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OCR00971 - Final Fantasy VII "It's Difficult to Stand When You're on Acid"

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I'm going to rip my review from when I judged in this IMC10, the contest it was featured in...because I have absolutely nothing better to think of saying (and I'm assuming this is same since the IMC one I have is the same length, size, and bitrate):

"Popular OCRemixer Beatdrop nudges his way into the contest with his entry, which although good, doesn't really seem as astounding or interesting as many of the above entries. Semi-repetitive hardcore techno electronica, a style that Beatdrop has proven himself over and over again to absolutely kick pure unadulterated ass at, is the name of the game here. I'm having a little trouble writing this here description, though, so maybe someone can help me out here and tell me what the hell is wrong with me:

This remix is solid techno, but I've not really gained any feeling or emotion out of the music in the many times I've heard it that makes it as addictive to listen to or as fun or as creative as other entries in this contest. It just seems to be along the basic lines of standard hardcore techno, a genre that was done most often for the remixing of this particular tune (probably, anyway). And, there are a few things that sounded odd to me (particularly the section at 1:20 where the little chromatic riffs are played over a previous section), but I don't feel too qualified to attempt giving advice to a person who is much more experienced than me with remixing. Lemme put it this way - I don't think I can tell Beatdrop anything he doesn't already know. And I'd go into a description of each section of the song, but many other judges do that in their mix reviews, so I don't feel a reason to do so myself. However, there is a small section in this remix that adds a drop of coolness, and it's that little build up at 2:20. Otherwise, I see straightforwardness with sections of the melody broken up and played over a loud drum loop, and some reverberating bleeps and bloops. I heard this was the very first mix submitted to the contest, which makes me feel that Beatdrop could've taken his time to do something more interesting or innovative. It's pretty much the standard techno hardcore remix I'd expect from someone, but at least this is well done stuff."

All in all, I wish he would've taken the time to make this a more interesting remix. Maybe it's just because I don't like the absolute standard type of techno that this is. It just feels rather boring, and not really like something that's creative or anything out of the ordinary to grab my attention. It's solid, but I would've liked something more...


I kinda like this mix. :D It holds almost all of the same kick that kept the original "It's Difficult To Stand On Both Feet, Isn't It?" a powerful track in the FFVII soundtrack, while at the same time it happens to please techno fans around here. The progression from the kick drums through to the melody start at 1'46", a powerful middle, and the quieting down at the 30 seconds at the end have all aided to keep the track in line. Essential for FFVII fans and trance freaks. :wink:

Not sure about the rest of you, but eh... :P


I listen to the biggining..I'm like..oh boy, fruity fruty. :P. Then that bass lead come in and it sound better. 1:29, sounds...bad as hell. Too many wrong nots. Ah, now I know what song it is, I like the lead. The Base drum is too fruity loops. When its coming back at 2:20, its way better WAY. Really good song if you want to go NUTS at the club. I like the lead. This is very hip and new. I felt it was short...not cause of the lenght...cause by the time it built up..its goes out and leave....well...the melody anyways.. But this is kicken, keep bringing us some of your originality. Let the Beat Drop you. w00t!



I wasn't originally going to submit this to OCR, but since I'm still working on finishing some newer (more original) material, I sent this in as a bit of an appetizer, so to speak.

Gman, despite what you heard, none of the samples are default FL. I refuse to use default FL samples unless I'm experimenting, but you will not hear them in any of my songs on OCR (except for the oldest of old). Not sure what wrong notes you're referring to, either... If DiscoDan didn't catch any back when he judged it for IMC10 (and if my memory serves, he didn't), then I think it's safe to say there aren't any. :?

Also, this really wasn't what I would call "something new." It's pretty generic trance, but I put a lot of focus on the rhythmic work. I often find myself falling short in the drum department when trying to make some trance, so here I was just making sure the drum work was interesting enough. Honestly, I'm not a huge fan of this remix, but it was awfully hard to remix the song, and this style was the first thing that came to mind when listening to it in the pre-production stage.


