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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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  Bahamut said:
So I'm at a hosting dilemma for the new server. I got linked to a hosting company that looks to be excellent, and the ideal option would be $95 a month for a 25 slot server. I could go cheaper ($38 or so being the cheapest) for a 24 or 25 slot server, but the quality probably won't be much different from Gameservers.

For reference, on a test server for this new hosting location, I get 10-15 or so ping less than the Chicago location one with our current server.

Yet another option Pyrion suggested would be to have someone build a server and get a powerful enough dedicated connection (perhaps would have to go with some specialized business option) to host one, and have everyone chip in. We would be able to host at the least 2 TF2 servers and 1 L4D one simultaneously, as well as other stuff, but it probably would be pricey to have everyone chip in. On the flip side, we would have all of the power to do what we want with this option. Again, this requires quite a monetary committment from multiple people though, especially the one hosting.


  Pyrion said:
Mind you guys, the colo option costs a lot up-front to build the actual rig, but the bandwidth and site rental costs are piddly when you compare just how much you can run (basically the limits of the rig you build and the bandwidth available on-site) to paying for each server separately.

For the sake of comparison, what my clan does now would cost well over $300 a month that, after the cost of building the box is concerned, is about $80 a month. Two TF2 servers (one pub, one private), one L4D server, Ventrilo and Mumble servers (I think those are separate, so that's where a good chunk of the monthly cost goes anyways). I'd have to check with my clanmates responsible for this as to where they got their colo and how much it costs for that option per month, but it can't be more than about $50 a month after the cost of building the box.

Course, you basically do your own tech support, so someone would have to be fluent in remote administration.

Comments people.

  Bahamut said:
Comments people.

I'm content with the current service. Whatever you guys decide on will be fine, but I'm not concerned with complicated solutions.


Whatever you do, MOAR PACMAN

People always bitch and moan and complain when it comes up for nomination, but then everyone votes for it and has a fucking BLAST. Five seconds don't go by where people aren't uproariously laughing on the mic thanks to the antics of the ghosts.

  Bahamut said:
Comments people.

I have mentioned a few times that I will be coloing a well-spec'd server soon (8 cores, 8GB RAM) and would be way more than happy to offer hosting at extremely reasonable cost.


Updated ctf_1fort to version a4. You'll notice some big changes from a2, which is the old version I believe your server is still running.

Download at tf2maps.net or FPSB. The tf2maps link has new screenshots, while FPSB still won't let me upload any images. Piece of piss.


I honestly do not see the need for a second server. I guess there are probably ~30 OCR affiliated players, plus a few here and there that tag along. There's really not any reason to pony up anyone's money to purchase another server. (Disclaimer: I think that's what you're talking about, right? I haven't slept all night [it's noon] and it's all complicated regardless of lack of sleep.)

Sure, a Ventrillo would be nice....but that's about it. Another server is unncessary, we already have a L4D server (that no one uses 'cause L4D's really a poorly masked 360 game, but that's another rant), and I'm not even sure what a Mumble server is.

OK...I'mma find something productive and not sleep inducing to do.

  Sensai said:
I honestly do not see the need for a second server. I guess there are probably ~30 OCR affiliated players, plus a few here and there that tag along. There's really not any reason to pony up anyone's money to purchase another server. (Disclaimer: I think that's what you're talking about, right? I haven't slept all night [it's noon] and it's all complicated regardless of lack of sleep.)

That is what we're talking about, yes. The only time that I can remember when we've ever loaded our current TF2 server was the evening of the patch, when it was stuck at 25/25 due to everyone on having reserved slots.

  Sensai said:
L4D's really a poorly masked 360 game, but that's another rant

I've done that rant before! :D

  pavlvs said:
I have mentioned a few times that I will be coloing a well-spec'd server soon (8 cores, 8GB RAM) and would be way more than happy to offer hosting at extremely reasonable cost.

Will the internet connection be excellent? This sounds like a great option then, and be more than willing to help chip in in that event.

  Powerlord said:
That is what we're talking about, yes. The only time that I can remember when we've ever loaded our current TF2 server was the evening of the patch, when it was stuck at 25/25 due to everyone on having reserved slots.

There were a LOT more people trying to get on the server that night...and counting also a lot of new regulars we've been getting with all of these TF2 deals, and a bunch of others that people might be forgetting, I think it's quite worth having two at this point. Also, the quality of the new server will probably be better, with pav's offer that he mentioned to me.


Not surprising Dhsu haha.

Also, after the bullshit on gravelpit of having gone sniper as one of the first on the team, and then seeing us have 7 snipers for a while, I am instituting a class limit on spies & snipers on 2 of each. If people classwhore only those classes, I will institute a temporary ban.


Worst map Ive seen so far for overuse of snipers is pipeline. Usually over half of the red team goes sniper for at least the second part of the map, and very annoying.

2fort is just tradition though. :D

  Bahamut said:

Also, after the bullshit on gravelpit of having gone sniper as one of the first on the team, and then seeing us have 7 snipers for a while, I am instituting a class limit on spies & snipers on 2 of each. If people classwhore only those classes, I will institute a temporary ban.

Words can't express how much I love you right now.

Also, goddamn, I just got the huntsman and I've never had so much fun playing sniper before. It's DEFINITELY worth the grind IMO.


Worth the grind...or worth the time not playing and doing something else? But really, I like the Huntsman. I'm still an incredibly bad Sniper, but it's nice to look at the body and have one of those 'oh, this is where I shot him' moments. Apparently, I shoot people in the hands. A lot.

Also, I think three is a more reasonable number for the class caps, unless this is like an admin 'call it like you see it' type thing.


Is this a class limit that will one day be lifted? I'd imagine it won't really be necessary in a few weeks when we're well past the update and things go back to normal a bit.

  Sensai said:
Worth the grind...or worth the time not playing and doing something else? But really, I like the Huntsman. I'm still an incredibly bad Sniper, but it's nice to look at the body and have one of those 'oh, this is where I shot him' moments. Apparently, I shoot people in the hands. A lot.

Also, I think three is a more reasonable number for the class caps, unless this is like an admin 'call it like you see it' type thing.

I don't think 3 is reasonable because out of a max possible 12 people on a team, 3 of each would mean you could have a possible 6 snipers & spies on each team - half a team's worth at best. That is absolute garbage.

When I get back from church I'll restart the server to start up the plugin.

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