djpretzel Posted April 21, 2003 Posted April 21, 2003 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
omarshat Posted April 21, 2003 Posted April 21, 2003 at first i couldn't hear the original melody in this mix, i didn't pay attention to the opening piano, i had to look up the song, and when i realized this was the Aris dome theme, it hit me like a ton of bricks. it must have taken some deep thought and consideration to move from the somber feeling of the original tune to the dancy techno that this mix evolves into. if any thing, this song is a must download just to hear the shift in musical genre, that and the awsome synth which gives off that dance floor feeling. a job well done... Quote
Zeality Posted April 21, 2003 Posted April 21, 2003 Dammit Suzu, this mix helped me through much of the last few months, and will probably be at my side for the rest of my life. It's made 3 of my personal CDrs in various forms, and man...perfection. It's the last piece on my "Life Mix" disc...I can't thank you enough. This work is second only to Dale North's TimeCircuitsHighVoltage as far as my CT favorites go, and for it not being a Zeal remix, that means much. Keep mixing. And I'll give BlueMetro a damn good chance for joining Sir Nut's mix (also a kickass interpretation of the Metropolis Zone) on OCR. Enlightened Ownage. Quote
OmegaPhoenix128 Posted April 21, 2003 Posted April 21, 2003 The tune is upbeat after maybe 30 seconds to a minute or so which is really a thing I like about it. The beginning with the piano is pretty cool too. In overall. This a really good song. Quote
sgx Posted April 21, 2003 Posted April 21, 2003 Holy shit. I'm really frikin loving those drums. The rest of the song is pretty quality too. Very cool work. Damn...those drums. You shoulda made the whole song around them! Great ideas. Yay. Quote
Gman Posted April 22, 2003 Posted April 22, 2003 Yay, very good. Like others said this is really good. I like I like. Gets a little repetitive to me..but that prolly just me. Keep the Chrono music comming! Cant get enough of them. Quote
Kamikaze Noodle Posted April 22, 2003 Posted April 22, 2003 Wow. This is so sweet. I don't really know what to say. The way it transitions from piano to dance is incredible! Some of the synths just kick me in the ass with their coolness. I can't believe this is the Arris dome song... You've done a very nice job with this. Keep it up! Quote
UltimaAvatar Posted April 22, 2003 Posted April 22, 2003 wow, i tried to hear it in newspaper class but the room was too noisy, then i got home and downloaded it but forgot about it and finally got to listen to it today. i notmally don't listen to much CT remix because almost all of them are Schala's theme and that got old real quick. i can invision a lot of different story ending battles to this, although like the board said, the ending needs a little more. but i like it none-the-less, excellent remix Quote
snarfoogle Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 The very same Suzembachi who did that Black Omen mix on VGmix? NIEC WORK Quote
suzumebachi Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 The very same Suzembachi who did that Black Omen mix on VGmix?NIEC WORK err.. WOW someone remembered that? that was quite a while ago thanks for all the feedback guys. i really appreciate it Quote
Icct Hedrix Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 Damn! This is some good ass remix. Its my first in a LONG while and i was pleasently suprised. And yes i know the end was a let down but it is good all the way through Quote
Viewtiful Fig Posted April 23, 2003 Posted April 23, 2003 I remember this when it was still a WIP, and I'm really glad to see it got accepted. This remix really stood out among the mass of CT remixes (both on the WIP board AND in OCRemix's archives), and I was hoping to eventually see its title on top of that famous "Recent Remixes" list. Quote
Lucan Posted April 26, 2003 Posted April 26, 2003 I REALLY like the way the song "grows" in the first one and a half minutes and then changes into solid trance. Very Good work by Suzumebachi! Quote
k-wix Posted April 27, 2003 Posted April 27, 2003 Hello Suzu, forgive the lateness of my Review. lets dive in <songplayed> Ugh, this song is hard for me to review because I love a lot of aspects about it, but there are a few issues that keep me from falling in love, either way, i think its a very good song that should be checked out by Everyone. 0:01 - I will say, the intro is deffinitely one of my favorite parts, the "static" that was intentional in the backround? I feel like its just a bit to loud, beyond that though, your piano work is amazing. 0:15 - Especially here. I love this part. 0:48 - Excellent. Brilliant. 1:01 - Now, immediately of note here is the quality of the instruments, they all sound very good together, its done very well, but as for the Movement of the notes? I *hate* the way it sounds from 1:01 to 1:12. Just that specific section. 1:25 - As for this? Brilliant. 1:38 - My main beef, is that you repeat these notes quite a bit, and while its cool, and im totally diggin the vibe, i just wish you'd mix up that lead. 1:59 - I'd guess your going for a "trance-ish" mood, And it sounds great, and you do a wonderful job of keeping it from getting boring, but .. I just can't get into that lead :\ 2:52 - So, Basically, I Just honestly wish you would've mixed that lead up a LOT more. 3:10 - The ending seriously could've been cleaned up a bit, perhaps slowed down. Quote
Abadoss Posted May 1, 2003 Posted May 1, 2003 It's been a while since I've had a really solid trance that was really good in my collection. I dare say that I missed that and thanks to you, Suzu, I now feel complete. Now down to the critiques... I like the slow introduction of the drums before the synth orgy. Don't take this the wrong way, but it felt like it would fit so well into an 80's movie, and that's so cool! I can almost hear this on Ladyhawk or Romancing the Stone or something (although, Ladyhawk had a really shitty soundtrack). I like how you manage to keep the flow moving and you never let it stagnate. That's often one of the biggest complaints I have with trance pieces, and I'm glad you haven't committed that grievous act. As far as the things I didn't like, I would have preferred that the synth come in a little cleaner. I like it all the same, but that would have been my choice. I think overall, there's not a whole lot that I don't like about this piece. It's one of those pieces where I say to myself, "I friggin' hate this genre, but this piece makes it all better!"... Great work, Suzu! Quote