I thought it was pretty good. Not insane magic good, just, good. 1:20 - 1:40 hurts my ears. After that though, it really gets good. If it wasn't for that section this song would be a lot better. I think you did a nice job avoiding the standard techno percussion. And I didn't think that bassdrum sounded ANYTHING like a FL default. But whatever. Good song, not great though.


Well, I'm on my third listen on this one, and I've listened to the original a couple of times. I must say, when I compare the two, I would have to say this is a very original remix to the song, at least in my taste. I like the way you went with it, because personally, I never liked the original too much, but like many remixers on this site, you know how to make an originally okay track into a kick ass one.

It's not the most kick ass song I've heard on this site, especially from the stuff you've done before, but it is good enough to get me going. Me likey!

As you yourself said, it's not really your greatest piece, which begs me to wonder why did you even submit it if you know it could have been better?

Then I read some more. Thanks for the appetizer but now I'm ready for the main course! Thanks for the piece. It definitely got my blood rushing, and it gave us another lovely FF remix after having a short dry spell of not only FF pieces, but remixes in general.

Overall, It's a good piece. Not as great as some others like Dimstar, Deserted Industry, or that piece you did with mp, Mystic Mountain, but still a great piece to my slowly growing OCR collection, and another piece to say I have Beatdrop's.

In Honor of Easter, this song could very well kick the ass of an army of non-stop energizer bunnies.

In Honor of Easter, this song could very well kick the ass of an army of non-stop energizer bunnies.


Anyway, I forgot to mention that I made this song not long after having purchased Underworld's "A Hundred Days Off," and as such, the percussion is heavily Underworld-esque. Listen to some of the stuff on that disc and you'll probably be able to tell. ;)

Anyway, I forgot to mention that I made this song not long after having purchased Underworld's "A Hundred Days Off," and as such, the percussion is heavily Underworld-esque. Listen to some of the stuff on that disc and you'll probably be able to tell. ;)

Now that you mention it, I can hear it. I'm a huge Underworld fan. A good purchase, if I do say so myself.

This mix...IT FUCKING ROCKS. I wouldn't call it new or groundbreaking...but damn, it's fun to listen to. There are some damn great effects going on. The thing that comes in at 1'06 I really loved. I wasn't bothered by the 1'20 section all. The Bass Drum sample is not FL, I can tell. I guess I was a little disapointed with the ending, but that's my only complaint. This is a fucking great song Beatdrop. This one will be in the playlist for a long time. Much <3

1:20 - 1:40 hurts my ears.

That was about the only part I didn't love. The rest is just awesome to me. I burned this to CD, then recorded to audio cassette so I could listen in my car (old, no cd player). This is one of the songs I look forward to getting to while listening to the tape.


nice nice, a 7 out of 10 (no pun intended). it took me a little time to figure out what it was, the first time i thought the long beat at the beginning was a part of sephiroths madness, but then it got to melody and it really lost me, then i saw it was a remix of "it's difficult to stand on both feet, isn't it?" i had to dig through my archive of FFVII midis to find it and pick out where the melody is. i like the melody section but the beginning was a little blah...drum line is good but got a little boring, i still like it though, keep up the good work beatdrop


This is indeed an appetizer, as it's left my ears piqued and awaiting Beatdrop's next entry. I could have done without the intro. I was honestly hoping for more variation.


i never was a big fan of the theme from the boat (when Barret becomes one of the village people) but this is certainly more than just tolerable. I like it. Adds a nice darkness and substance to a track that originally just sounded like a BGM for being seasick. -Seth


Gman, despite what you heard, none of the samples are default FL. I refuse to use default FL samples unless I'm experimenting, but you will not hear them in any of my songs on OCR (except for the oldest of old). Not sure what wrong notes you're referring to, either... If DiscoDan didn't catch any back when he judged it for IMC10 (and if my memory serves, he didn't), then I think it's safe to say there aren't any. :?

