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To everyone that's going on and on about having to "buy the same game" again and again.

Shut up.

If you already own the SNES or even the PS1 version of Chrono Trigger, good for you. Go play it right now, and leave this thread alone. You have it, enjoy it.

There are some of us who don't have a copy of Chrono Trigger. We may have had it once, but lost it due to moving or it dying or someone stealing it. Or maybe we only got to play it at someone else's house. Maybe we only ever got to try it on our computers using an emulator.

This game is not for you who already own it. This game is for those of us that don't.

So fuck off with your "but it's a port", "there's nothing new to it", and "I'm not buying the same game again" crap.


Hyperion: Well, I'm confused now. Are you playing along with the joke, or are you genuine?

For the record, I was being sarcastic in my post, as Chrono Trigger is one of the most highly rated (or over-rated, depending onwho you talk to) games of all time, and it holds the number 1 spot here at OCR for number of remixes. One in twenty mixes hosted here is a Chrono Trigger remix - it even beats out FF7, despite it recently having been given a 4-disc remix album treatment (with 3 and a half of those discs becoming OCR tracks).

Oh snap. I say, my good man, you have most certainly been served.

If only we knew which person had been served. As far as I can tell, Dhsu is calling atma dumb because Dhsu could see the sarcasm and Hyperion couldn't. This chain of events baffles me.


I just skipped to the end. Yes i did see the sarcasm yes i did play along.

But to be honest i only have a few CT's on my personal playlist (aside from symphonic) so i might of been refering to that. Though thats something else all together. Anyway i now HAVE to buy a DS. It annoys me somewhat. But it does give me hope that FF6/FF3 (US verison) gets the same treatment now.

I'm reading comments on various sites claiming it will be Japan-only.

To that, I must say the following:


Dear Square-Enix of Japan,

Should you, for some unfathomable reason, decide to not release the recently unveiled Chrono Trigger for the Nintendo DS to the other regions of the world (notably North America, Europe, Australia and so forth), you may consider your lives forfeit.

I will personally arrive at your main office, and once security has been dealt with, I shall render your staff into a paste, not unlike that of antipasto, across the floors, walls and even the ceilings of your building. To make it interesting for myself, I will even fax over my plans and a photo of myself to you the day before, in hopes that you put up some sort of futile defense.

After all, if you're not going to release Chrono Trigger for the DS to my part of the world, I will need something to entertain me instead.

You have until the end of the week to decide. Choose wisely.

Also, stop with the shitty shemale character artwork stuff on your new games. Not everyone likes that uncomfortable feeling they get when they realized they just thought a effeminate man was a pretty woman. Stop that, it's annoying as hell.

Thank for your time.

Welcome to the life suffered through by Earthbound fans.

Well... minus the shemale issue...

Holy crap though, Chrono Trigger back on a cartridge based medium where it belongs. If they can compress the PS movies into the card while keeping it's awful loading time for battles: worth it (if only to reintroduce a new generation of players to pre FFVII glory).

To everyone that's going on and on about having to "buy the same game" again and again. Shut up. This game is not for you who already own it. This game is for those of us that don't. So fuck off with your "but it's a port", "there's nothing new to it", and "I'm not buying the same game again" crap.

I am perfectly happy that SE still endeavors to bring its classic games into the new generation, but there is still something that pisses me off about giving a game a third release without really updating it (if you think that vague and uninteresting list of "new features" is an update, you're out of your mind). You have to understand that for those of us that have held onto this game and played it to death over the years, we can't help but feel swindled when we take a look at what is being done with FFIII and FFIV DS, then hear that CT is once again seeing the light of day without that same treatment. I just hoped they had learned their lesson with the FF Advance games and decided to cut that shit out and stop stomping on the hearts of die-hard fans, but apparently not.

To everyone that's going on and on about having to "buy the same game" again and again.

Shut up.

If you already own the SNES or even the PS1 version of Chrono Trigger, good for you. Go play it right now, and leave this thread alone. You have it, enjoy it.

There are some of us who don't have a copy of Chrono Trigger. We may have had it once, but lost it due to moving or it dying or someone stealing it. Or maybe we only got to play it at someone else's house. Maybe we only ever got to try it on our computers using an emulator.

This game is not for you who already own it. This game is for those of us that don't.

So fuck off with your "but it's a port", "there's nothing new to it", and "I'm not buying the same game again" crap.

Actually, this thread is for everyone, Damned, not just the "pro" CTDS folks. Everyone's perfectly free to come in and express their love or disdain for the game, their feelings about its simply being a port or a full on remake, and whether or not they'll be picking it up. That's the beauty of threads around here. Much like the review section, you're allowed to hop in and express your short or long-winded thoughts... regardless of where they reside, or of how many/few agree with them.


you do realize if you stop atma from declaring everything ever to be mediocre you will upset the balance of the universe and cause it to implode immediately

you do realize if you stop atma from declaring everything ever to be mediocre you will upset the balance of the universe and cause it to implode immediately

this is wrong im actually really excited for that wii castlevania game

You're ignoring part of the question. Why should I pay $30 to own and play something I already have on another system if it's essentially the same experience? :?

That's pretty much what I've been thinking, not just about this, but about a lot of rereleases of old games. Nintendo did it with all the Mario Advance games, or even worse, the GBA rereleases of individual old NES games. I don't quite understand why this stuff isn't going onto compilation packs, where you get the whole set of games for $20 - $30 instead of just one of them. Final Fantasy I through VI, Chrono Trigger, Secret of Mana, Seiken Densetsu III, a few others on a disc. No reason why they couldn't do it.

Well, I mean, I do understand why they don't do it -- part of it being that we let them get away with it since we've allowed ourselves to be convinced that these games are holy mystical treasures locked away in a secret vault rather than a few megs of data which can be plopped onto a compilation disc at any time. Just because the original Chrono Trigger cart is rare doesn't mean that the game data itself is somehow more expensive to put back into production. (Unless the game has acquired an inflated ego which causes it to take up more disc space or something, I dunno.)

I mean, my god, Konami just gave us a compilation of the three main Metal Gear Solid games at budget price, and those are much more recent games. Capcom regularly does it, with stuff like the Mega Man collections. I'm willing to bet they could easily get away with pulling a Nintendo/Square-Enix with their old games, but they have the decency to choose not to.

Oh well, I'll probably still end up buying it anyway. (I offer no solutions to the problem, I just point it out.) :\


No, I totally agree. I probably won't be buying this if it's essentially the same game. People are lambasting me for wanting to buy the DS version of FFIV, but it's probably the only version I'll ever buy being that it's an ACTUAL remake as opposed to the constant streams of ports that it and the other FFs have been getting. I'll definitely grab FFV and VI if they do they same that they did for FFIV and Chrono Trigger as well, but if it's the same game verbatim, then I'm passing on it.

That's why we have ZSNES and whatnot.

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