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  • 1 month later...

I hope they improved on the controls from the last game, I was going to buy it, didn't have the cash, so I rented it (the secret rings I mean). And I quit after about ten missions into it. I'll cut Sega slack because I think they were still getting to know the wii controls, but maybe they'll get it right in round two of a sonic game...

I hope....

  • 5 months later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Sonic just needs to pull a Mega Man 9. It's wasting its resources on projects like this (well, okay, the soundtrack does sound awesome). Sonic Team need to put some people on Sonic the Hedghog 4 for the 3 download services. Give us some good level design, take away the extra characters that no one cares about, and crank the game's speed. The irony is that it probably costs more to do what they're doing now than it would to make a *proper* entry in the Sonic franchise.


What they should do is just make new original games for these weird ideas they keep getting instead of trying to shoe-horn sonic/"sonic style" game play into them.

Or at the very least get the sonic characters to fit into their environment better.

I am disappointed that Tails isn't a proper character, even though I probably won't ever play this game, even ignoring that the character set up they have doesn't make much sense at all.


Honestly, if they wanted to do what they did in Sonic Adventure 1 and 2, they should have separate teams handle each characters part. Each team with the most experience in what sort of gameplay each character would have, be it Sonic on speed stages, Tails on run n gun/platforming, etc, etc. I think it would be a better experience and game overall.

Xzero, you may be on to something there. Maybe they'd do like the high res paintings I've been seeing on Deviantart of Sonic...

And why not try culling stories from the Sonic comics? I've read some of the new ones now and again, and they've improved, though I still miss Spazz and Harvo's awesome artwork back in the day...


Ugh I was reading this thread from the first post like the thread was made today. :[

I was gonna say this is fake but now that I saw that video I'm happy I'm not a sonic fan because I know I won't be as disappointed as a true sonic fan will be.

Sonic just needs to pull a Mega Man 9. It's wasting its resources on projects like this (well, okay, the soundtrack does sound awesome). Sonic Team need to put some people on Sonic the Hedghog 4 for the 3 download services. Give us some good level design, take away the extra characters that no one cares about, and crank the game's speed. The irony is that it probably costs more to do what they're doing now than it would to make a *proper* entry in the Sonic franchise.

I feel the exact same way. Give us a Sonic 3 & Knuckles type game with new stages, equally well done level design (stay away from hidden spikes and bottomless pits), a new type of special stage for emerald collecting, and one or two more types of power-ups. It'd make millions, and help Sonic recover from his sullied image.


They just need to stop trying to make Sonic "cool." He was cool. Personally, I loved everything Sega did with him on the Genesis.

Then they gave him a "cool" voice and "cool" friends like Vector the Crocodile and that stupid bee.

Then Shadow comes along... with a gun.

And now Sonic has a sword.

He's not Sonic anymore in my book. I refuse to have my childhood dashed to pieces :puppyeyes:

They just need to stop trying to make Sonic "cool." He was cool. Personally, I loved everything Sega did with him on the Genesis.

Then they gave him a "cool" voice and "cool" friends like Vector the Crocodile and that stupid bee.

Then Shadow comes along... with a gun.

And now Sonic has a sword.

He's not Sonic anymore in my book. I refuse to have my childhood dashed to pieces :puppyeyes:

haha I know right?

I refuse to have my childhood dashed to pieces :puppyeyes:

yeah. too late.

first it was Metal Sonic with super technology

Then regress to shadow with a gun

now regress even more to sonic with a sword! what's gonna happen next?

Tails' with a composite bow? Knuckles with a battle ax? Honestly.

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