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OCR00949 - Shinobi III "Whirlwind (Gale Force Mix)"


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First of all, Yuzo Koshiro is not the original composer of Shinobi III. The only Shinobi's Yuzo worked on was Revenge of Shinobi and the two Game Gear Shinobi's. That's it. He had nothing to do with the original (or any incarnation of it on a home system), nothing to do with Shadow Dancer (arcade or home versions, which were completely different), Shinobi III, the Saturn Shinobi (Ug) nor Shinobi for the PS2. Not sure why that bothers me so much. Glad to have that off my chest. Oh well life goes on:

Anyway, on to the ReMix. Definitely nice sounds and a nice interpretation of the best tune from the game. I still enjoy listening to the Genesis original more, though. The only way I think that could be improved is with better sounding instruments but with the same construction of the tune. Hopefully someone will prove me wrong someday. But if you want a slightly slowed down multi-genre version of "the good tune" from Shinobi III, then this you want this!

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I couldn't find the composer of this song so I assumed it was Yuzo, sorry Joe..

Also, before anyone calls me a hack or a cheat, I know the opening trance synths sound VERY similar to a certain Rank 1 tune. I had repeated listening of said tune a few years ago when it was big and it stuck in my head all this time I guess. When I went to write this song, I subconciously wrote bascially the same line that was in the other tune. Even when I played it back I was thinking, "This seems familiar" but I couldn't put my finger on it.

When I posted it to the WIP forum some others were quick to inform me where it was from and it all came back to me. In other words, I didn't mean to or know I was borrowing notes from other songs until afterwards. Hopefully I don't get shot for this. :)

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2:02-2:17 is my favorite part because it sounds SO much like Rayza's trademark-ish sound that I absolutely love.

Don't really know what else to say except...I don't mind techno as long as there is a good melody present, which this has a little repetition on, but is enjoyable and good nonetheless. Besides that I'd have to say this mix is worth it just for 2:02-2:17.

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Wow man, AWSOME REMIX!!! I wish I had your skills. I will one day... Just not now.

I loved it from begginning to end. But the worst part is that it ended. I wish it went on for eternity and I could dance to it forever. Sadly, no song lasts forever. Uh, actually I wouldn't have enough energy for that. Great Remix, Great Song... Great

Note: I've never heard of this game, I just love music. I love music I love.

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I think you have accomplished a very difficult feat by fusing the classic chipset-sounding synth into an electronic song while preserving the professional and mainstream sound.

I am not a professional when it comes to electronic music genres, because quite frankly, there are hundreds. This sounds more like club or house to me.

Genre is not important though. It sounds great man. I love it.

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Also, before anyone calls me a hack or a cheat, I know the opening trance synths sound VERY similar to a certain Rank 1 tune. I had repeated listening of said tune a few years ago when it was big and it stuck in my head all this time I guess. When I went to write this song, I subconciously wrote bascially the same line that was in the other tune. Even when I played it back I was thinking, "This seems familiar" but I couldn't put my finger on it.

When I posted it to the WIP forum some others were quick to inform me where it was from and it all came back to me. In other words, I didn't mean to or know I was borrowing notes from other songs until afterwards. Hopefully I don't get shot for this. :)

Haha... Yeah, right.

That stroke me the 1st time I listened to your mix...

It's very similar to Awakening from Rank 1.

Not that it's a bad thing, I love both that music and your remix. 8)

Keep up the good work.

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It happens to me too.. i often find myself composing something that i already heard, and i scrap it or store it in the private cover bin.

Btw, I knew the melody when i heard it, however this is a remix and i loved how you mixed the 2 together. Very nice work!

EDIT: Btw, i cant stop listening to this tune.

I wanna know if you could tell me what was used as the main synth.. i love than main lead. it reminds me of a lot of music compo intro's i used to hear.

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While I myself cannot create music worth a darn, I know a good tune when I hear one. The genre swapping is used really well to build-up, and then break-down the melody. The two different moods in the piece are almost complete opposites, yet you managed to transition between them incredibly smoothly. Hats off to you for creating this mix.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I fell in love with this track from the outset. It does a good job of allowing me to close my eyes and visualize the game as it plays. That's always the mark of a really stellar remix.

It kind of makes me want to revert to age 18, do some amphetamines, and dance with hot chicks.

Speaking of dancing, I have caught myself dancing to this song while I'm doing the dishes and stuff.

Anything that can evoke that kind of reaction gets an A+ in my book. Great job.

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  • 1 month later...

Upon hearing Star Salzman's Incredible Singing Robot, the melody struck me as oddly familiar. I did some browsing in my media library, and sure enough, the trance segment of Rayza's Whirlwind is very much like the melody of Robo's theme. Cool and weird at the same time. 8)

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  • 3 weeks later...

This is my favorite reMix so far here! I love the soft music that it starts with and the slow buildup to the part where it has a jump where the bass kicks in and REALLY starts to build up, and the choice of which level's music to ReMix couldnt have been better. This is also one of my all time favorite games to boot, and the music just brought back fond memories of playing this game. :D I havent played it in so long, but I could tell what level the music was from right away, even though it has a lot of great new additions to the music too. Great job, Rayza! There should definitley be more Shinobi 3 ReMix's available.

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