Saunders Posted May 16, 2002 Posted May 16, 2002 Super Mario RPG 'Geno's Woods' This is a cool tune. Great pipey/flutey (I'm horrible with instrument names) samples at the beginning and throughout, really like those. The overall mix is really great. I've like all of Orkybash's stuff that I can remember. Quote
ella guro Posted July 20, 2002 Posted July 20, 2002 Mario RPG is a game I've played through many many times, and I'd have to say that this mix is really good. The choice of of instruments fits the "adventurous" theme of the music perfectly, and I especially like the bassoon, although it gets drowned out a little bit by the higher instruments in its solo at about 1:07. It's also a bit short, but I don't know too many things present that could've really been expanded upon. So overall, a highly recommended mix. Quote
TheWired Posted August 7, 2002 Posted August 7, 2002 The song itself is a tad short, but it keeps the bouncy theme of Geno's woods where you would later meet bowyer. The song itself is missing bass or dark notes to give it that sort of balanced sound to it. But the instruments were well played and chosen, and still give you the feel of being in the woods of a complete maniac all the while keeping you on your seat and harm-free. This rates a good 7/10 in my scales. Quote
PhantomMagi Posted August 18, 2002 Posted August 18, 2002 Great theme, loved the game. Sounds sort of medieval. Almost as if it were played by a band of traveling minstrels, prancing and dancing through the lonely woods playing muic and singing cheerfully...'m sorry, I have no idea what I'm talking about. Anyway... Great mix. Quote
Jimmy the Lip Posted December 20, 2002 Posted December 20, 2002 The Forest Maze theme from Super Mario RPG: Legend of the Seven Stars was an excellent theme, exemplifying the ambience, for want of a better word, of that game. The tune was adventurous with just a touch of forboding, as if some hidden fear lurked in the shadows of the trees as you ventured through the tangled forest... maybe a bit dramatic for a Mario game, but the theme did work. And "Geno's Woods" takes that adventurous, almost midieval theme and adds to it, creating a piece worthy of inclusion in a revamped SMRPG:LotSS for the GameCube or a later system. The woodwinds play a key role in this arrangement, dominating the melody and occasionally suplemented by strings in the background. The ambient sounds at the beginning of the piece are a nice touch, and the entire song flows very smoothly. It is really a shame that Orkybash couldn't have made this song a bit more lengthy, the piece's total time clocking in at one minute and forty-two seconds, as "Geno's Woods" really is a very fine ReMix worthy of recognition and recommended for downloading. At least in the humble opinion of this reviewer, though my opinion may not be held in high esteem in comparison when compared with many others that haunt this site. No matter - it's still a brilliant bit of work. Quote
Kaleb.G Posted December 20, 2002 Posted December 20, 2002 I'll be the next person in line to say how this has a Medieval sound to it, which is a very good thing. I liked how you managed to but good variation in the song in such a small amount of time. But anywho, this is a very cheery and soothing mix. Reccomended. Quote
Deryck Khusial Posted March 21, 2003 Posted March 21, 2003 dude, you know my secret passion for medieval music. what i like about this is the steady progression, from the way the strings slide in around 0:25, to that grooving beat that enters around 0:40, to the tempo change at 0:57 Quote
Corporal Eschebone Posted July 15, 2003 Posted July 15, 2003 He improved upon the original very nicely....Loved the flutes, but would have loved a mandolin to take over at around what is now the end..... Oh, wait, that probably wouldn't work, would it? .... It might, but only to about half the ppl that listen to it. 87.5%. Short, but enjoyable while it lasts. Quote
Bass Clef Man Posted September 1, 2003 Posted September 1, 2003 Orkybash's made a great mix here. It does a great job of "remastering" the Woods theme, and I think that if the big N were to remake SMRPG (as they SHOULD, damnit!!), this would be what they'd use for the Woods... not only because it sounds great, but also because - and this will help the Corporal's length problem - It loops. The ambience at the end goes perfectly with the ambience at the beginning, and if you didn't know that and didn't have your Music Player in plain sight, you'd just think it was a break. Albeit similar to the break that happened a minute and a half ago. Quote
jordex Posted September 5, 2004 Posted September 5, 2004 Great remix, love the instruments at the beginning. All the instruments go so well in this song, the triangle sound thing is cool and the and the Strings in the back are so well placed. Good Job Orkybash! Quote
blunai Posted June 22, 2005 Posted June 22, 2005 Orkybash managed to make my favorite theme in Super Mario RPG even better. Very good job! Quote
psychophan7 Posted July 5, 2005 Posted July 5, 2005 Short yet sweet. Awesome composure, despite a feel for MIDI in it. This makes me want to play the game again... Geno rocks! Quote
Polo Posted December 7, 2007 Posted December 7, 2007 The bird chirping intro is very sweet, as is the autumnal walk-in-the-park feel of it, and it's got a smiles-all-around kind of beat. However, the MIDI-like buzzing and bleeding of the soundfonts irks me. An odd dichotomy, considering the arrangement's rather straightforward and djp exemplifies the soundfonts in the writeup. Still, solid for its time. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted February 6, 2008 Posted February 6, 2008 Sample-wise a mixed bag, as is the execution; the harpsichord was nice, as was the bassoon, and the usage of both was smartly done, but the recorder was a bit too lacking in velocity variety, as were the pizzicato strings. The sustained strings were pretty nice, however. The arrangement was really fun and playful, but a bit mechanical in several spots. It was especially apparent in the sections that were heavy with the pizzicato. With such a short length, it feels more like a promising WIP than a finished work, but it's fun and contains a lot of variation despite it's brevity. Quote
Marmiduke Posted December 17, 2008 Posted December 17, 2008 I like that this mix is short and compiled, so that you know that every section is crammed with goodness, rather than it being spread evenly throughout. Generally with pieces like this, I find if they overstay their welcome, they get a bit too sickly sweet and I just don't enjoy it anymore. That's definitely not the case here. This mix really succeeds in making one of the catchiest gaming tunes ever even catchier, despite being dated somewhat production-wise. But you know, I still like listening to Gameboy chiptunes, so I'm definately not phased by dated production if the melody and nostalgia is done justice. As it is in 'GenosWoods'. Awesome mix, and one of earliest standout tracks from the OCR catalog. Quote
Opterion Posted January 19, 2009 Posted January 19, 2009 Nice, bright woody mix. Really like the transition at 0:37. Great instrument arranging, from the Flute duet to the touch of harpsichord. I do agree, however, that the bassoon solo is drowned out around 1:07. Great work, keep it up! Quote
Crulex Posted April 3, 2010 Posted April 3, 2010 Very cool verison of the Forest Maze theme. I would have loved for the "woody" sounds to go on for the whole song, but this is great. It's got a very natural feeling flow to it. Quote
MechaFone Posted May 28, 2010 Posted May 28, 2010 Short and sweet. Would've liked it to be longer. The seamless beginning and ending nature sounds are a nice touch Quote
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