your 'because he doesn't play an instrument' is ignorant, Darkesword doesn't play an instrument either afaik, that doesn't make him any less capable as a musician/composer or jdgfgt for that matter.

I played trumpet for 8 years in school and played a lot of jazz in high school. I don't perform anymore (haven't done so in 6-7 years), but I do come out of a kind of instrumentalist mindset when it comes to composing.

Regardless, thanks for the kind words.

Just want to address this:

I played trumpet for 8 years in school and played a lot of jazz in high school. I don't perform anymore (haven't done so in 6-7 years), but I do come out of a kind of instrumentalist mindset when it comes to composing.

Regardless, thanks for the kind words.

Conversely, I've played piano and trumpet for a huge portion of my early child hood, up until grade 10. And still I'm an amateur at composing music. So...I think that that's a weak argument (about the fact that ppl don't play instruments = noobs at composing).

ALTHOUGH I do find it kinda unfair that I see Liontamer as a posted remixer and all he has is a vocoded voice sample in a song. I Know, I know he does a lot reviews and stuff and contributes to OCR a hell of a lot - but it still hurts T_T.


ok. totally blown away! seriously, i've been following this one through all your hard work. i can't hear the little things, just the big picture and this one is AWESOME!!!!!

submit now!


ALTHOUGH I do find it kinda unfair that I see Liontamer as a posted remixer and all he has is a vocoded voice sample in a song. I Know, I know he does a lot reviews and stuff and contributes to OCR a hell of a lot - but it still hurts T_T.

He did contribute to an OCReMix though. Spoken wurd niggz.

  • 8 months later...

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