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OCR00311 - Final Fantasy VII "Red XIII Redux"


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  • 4 weeks later...

Wow...as stated, the song leaves me begging for more. The perfect tone and power for this song, if only we could get a full length version. A dozen friends have already copied this from me as soon as they heard the first chords. You just know it's right.


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Iluvit, Iluvit, Iluvit!!!

An AMAZING remix of one of my favorite FF pieces. The drums are cool, the guitar is amazing (and good guitar is so rare), it's all good.

There's just one problem: TOO SHORT! A remix that has you from the first note like this one should not be this short. If the remixer's reading this: please, I beg you, make an extended version.

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  • 6 months later...


This remix is AMAZING. I've been listening to it over and over; I never get tired of it. Of course, it doesn't hurt that Nanaki (Red-XIII) is my favorite character, OR that I used to spend hours of game time at Cosmo Canyon just listening to the music.

But it's so short! :( Oh well. I'm just grateful someone did it.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

AMAZING tune. It sounds so perfect. The Red canyon theme is easily one of my favorite songs in FF7, but i would have never expected it to be remixed this way.

The first few times i heard this song i just sat in a trance, (that was almost 2 years ago) and yet, it is still one of my favorites without getting old.

It just NEEDS to be longer, it ends too abruptly, I can only imagine what a second "verse" would sound like.

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  • 1 month later...

Love that last part, where the notes are long and slowly rise, then end in four quick notes. DA DA DA DA!

Sorry. Very good stuff from AmIEvil, as usual. I mean, does bad stuff ever come from AmIEvil? Don't answer.

This is highly recomended, but a RedXIIIRedux, Redux is necessary, one that's longer.

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Great song, but shall I say short? I would think that the only improvement (in my opinion of course) a sort of more tribal drum to it in the next version...there WILL be a new one, right? But that's just what i think. Amazing work with the guitar. "Valley of the Fallen Star" (the Cosmo Canyon theme) is my favorite song on that game, even over One-

winged Angel, and this does more than justice to that song!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think it needs louder drums, especially given the scource material. Once the guitar kicks in you can't even hear them, and the drums were very prominent in the original. Don't get me wrong, the guitars are great, but we all allready knew Amievil could do great guitars. I think he could go further with this peice. It could also be cool to get a second guitar in there to build up the rythym even more and maybe replace/augment the synths on some of the back up.

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  • 6 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

As my little sister put it, this song is the shizznick! I LOVED IT!!! It almost sounds like it's the end of a show or movie or something, just before the credits roll and you get the hero saying a final line like "The war isn't over," or something to that affect.

It's a shame that it's so short, but at the same time the length adds a neat 'to be continued' affect, and the electric guitar (i'm guessing since i'm tired right now), is absolutely beautiful! I'm truly in love with this song!

Excellent work!

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  • 2 months later...

Short and sweet, literally makes me cry. This tune goes straight for the jugular, with great guitar playing that has Nanaki written all over it, a complementary epic synth texture in the background, and drums that take your mind straight back to Cosmo Canyon. It's well-mastered too, the everything is clear and it sounds full. Next time I play the ending sequence to FF7, I want this track played over the final scene (you know, the one with Nanaki?).

Of course it's a bit short, but it's polished so well... if you want more, just set it to repeat, I get tired of these 80 seconds less quickly than even some of my favorite longer remixes. I actually like how short and perfect it is.

Definitely my favorite Final Fantasy VII remix, also without a doubt in my top 5 remixes I've yet heard. I'm still listening to it, I love how towering and epic the sound is.

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Wow! This is the first ReMix I found on the site, and I'm amazed. Although the length is a bit on the short side, I agree that you have to consider the tune that's being mixed. Did someone say this was LIVE?! That's hard to believe... it sounds so awesome. The electric guitar is amazing- I almost wanted to grab a joint (if I did that sort of thing) and start moving. Reminds me of Hendrix, in an odd sort of way. The drum beat is powerful too... sort of tribal sounding. I give it a 9/10, and that's only because of the length. Any longer and I'd give it all 10's.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...

This is one of the first remixes I heard on this site several years ago. My best friend had gotten it off of Kazaa and thought it was going to be Nanaki's theme in the upcoming remake of FF7. He didn't realize it was fan-made. His screen name is even named after Nanaki; needless to say, he almost had an annurism while introducing me to it. It's only the quality I've come to expect from this place.

I assume this was done live. That's something I didn't know. Live remixes are always a pleasent sight. ;) There're certainly not enough of them. And with the exception of gutzalpus's piano works they all seem too short! This one especially. I hate to be redundant but MAKE IT LONGER! TY~ *giggle*

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