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I decided to buy Okami for the Wii today and I must say that so far it is a very great game. I guess I finally understand why there was so much hype was about it.


I'm visiting home right now, and my brother just bought it. I have to agree that it looks really good so far! Andy and I will hopefully be getting our own copy for free (since Capcom is crediting him two games for having his music in SSF2 Turbo: HD Remix, woooo).

It took us a bit to realize that power slashes had to actually be done quickly, as opposed to perfectly straight. We kept trying to carefully draw them in, lol...

PS2 version > Wii version, imo. Stick-waggling attack was fail in Twilight Princess, and it's fail in Okami.

After picking up and playing some of the Wii version for a bit I might have to agree. The widescreen is nice, but I think the play was a bit tighter in the PS2 version (especially the painting)

In any case though, it's a game that should be experienced - regardless of the console you choose...


My wife is currently playing through Oni Island, racing against that demon tag or whatever it is. It's -seriously- making me think about opening my own file and playing through again. Okami is -definitely- one of the best games I've ever played, music, gameplay, graphics and design. Absolutely awesome.


I just got past Okami's half way point (I just got the Glaive), yet I still can't see why this game is receiving so much praise.

Its borrows shamelessly from multiple Zelda elements.

Its horribly blurry.

There's a lack of weapons types (only 3).

Make no mistake. I'm enjoying this game a lot, and I like a few of the characters (Susano, Issun, to name a few). But a 10 out of 10? I just don't see it. I know I'm not the only one who's been annoyed by those 3 problems, and others I didn't mention.


'Tis my second favourite game ever. I probably wouldn't have gotten a Wii had I not found out it was being ported and I have no regrets that I had to buy it a second time.

Okami = epic adventure = epic win

I just got past Okami's half way point (I just got the Glaive), yet I still can't see why this game is receiving so much praise.

Its borrows shamelessly from multiple Zelda elements.

Its horribly blurry.

There's a lack of weapons types (only 3).

Make no mistake. I'm enjoying this game a lot, and I like a few of the characters (Susano, Issun, to name a few). But a 10 out of 10? I just don't see it. I know I'm not the only one who's been annoyed by those 3 problems, and others I didn't mention.

Well, it's the kind of game that's kinda easy to tear apart in not doing anything completely new / different aside from the arguably gimmicky / brilliant paint strokes. I can't say I was blown away from anything the game did NEW, but I was impressed by how much was done well...

To me it seems old school and fondly familiar in that respect, and that's why I love it so much. It borrowed heavily from Zelda, yes, and took some of the best aspects of Zelda and created an entirely new world around it. Is it as well defined or as ambitious as some of the Zelda games? In some respects, no.

But on the other hand, it IS a sprawling, charming, gorgeous world which is for the most part fun to explore and be immersed in.

I'm glad that someone else mentioned the blurry thing - I thought mine was the only copy that had that. I couldn't notice any blurring on the PS2 version at all and I don't know why the wii port has it. It sucks, but you can get the point...


Okami is by far one of my favorite games, hence the sig. It wasn't so much for its' gameplay elements (I groaned every time I got into a battle towards the end) but rather just for the atmosphere of the entire thing. It really felt like I was in a ancient Japanese fairy tale land, and the music in the game is for the most part fantastic. One of the few games I didn't hesitate to beat.


I absolutely love this game. I had no trouble with the waggle controls, and they were a lot more responsive than Twilight Princess's.

But speaking of Okami, did anyone here get anything out of that "art redemption" thing Capcom had going a while ago? I signed up for it, got a confirmation email, and never received anything in the mail. Makes me a little sad, although it's not a terribly big deal.

I love that there is no singular Jill Goldin anymore, it's always us. It's so damn SWEET.


(since Capcom is crediting him two games for having his music in SSF2 Turbo: HD Remix, woooo).

Whoa whoa whoa...The recompense for using Blood on the Asphalt in SS2THD was each remixer got two free Capcom games? Really? My god, Capcom is taking that deal and laughing all the way to the bank.

PS2 version > Wii version, imo. Stick-waggling attack was fail in Twilight Princess, and it's fail in Okami.

this is why i played it on ps2 for 5 hours and on wii for 5 minutes


I recently started playing Okami on the Wii, too, and I'm really loving it. I think the controls work for the most part (it may have to do a little with how receptive one is to using wiimote controls in general--personally I'm a fan) although they are a tad off. The brush controls can be a bit touchy, but I'm getting used to it. I'm more disappointed with the nunchuk gestures. I'm starting to get the hang of the them, but I'm having to exaggerate my motions to get consistent results.

But aside from that, Okami is easily the prettiest game I've ever played--in particular, the cutscenes that play when you revive an area are très cool. Plus it's got great music and some wonderful Zelda-inspired gameplay.

So yeah, it's awesome. (also picked up Dementium for the DS on the same day...not quite so awesome :( )

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