Devyn Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 Anyone else notice that the bubble riding part in Splash Womans stage was taken straight out of Wave Man's stage in MM5? They even used the exact same patterns for the first two screens! Yes, I noticed immediately. Also, the changing of colors on the screen was inspired by Crashman's stage, I think. I also think the big red lava beams were inspired by those in Quickman's stage. By the way, it's a hard game. I'm thinking of beating it again to get that 3 day in a row achievement thingamabob. Quote
JCvgluvr Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 I'm only getting this once the Proto Man pack comes out Hehehe, Wuss. Quote
Cottus and Gyes Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 After being proud of my new found achievement, I thought I'd go online and see how other people are doing. My god... How does one go through the game without getting hit and without missing with your buster, boggles the mind. Quote
FS Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 Ok, either I'm WAY out of practice on platformers (quite possible), or this game is just hard as all hell. I've never died so many times in such a short period of time. That said, I'm having an insane amount of fun with it. Never thought I would enjoy the thorough stomping I'm getting at the hands of this game, but it's the best $10 I've spent on software in a LONG time. Quote
PlastikBag Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 So, the race to get a Megaman 9 remix posted has begun! Right? Quote
Schwaltzvald Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 So, the race to get a Megaman 9 remix posted has begun! Right? IT BETTER HAVE! >:L Quote
Malaki-LEGEND.sys Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 I demand a remix of the Tornado Man and Splash Woman themes post haste. Quote
LuketheXjesse Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 I demand a remix of the Tornado Man and Splash Woman themes post haste. Definetley the first one. And Wily Castle 1. And the Boss music. Quote
Imagist Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 Hehehe, Wuss. Proto Man can actually make the game harder if you rely on E and M tanks, because he doesn't get those. Quote
VerSus22 Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 I demand a remix of the Tornado Man and Splash Woman themes post haste. A remix of the Concrete Man stage should be done as well...that theme is awesome! Oh, and I almost defeated that boss. Getting close! Quote
JCvgluvr Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 *Blasts Imagery with the Mega Buster* Stop saying words. Quote
SenPi Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 My god... How does one go through the game without missing with your buster, boggles the mind. So me and my friends thought of something interesting. Basically you can just not miss on splash womans stage, then just use the trident for most of the rest of the game. (ANd any other weapons you choose to use) because it says nothing about not missing with other weapons. Quote
friendlyHunter Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 Haha, I wonder if it'll let you miss when Rush is selected. I don't think anyone would be willing to test that theory though =p Quote
Faulken Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 I'm on the first Wily Castle section. Loved it so far-avoided reading almost everything about it, so everything was a surprise (especially some of the boss weaknesses, but some of them do make sense...). It's pretty tough, even by megaman standards, but I am loving every minute. I wonder if someone could help me out-the instant death lava bits pouring from the side on Wily's Castle 1-how do you get past the second screen of them? I can't see the timing stopping long enough to Rush coil through them Quote
Imagist Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 Technically you can get over to the safety of the middle platform and Rush Coil when all the beams are done (the timing is very difficult, but still possible), but maybe you should see what Concrete Shot does to them first... I personally had trouble even with that method, though, and was glad the midway point was next to those bot-generating pipes because I could just use Jewel Shield to farm an extra life out of them every time I died. Quote
friendlyHunter Posted September 28, 2008 Posted September 28, 2008 I was stuck there for maybe an hour before I figured out the REAL solution. I put it in spoilertext because the "DUH" moment you get when you figure it out is priceless: When you first enter the room, there's no lava! I'm serious! Get to the top by whatever means you want before the top one has a chance to fire. Also this game gives new meaning to the words "flower clock". Not that "flower clock" had a meaning before... Quote
Yoshi3gg Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 I wonder if someone could help me out-the instant death lava bits pouring from the side on Wily's Castle 1-how do you get past the second screen of them? I can't see the timing stopping long enough to Rush coil through them Put in spoiler-text for the courtesy of others: You can temporarily solidify them using Concrete Shot. More detailed strategy follows in next paragraph if you're still stuck. Come up the ladder, wait for the bottom one to stop, hop onto the lower platform in the middle, wait for the bottom one to shoot by and stop again, jump onto the right side, fire Concrete Shot when the bottom lava beam gets near you. Then hop onto it, face right, and fire concrete shot at the next beam before it gets to you. Hop onto that one, fire a shot on the topmost beam, jump onto it, and make your way to the ladder closest to you. It's incredibly tricky to get the timing down, but you'll get it eventually. Hope that helps! Quote
Faulken Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 Thank for the help guys, once I figured out what conrete shot did to them, I was set. I was thinking it must be something to do with one of the power ups, but stopped thinking about that after realising there were no environment changing ones like a time slow (fiddled with Tornado Blow a fair bit lol). I'm a bit irritated by the lack of saving between Wily levels, which I guess is nothing new, but with the easy save feature, it really would've been nice. Seems a bit silly how dying/continuing keeps your place, saving and quitting doesn't. Quote
Penfold Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 Mega Man 9 is awesome! Beat the 8 bosses on the first evening, and had trouble at the 1st Wily Stage until figuring out that C. Shot froze the lava beams. The ending (like the rest of the story) was pure cheese, but that's part of the fun. A lot of nice retro touches here and there. Just about through it for the 2nd time (took me 27 min to beat the 8 bosses this time around, so I'll see if I can get that "achievement" for beating the game in under an hour). I though black hole bomb was the most unique new weapon, and Magma Man had the coolest design of the new robots. Looking forward to some MM9-related OC ReMixes when our fine ReMixers get around to them. Quote
Flip Posted September 29, 2008 Posted September 29, 2008 Its pretty hard, but I dig the music. Just a matter of recognizing patterns. Quote
The Author Posted September 30, 2008 Posted September 30, 2008 So I sat down and finished it. I died 3 times in the levels (once because I am dumb) and polished off every boss without an e-tank except Wily where I needed 2 e and one w tank. Overall it was a lot easier than I feared, the new yellow demon is something though. Quote
JCvgluvr Posted October 1, 2008 Posted October 1, 2008 So, I've waited all the way until today to decide. Since I can only sample the 360 version (the wii doesn't do trial games), can somebody who has tried/bought both tell me which version to purchase? My special reason, is based on how the game LOOKS, not on how it controls. I could care less about analog sticks/d-pads. I want to know which game looks the best, based on comparison to the first classic 6 games. Short Version: Which version looks best BASED ON CLASSIC FEEL? Quote
Zephyr Posted October 1, 2008 Posted October 1, 2008 I thought that due to the complete lack of need for technical specs (the whole game is done in simple nes sprites) the graphics would be exactly the same for all systems, there was no reason for them to change it if all systems could handle it the same. Answer; IIRC they're all exactly the same. Quote
Nekofrog Posted October 1, 2008 Posted October 1, 2008 Wii. 360 and PS3 versions have basic enhancements (nothing fancy) that make it look "newer". Not much, but they're there. The Wii version is straight up 8 bit. Quote
Bleck Posted October 1, 2008 Posted October 1, 2008 been playing this and since I've not a history of playing Mega Man titles it's been quite a challenge Plug Man's stage almost made me kill myself but I finally beat it now trying Bee Guy's stage (his name is Bee Guy, not Hornet Man) Quote
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