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I don't know if this has been posted before, but here an absolutely, classic video . . By far the FUNNNNIIIIESSSTTT video I have EVAAAARRR!!!! seen . . It's a PS3 fanboy freaking out like I've never seen before about this.


This guy is an amazing actor. He really has the Jtard persona down, but coulda wore a crash bandicoot shirt instead of a Nike. Also, he's trollin' it up in his video comments. The comments are just hilarious


FF 1-3 NES


FF 7-9 PS1

FF10-12 PS2

FF 13-15 360

FF 16-18 ???

FF PROFIT!!!!!!!!!!!

Umm it seams like they only run three on a system.. .And this is not counting spin offs or ports, or any crap like that... They usually span a life.

But still, the same guy that made FFX-2 and FFXII Wings is the one making FFXIII. Does this bother anyone else?

no more than the game itself bothers me

also I enjoyed what I played of Rev Wings


I don't think he'll do a bad job for Final Fantasy XIII. I liked the theme of closure that was present in FFX-2(as cheeky as the game could be), and as I said before the game already has me very impressed with its different ideas.

I honestly had no idea that FFXII was a serious blow to SE financially. I and many other friends of mine, some of which hate most RPGS in general including FFVII, loved the hell out of it.

I don't think he'll do a bad job for Final Fantasy XIII. I liked the theme of closure that was present in FFX-2(as cheeky as the game could be), and as I said before the game already has me very impressed with its different ideas.

I honestly had no idea that FFXII was a serious blow to SE financially. I and many other friends of mine, some of which hate most RPGS in general including FFVII, loved the hell out of it.

XII was different enough from the general franchise that most people got a chock and hated it. I haven't played it for long so I don't really have an opinion atm but I like some of the ideas and the general feel of it.


I thought it was the complete opposite. It was as if Square was finally listening the fans' complaints about the flaws of turn based systems and put a totally new system for a more casual, easier to understand gameplay. The change was nice, but I think the innate flaws of it was whitewashed simply because it was new. FFXIII, to me, should be compared directly with Star Ocean the way it should. I don't think expectations should waver so much for it.

Games developed by Sony-owned and Microsoft-owned development houses don't count, as they'll never be ported unless they sell their IPs.

It's a fair point to make though, XII nearly put Square Enix out of business (reading the backstory behind Yiazmat from XII made sense that way) and they want to recoup as much as possible by making their games available to a much more wider audience in order to boost sales and take in a higher profit margin. It's a viable option, whether us fanboys (and maybe girls) all like it or not.

This has happened to square before. Usually whenever they try something new, they tank and have to claw their way out and do something to get some cash. Remember Spirits Within? Actually, in hindsight, that was good because Square got to work the Valkyrie Profile and Star Ocean franchises, which made those games really good.

Yes, history is repeating itself. They're in the crapper from FFXII, so they go all out and throw it multiplatform. Expect Vs. XIII to be a lot like Kingdom Hearts (except bloodier!) and FFXIII to at least look something like one of their old greats (VII, VIII maybe).

On a different note, I sorta like the TBC of FFX, where you could plot out each move, know the order of turns, etc. I'd like to see that combat system again sometime. Anyone else share my opinion?

This has happened to square before. Usually whenever they try something new, they tank and have to claw their way out and do something to get some cash. Remember Spirits Within? Actually, in hindsight, that was good because Square got to work the Valkyrie Profile and Star Ocean franchises, which made those games really good.

Yes, history is repeating itself. They're in the crapper from FFXII, so they go all out and throw it multiplatform. Expect Vs. XIII to be a lot like Kingdom Hearts (except bloodier!) and FFXIII to at least look something like one of their old greats (VII, VIII maybe).

On a different note, I sorta like the TBC of FFX, where you could plot out each move, know the order of turns, etc. I'd like to see that combat system again sometime. Anyone else share my opinion?

i love x still. Although plotting out your moves was hilarious once you had fast characters, I could swap in and out for a few free attacks, then back to a heavy hitter.


I guess the XII developers didn't realize that all enemies were 100% combat efficient no matter how much HP they had left. Flat battle system in general. Flat game overall. Dull and mostly flat locations. Couldn't turn off the muzak while galavanting around mostly boring landscapes forever and ever.

XIII. If Yoko Shimomura <3 does the music, at least something good will come out of it. ^^ As for all the other FF variations, also XIII, I don't really care about FF that much I guess, or else I would have followed every news story, but what's the point; it comes out when it comes out. It sucks or it rocks.

VIII. I don't buy the main criticism of this game. The junction system was too complicated? haha You could simply have the game do it all for you, which was the preferred starting point anyway. If you wanted, you could simply attach Death to Attack, or do other context sensitive changes, such as making the character absorb fire in an area with heavy fire elemental attacks. That's very complicated, alright. It's the bare minimum of configuration available to you. Just stock up on magic and remember to draw the GF.--This criticism was probably made up by the same mass suggesting media morons which gave XII the highest ratings all over the world.

Some GameSpot reviewer even complained that the gambit and license systems were too complicated. Gambits are the simplest logical rules you can find, except boolean algebra, and their use is optional anyway. It's the simplest system you'll find, because the giant corporation that made the game relies on you grasping the concepts. The license system was complicated as well, of course. >_< It's a grid. You have points you can use to open things on the grid. You select where. Complicated. It was boring, though. Maybe that's what the reviewer actually meant.

