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So I went to a Cash Converters today, and I found what I was looking for: a Sega Dreamcast. It was $40 with all cables, and a controller, and as for games I found Namco Museum ($5), a GT racing game ($5) and Phantasy Star Online (2, I think, for $7).

But then, I thought.

Is it worth it?

I honestly don't know. I haven't heard much about the dreamcast, but I always thought it would be neat to own one.

But in your opinion, is it worth it, and if I get it, what games should I look out for?


okay, I saw the terms "Sega Dreamcast" and I'm obligated to respond.

Yes, buy it, if you like collecting old game systems. If you can get past older generation graphics you probably won't like it compared to newer games.

The Dreamcast has a ton of little gems on it... Shenmue and Sonic Adventure come to mind first.

...then again a lot of the good Dreamcast titles were ported over to PS2, Xbox, and Gamecube. *shrugs*

I say get it, but you should probably get a few more people's opinions. ^_^ It'll be hard to find games, but you might be able to find some at vintage game shops and Ebay. I know theres an older gaming shop that has tons of Dreamcast games for sale. So it's hit and miss.


$40 seems a little steep for a Dreamcast, as you could find a system for $30 without much effort, but I'd say it's worth it if you like 2D and 3D fighting games, shooters, and arcade games in general. The Dreamcast is basically Naomi hardware for the home, and a lot of the games still look and play great. As good as some PS2 3D games, and with better 2D processing power than a lot of systems. The Dreamcast has one of the best gaming libraries of any systems, and you can have a huge collection of games for the cost of a spool of CDRs, but you didn't hear that from me!


If you're into fighting games, then yes, Dreamcast is worth getting. Outside of fighting games, you'd probably want to get some very cool action/arcadey games like Crazy Taxi, Jet Set Radio, and the lovable Chuchu Rocket. There are some very good and unique games for the system, however, it all really depends on your taste. Some other notable games would be Skies of Arcadia and Grandia 2.

For less than 100 dollars, I think you can really accumulate an awesome library for the system and have hours of great gaming ahead of you. Personally, I think that 40 dollars is a little steep, since I got my Dreamcast plus 3 really good games for it for 50 dollars (Dead or Alive 2, Marvel vs. Capcom 2, Grandia 2). That was also a couple of years ago too. Check out eBay auctions to see what they have to offer.


I love mine. Don't play it as often as I used to but I don't plan to get rid of it any time soon. So yes, I think it's worth it. In terms of games, all the good ones I can think of have been mentioned already except for the original Soul Calibur which I can recommend. I can't help mentioning Skies of Arcadia again as well.


I picked mine up back in 2001 or thereabouts for $50, and have enjoyed it well enough even if I haven't played a ton of games on it (I need to get out there and find out more about what's good).

One game I can recommend: Toy Commander. It looks like some cheap bargain bin game at first glance, but it's actually surprisingly fun and challenging, one of those games that manages to do a lot with just a little.


I played the Skies of Arcadia for GC, it was great. I'd love to find it on dreamcast.

So, no need for memory cards, right? there's no huge item I need to play dreamcast beyond the standard cables and controller, is there?

I did notice this thing on wikipedia: the VMU? That little video thingy you stick in the controller. What's up with that?


I bought mine back in '99. I didn't sell it like a bunch of other people were doing once people declared the DC dead and I'm glad I didn't. I've picked up a bunch of games for it dirt cheap over the years.


9/9/99 nevar 4get


Nope. The DC never got an entry in that series.

Regarding games on the DC, good luck finding great games like Red Dog, Daytona USA (2001), Under Defeat and Alien Front Online for another system. Couple that with what's considered to be the best version of some games (like Test Drive Le Mans and Grandia II), and the DC still has plenty to offer in terms of exclusives and "best versions". It has a healthy library of racing games, 2D/3D fighters and shmups, some good RPGs, and plenty of action titles... all despite it's shorter-than-average run.

If you like good games you won't find on any other system, get that DC.