I never said you used defaults sound, but I know you used the fruity kick. I've never herd a kick like that anywhere other than FL..So, I just asumed it was fruity loops. I know you wouldn't use defaults...if you did, I'm sure you wouldn't be a judge :P

As for the wrong note, nah, I guess it was just me. This is high energy stuff, I just wasn't high energy mood when I listened to it the first time. But it does show you didn't work on it TOO much..thats what happends with IMC...oh well. But its still goddyz!

And....I liked your old sig better...the one with the eyes.


P.S., I looove title of the song, goes really well with the song. My OC remix that being voted also has a drug related name :P it should be on here soon. If you YESed me enough :P



It's a shame people here aren't into 20th century dissonance, because beatdrop....this track is utter genius! Your dissonance from 1:20-40 resolves smoothly and eerily. I can understand that people don't like them but shaaaaame on them for calling them wrong notes. I'm not a big techno buff; I did find some of the panning and phasing a bit cliche, so I just listened to the melodic/harmonic motion instead. If your other works sound more tonal than this than screw what everyone says, this is one of the best mixes I've heard in so long. I applaud your courage; you'd blow even Stravinsky's mind. A+++, vastly underrated mix.


Okay, I'm listening to this for my first time, and I can already safely say that this'll make at least one of the CDs I burn in the near future. ^_^

It's some VERY cool acid techno here, with some massive synth string chords that make my head explode. The original track from FF7, "It's Difficult to Stand on Both Feet, Isn't It?" was a track I was pretty indifferent about. This remix however... very nice work, Beatdrop. The best part is probably around 2:30, where it comes around to some classic rave/trance goodness. Excellent stuff.


I must confess Beatdrop, I wish i would have gotten to this sooner.. but .. you know how it goes :P anyway, lemme tell ya what i think. <songplayed> I Really like it man, although this isn't my cup'o'tea, it's still a very well-done song, and beatdrop slowly Sucks me into his style of music :P everytime i listen i like it just a bit more. Good stuff.

0:01 - Some people were making comments about ears hurting? its not bad at all. atleast not compared to what i was expecting, as for the beat? its a solid intro, and it's cool. but its nothing groundbreaking until....

0:28 - HERE. this part is amazing. love it. <3 it. its delicious.

0:41 - Even better.

0:49 - Even Better!

0:57 - You always target a specific audience with your mixes, to me, this isn't something id listen to a lot simply because its not my style, but reguardless of that, this mix is still very good.

1:17 - Sounds great. For a minute, i thought there we're a few chord conflicts, but it feels like *every* one of them is intentional. and I'm totally diggin' it. :P Rock on.

1:49 Not bad, but .. probably my least favorite part. Cool stuff, but.. Just not as good as the other parts.

2:15 - Oo.. crazy :P you need to teach me how to do this, Mr. Drop.

2:30 - Excellent stuff. very diggable. I love your vibes

2:51 - Very Trance-ish at this point. very good.

3:13 - No. Bad. Bad. the other one was much better, horrible change.

3:36 - A bit too sudden for my liking, but it works. Sweeet :P

  • 1 month later...

Beatdrop, I've always been a huge fan of yours. This mix is great, as usual. It's especially good at 6 AM when you're trying to wake yourself up and your best friend refuses to get out of bed.

And um.. k-wix,

2:15 - Oo.. crazy :P you need to teach me how to do this, Mr. Drop.

..that isn't very difficult to do. :P


when i downloaded this song, i did not like it at all. for some reason, however, i decided to leave it in my playlist. my playlist runs 24 hours a day, and after a few times of waking up around 4 a.m., hearing the song, and saying (in a groggy tone) "wut da fuk?" i really started to like it.

i know you didn't put too much work into this and some parts hurt the ears, but i like it more and more every time i hear it, so the amount of effort means nothing to me. great work.


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