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Are you saying there have not been any bad titles for the wii?

Because my wii had about 3 inches of dust on it before I started using it again for SSB. At least for purchased titles anyway...

Try reading more clearly

I did say if I'm gonna have one meaning actually consider buying a bad title.

nice failure to think before you post :lol:


Castlevania is one of my favorite game series of all time and I love 3D fighters so I'm not getting my hopes up but I'd like to give it a try. Still, Konami doesn't have a history of making good fighters, so unless they get some kind of good development team in there it's probably going to be a sub-par engine, though I thought the fighting system in the PS2 Castlevanias weren't half bad. Although the fact that it's coming out for the Wii pretty much guarantees it's going to be shallow and annoying. It will probably be a generic Soul Calibur ripoff with lots of remote wagglin'. God the Wii is retarded... But still, I'd like to give it a shot, but I won't be buying a Wii for it, that's for damn sure. Here's hoping for Maria as a playable character though!


I'm not uninterested because it's a fighting game, in fact that's a cool idea, but... they ruined Maria :(

Here is the old maria:



the new Maria is a victim of the fucking moeblob cancer destroying japan :(

Also, now Alucard looks like a girl, Simon looks way too, uhh... I dunno. His clothes look like they belong on someone 1/4th his age... and Dracula's got some way tacky golden armor tracksuit...


FYI, that is the NEW Maria. The original Maria was a little cute anime girl from Rondo of Blood. She is made of kittycats and win.

I do like the newer, older SoTN Maria better, but it seems like they will be going back to the originals this time around. And Alucard has always looked like a girl.

I lost all faith in them to do anything 3d related to castlevania ever.

I liked Lament of Innocence and want to play Curse of Darkness. I think they were pretty good. Lesser versions of DMC, I'd say.

Alucard's only hint of manlyness came from his english voice actor. His looks are completely female:


Why can't the japanese create a proper male hero who looks the part?

Because the Japanese are VERY into androgyny.

I still don't think he looks like a girl. Long hair /= girl. Also in regards to Castievania, keep in mind that they use-you know what? I'm too lazy to give a detailed explanation. The point is, it fits. Just trust me on this one.


I think it has the potential to be a fun game, and I'm usually totally against inappropriate game genre cross-overs and whoring out franchises. I just hope that the fighting engine is NOTHING like Soul Caliber's. I hate playing those games.

I liked Lament of Innocence and want to play Curse of Darkness. I think they were pretty good. Lesser versions of DMC, I'd say.

If I wanted DMC, I'd play DMC. Repetative castle design mixed with horrible plot minus memorable characters is not a fun castlevania game for me.


Well, it better be cool, and I hope CV isn't doing something that it shouldn't.

I think this would be so much more badass if the art style wasn't animu and was more of the old-style gothic CV style.

oh man that would be so visually sweet.

Taste +1.

I still don't think he looks like a girl. Long hair /= girl.

I'm not just talking about Alucard's long, golden locks. Look at his thin eyebrows. His darkened eyes. His petite nose. It just screams "feminine." Even Simon suffers from this in SOTN. Gimme a man's man anyday! Androgyny FTL.

I'm not just talking about Alucard's long, golden locks. Look at his thin eyebrows. His darkened eyes. His petite nose. It just screams "feminine." Even Simon suffers from this in SOTN. Gimme a man's man anyday! Androgyny FTL.

Well do you want Alucard to look like Mario? :-P

But seriously, I agree that androgyny is annoying. It's especially annoying when you see it in EVERY DAMNED Japanese game save for a few mentions here and there, but the main character is usually some kind of girly-looking man.

In the case of Castlevania, Ayame Kojima's art lends greatly to the gothic themes present in the series. Are they a bit more girly than one would like? Probably, but for now let's forgive it. It still looks pretty damned cool anyway.

Well do you want Alucard to look like Mario? :-P

But seriously, I agree that androgyny is annoying. It's especially annoying when you see it in EVERY DAMNED Japanese game save for a few mentions here and there, but the main character is usually some kind of girly-looking man.

In the case of Castlevania, Ayame Kojima's art lends greatly to the gothic themes present in the series. Are they a bit more girly than one would like? Probably, but for now let's forgive it. It still looks pretty damned cool anyway.

Yeah, you guys just have to realize what is considered cool/manly/attractive in Japan is not as in other places. Look at any male Japanese pop idol. They all have long colored hair, wear lots of jewelry, dress in a particular way, and have small, sharp, feminine features. This is just the image of what is cool/attractive for a lot of Japanese people, hence it reflecting in the games.

Yeah, you guys just have to realize what is considered cool/manly/attractive in Japan is not as in other places. Look at any male Japanese pop idol. They all have long colored hair, wear lots of jewelry, dress in a particular way, and have small, sharp, feminine features. This is just the image of what is cool/attractive for a lot of Japanese people, hence it reflecting in the games.

Yet another example of how messed up the culture is.

Of course, ours is just as guilty, if not more so. Just for different reasons.

At least Mario has one of the manliest mustaches known to...man!

Yet another example of how messed up the culture is.

Of course, ours is just as guilty, if not more so. Just for different reasons.

At least Mario has one of the manliest mustaches known to...man!

Different=messed up? Ethnocentric much?

I'm not just talking about Alucard's long, golden locks. Look at his thin eyebrows. His darkened eyes. His petite nose. It just screams "feminine." Even Simon suffers from this in SOTN. Gimme a man's man anyday! Androgyny FTL.

I've not played anything past CV64 (and legacy of darkness), so this discription really REALLY confuses me. What the hell did they do to Alucard??? Aside from being frail, he was badass and manly in Dracula's Curse. And none of this golden locks BS.


Rambo, you did look at the picture I posted of him, didn't you? That's what he looked like in SOTN.

Evilhead, I'm just saying, what strange breed of Japanese chick just up and decided one day that a man that looks like a girl is hot? That'd be like if the entire population of American men started finding woman body builders attractive. It simply goes against biological nature.

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