Still have my DC. I will never part with it. Including what everyone has mentioned, if you are into arcade sports titles, you have to, HAVE to get Virtua Tennis. That is, honestly, one of the best party games ever. It's one of those "easy to play, difficult to master" games. I'd also recommend Samba De Amigo, but if you have a Wii you might be better off getting that version, I sure will when it comes out in September.

I played the Skies of Arcadia for GC, it was great. I'd love to find it on dreamcast.

So, no need for memory cards, right? there's no huge item I need to play dreamcast beyond the standard cables and controller, is there?

I did notice this thing on wikipedia: the VMU? That little video thingy you stick in the controller. What's up with that?

The VMU is the memory card iirc. the little screen will display stuff while you're playing and can be used with certain games to kind of do mini games. I remember you could use it in Time Stalkers to like raise a little monster to get items or something to that effect. I also remember in Tony Hawk whenever I messed up a trick the screen would tell me I sucked...

Still have my DC. I will never part with it. Including what everyone has mentioned, if you are into arcade sports titles, you have to, HAVE to get Virtua Tennis. That is, honestly, one of the best party games ever. It's one of those "easy to play, difficult to master" games. I'd also recommend Samba De Amigo, but if you have a Wii you might be better off getting that version, I sure will when it comes out in September.

I also think that Tennis 2k2 is also available for Dreamcast as well. It's essentially the sequel to Virtua Tennis and is actually 5 times better than it. The pace is much faster and you can actually run! If you loved Virtua Tennis, get Tennis 2k2. Not getting it is not an option.

Skies on Arcadia is a little more annoying on Dreamcast as there are more random battles, a lot more. I'd stick with the GC version, but my friends loved the DC version more.


As far as games in genteral go, I really liked this racing game in which you raced with remote control cars through neighborhoods and stuff. Though the late game races are controller-snappingly frustrating. I think it was called RC racers or something like that. I never did win the game, though my brother looked up a cheat that would let you drive a UFO, which was pretty fun, but still frustrating in many ways.

I played pretty far into Skies of Arcadia (for DC), but the fights just got so annoying. With the battle style that is in it, the fights themselves are not particularly entertaining,they just take so stinking long. Way too much camera time inbetween turns and things. I got to the point where I would start to fall asleep during every battle, and I just couldn't continue playing anymore. If not for the battles, I would say the game is freaking awesome. The ship battles are pretty fun, and the story is great. If I could have played with frame skip, or fast forward mode, I think it would have been much easier to stay involved with that game.

I'll quit yapping now.


the DC is the last bastion of hardcore gaming. I got mine a couple of years ago, and there's so much to offer. I'm not really into racing games, but there's a lot of really good ones. Rush 2049, Tokyo xtreme racer 1 and 2, and metropolis street racer. It's got tons of J-pan exclusives too, if you want to bolster your library with hot titles. I don't think anybody has mentioned Seaman, Rez, or the seminal classic, typing of the dead. I actually have a floor demo model, the whole upright cabinet thing you'd seen in a store. It looks like a Dalek from Doctor Who. I don't think that 40 bucks is that bad, who really cares if that's 10 more than thirty, that's not rally that big of a deal, same price as a movie ticket. DO EEEEETTTT!!!!, it'll make you a better person.


Power Stone and Power Stone 2 are great party games as well. The Virtua Tennis series like others said was really fun. My dad and I have probably played a thousand matches on that against each other.And yes, racing games up the wazoo. Definitely get Shenmue and Shenmue 2 however.


I really miss playing my friend's Berserk game on the Dreamcast. He was my roommate in college, and he had Sword of Berserk, Sonic Adventure and SF3: Third Strike. Man, that was awesome. He didn't even know that there was a Berserk anime, and I was already a fan, and I saw that game, and I nearly shit my pants. Then I showed him the anime and he was like "Whoa, this is awesome".



So, I got the DC, and it's pretty neat. I like the little VMU, but the batteries are dead so it can't work on its own. I'm gonna get some new ones soon.

I Started playing PSO, but it's really weird. Not much of a story yet, but it is fun, so I'll play it some more. I huess the online service is long gone now, huh? too bad.

Man, I still can't get over how funky the controller is, lol.

So now I just have to keep a look out for some games, which won't be easy.

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