X-2. The battles were a joy compared to X. The pace was good, combos added some arcade game feel to it, however, you could also abuse the system by constantly changing the dresses during battles.

KH has generally been fun to play. You may not always get what the hell is going on during a battle with many foes at the same time, but it makes you look good. Anyway, what do you care, you get showered with lots of glowing orbs. Glowing ooorbs. arhlllllllll~~

I thought it was the complete opposite. It was as if Square was finally listening the fans' complaints about the flaws of turn based systems and put a totally new system for a more casual, easier to understand gameplay. The change was nice, but I think the innate flaws of it was whitewashed simply because it was new. FFXIII, to me, should be compared directly with Star Ocean the way it should. I don't think expectations should waver so much for it.

I dunno if this is what you meant, but if FFXIII has a Star Ocean 3-esque battle system, this game will own my soul.

Haven't they been saying that the battle system for the game is being called ATB? Which is, of course, the same thing it's always been called: Active Time Battles. Whether it means the same thing this time or not...I guess we'll just have to wait and see.


Just as a point of note. A lot of you keep saying that 360 is selling much better than the PS3 in the US/Europe. Actually the PS3 has been outselling the 360 in Europe since october. The US is the only place the 360 is "beating" the PS3. In sales numbers, at any rate.


Sales for the PS3 have been kicking up since MGS4, which is a good thing, but it still doesn't have the same install base as the 360 does, and that's what SE is looking at. If memory of The Spirits Within serves, then if FFXII was that big of a flop, the current PS3 install base just isn't enough to justify leaving it as an exclusive.

Yeah same here. if only MGS4 would get ported...

I still say it will.

Forget all the chatter saying it can't, multiple discs haven't been a problem in the past, and it won't be in the future.

Just as a point of note. A lot of you keep saying that 360 is selling much better than the PS3 in the US/Europe. Actually the PS3 has been outselling the 360 in Europe since october. The US is the only place the 360 is "beating" the PS3. In sales numbers, at any rate.

Yeah, but it wasn't beating the 360 sales by all that much until MGS4, which then nearly doubled 360's numbers. But 360 is still marching on with at least around 200,000 per month. I simply think the aura of invincibility for the Playstation brand is gone as far as it being a de-facto hardcore gamers' machine. I mean, the 360 had a huge uptick when Halo 3 and Gears of War.

Also, the biggest news is that 360 gamers own more 360 games than Wii gamers does with Wii games or PS3 does with PS3 games. The ratio is lopsided in 360's favor and that software conversion is what's attracting developers, as it rightfully should.


Much of the "own more games" statistics is likely due to the system having been out for an extra year: 360 users on average have owned their systems for longer. As to "aura of invincibility", that remains to be seen. It took a while for the SNES to overtake the Genesis, but it did so in time despite having only a small hardware advantage. The hardware advantage will come increasingly into play as the systems age and developers start being able to push the systems to their limits.

It's like moving into a bigger apartment (or dorm), at first you glorify at how much more space you have and how you won't be as cramped--but unless you got a REALLY big appartment you're going to start finding it was not so big as you had thought. Though I doubt that there are as many pairs of dirty socks lying around in the programming as there are in my apartment.

  • 6 months later...
This guy is an amazing actor. He really has the Jtard persona down, but coulda wore a crash bandicoot shirt instead of a Nike. Also, he's trollin' it up in his video comments. The comments are just hilarious

Kevin Bowen is a pretty funny dude.

One question. At the end of the latest trailer, it said it was available with ps3, 360 and xbl. What could xbl have anything to do with ffxiii?

Probably that it was XBL enabled since it did NOT say Xbox Live Arcade. This usually means downloadable content or ranking lists, probably the former.

  • 2 months later...
so, who else is starting to get excited about this? personally, i'll be preordering pretty much as soon as the different packages are announced. it's supposed to be early next year - i'm hoping on putting christmas money towards it.

Last I knew, its coming out in the fall. I may pre-order it too. I've waited a long time for the Final Fantasy franchise to come over to Microsofts consel. I just cannot wait.

Anybody know any huge details on the story-line? or has it nothing been released?

so, who else is starting to get excited about this? personally, i'll be preordering pretty much as soon as the different packages are announced. it's supposed to be early next year - i'm hoping on putting christmas money towards it.

I'm game. I've been looking forward to this (without hyping) since it was announced. Seriously though, I think it will just be another JRPG. Not that it's a bad thing but the hype is getting ridiculous and Squeenix really haven't done anything cool since TWETY and that was a one-hit wonder.


Uh, there's been hype? I must be visiting the wrong parts of the internet, because I've heard no excitement other than, "Hey, it looks cool" when the occasional trailer pops out. And last I heard, it won't be out until 2010.

But yeah, it and Tales of Vesperia were the main reasons I bought a 360 to begin with, so I'm personally quite excited. The cast actually looks cool this time. (no feather-haired wankers so far!)

Seriously though, I think it will just be another JRPG.

This. I haven't really gotten into a Final Fantasy game since IX. Granted, I've played X, X-2, and XII, but none of them were really "hey that's awesome" like the PSX-era ones were.

But maybe that's just nostalgia talking.

Re: FFXIII... I'll probably pick it up when it comes out, to be honest. I haven't really heard much about it, especially compared to XIII Versus (and I still haven't quite managed to wrap my head around what the relationship between the two is), but I'm expecting it to be at least worth a play-through based purely on the strength of the franchise.

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