Jimlad Posted May 7, 2003 Posted May 7, 2003 Loved the sound you got out of the piano... how did you do that? The quality was excellent. Quote
illumina Posted May 7, 2003 Posted May 7, 2003 I like how it builds up to 1:16, pretty bold rich sounds. Quote
fisherman Posted May 9, 2003 Posted May 9, 2003 4/5 Like most mixes, I heard good and bad. Definitely good overall though! The jazzy piano right off the bat was excellent. It jumps out, then slowly settles back into a mellow groove to set up the following sections. I have a beef with the vinyl noise sample, though. It sounds more like a train than real vinyl noise that I've heard. My ears were expecting the static to be a little more constant throughout the sample instead of so lopsided. The click that sounds like damage to the virtual album is one thing, I'm talking about the actual static noise. The first time I listened to 0:35 (when the electronics start fading in ever so slightly) I thought someone on a floor below me had their speakers turned up to test the sound output. The distant sound had me completely fooled! For about 10 seconds it sounded like the sound actually wasn't coming from my speakers. I dont know how they did it, but the way it sounds like the source of the sound is slowly coming from the basement up to your speakers is one of the coolest things I've heard! When the thumping bass comes in at 1:15, it sounds kind of empty. Until the higher percussion comes in at 1:26 it just sort of ambles along. Granted, it's only about 10 seconds, but for those 10 seconds it sounds a little dead. The ending was definitely too sudden. I felt like I should have been wearing a seat belt after it happened. Quote
esden9 Posted May 10, 2003 Posted May 10, 2003 This is really well done. I'm really big on trance and jungle tunes, and this hits the sweet spot as far as trance goes, the intro is just plain awesome. That intro work...I really don't know if I've heard better. Very flowing. Very modern techno, mixing several genres so well, mixing a classical piano style into breakbeats into progressive trance. I felt not at all uncomfortable during the intro. Each part lead into the next very well and intuitively. The bulk of the remix is very enjoyable, sticking with the main theme, yet changing acoustic qualities enough to maintain interest. The end, as has already been mentioned, was too sudden however. I give 4.5/5 only losing points for the anti-climactic ending. Quote
esden9 Posted October 24, 2003 Posted October 24, 2003 This mix still rocks. I been listening to it like 2 or 3 times a week at the least since it was uploaded, and I've never gotten tired of it. A bet this will be on my fav list until I breath my last. Quote
disco_bombing Posted April 25, 2005 Posted April 25, 2005 at first i couldn't hear the original melody in this mix, i didn't pay attention to the opening piano, i had to look up the song, and when i realized this was the Aris dome theme, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Nope. Arris dome sounds waaay different than this. a midi I'm having so much trouble finding 'Forever' (the original) anywhere. I just said to heck with it and emailed Suzu myself. Hope he gets it... All in all, this is a genius song. I just want to hear the original. Quote
Antelucan Posted April 25, 2005 Posted April 25, 2005 at first i couldn't hear the original melody in this mix, i didn't pay attention to the opening piano, i had to look up the song, and when i realized this was the Aris dome theme, it hit me like a ton of bricks. Nope. Arris dome sounds waaay different than this. a midi I'm having so much trouble finding 'Forever' (the original) anywhere. I just said to heck with it and emailed Suzu myself. Hope he gets it... All in all, this is a genius song. I just want to hear the original. It's called "The Day the World Revived" on the OSV. The melody itself can be heard integrated into the Lavos Theme midi part-way through. By the way, this remix is great. Quote
Miletus Posted April 25, 2005 Posted April 25, 2005 Whatever the original is this is a great song. I don't see the point of the static at the start, it gets a little repetitive and the ending is abrupt. But you mix from one genre to the other really well (actually i'd say trance and classic are pretty similar genres but never mind) and it's all done expertly. BTW, for anyone without CD ripping abilities who already owns the Crono Trigger OST and wishes for a backup of one of the tracks from that CD (such as say, The Day the World Revived) they can get them here. They don't sound all that similar though. Quote
suzumebachi Posted April 25, 2005 Posted April 25, 2005 i no longer use the address. it got far too overloaded with spam. i tried telling djp to update it, but he's a busy guy. and when he's not busy, he's drunk. but it's all good. anyways, like Antelucan said, the original song is 'the day the world revived'. it's track 6 on the 2nd disc of the OSV. it's also in the rsn available here on OCR. not sure which track it is though, but probably something like 30, or 2-6 (i don't recall how they are ordered in the rsn). if you don't know how to play the rsn, there's a list of programs/plugins available here. hope this helps! thanks a bunch guys. ps: my current e-mail is Quote
Petara Posted April 26, 2005 Posted April 26, 2005 This is an excellent trance remix. The Day the World Revived is the only song on my OCR: Chrono Trigger CD that has more than one remix for it thanks to Suzemebachi's, djp's and Unknown's/zircon's mixes. Not too much of a good thing imo. Quote
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