Sporknight Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 On the TF2 blog when they were talking about the Heavy Pack, Valve was discussing a way they could make heavies less medic-dependent, without them being overpowered with a medic on their back. Sandvich - take cover, sit down, eat, regain health? And somehow make it a ranged damage alternative to the shotgun too? Maybe? Still, how else will heavies eat 100 "sandviches"? We'll know tomorrow I suppose.
Xerol Oplan Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 On the TF2 blog when they were talking about the Heavy Pack, Valve was discussing a way they could make heavies less medic-dependent, without them being overpowered with a medic on their back. Sandvich - take cover, sit down, eat, regain health? And somehow make it a ranged damage alternative to the shotgun too? Maybe?Still, how else will heavies eat 100 "sandviches"? We'll know tomorrow I suppose. I was speculating earlier in the week that it would heal a certain amount, but leave you unable to shoot or move for a period of thme.
zircon Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 Perhaps it's a "heal to X%" like in some RPGs... for example, if you are under 50% health, it will heal you up to 50%, but it takes a little bit and you can't do anything while you're healing.
Rambo Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 Still, how else will heavies eat 100 "sandviches"? We'll know tomorrow I suppose. I assumed it would be a replacement taunt. They made the ubersaw play music. They made the fireball fatal. I figure it'll be a taunt that will recover slight damage?
DarkeSword Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 Maybe it's a gun that makes people drop sandwiches when you kill them.
Bleck Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 Maybe it's a gun that makes people into sandwiches when you kill them. fixed into the greatest idea
SirChadlyOC Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 The pictures for the new environment in "Lumberyard" make me crave Swiss Miss hot chocolate with the mini marshmallows. I'm a whore to advertisements.
Powerlord Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 Maybe it's a gun that makes people into cake when you kill them. fixed into the greatest idea Fixed into an even better idea!
Powerlord Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 Meet the Sandvich I lolled. (Sandvich description page)
Sensai Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 I, too, lolled. [Edit:] OH! That's the last unlockable with a description. Cool. /reads
Zephyr Posted August 19, 2008 Posted August 19, 2008 Heavy update is out, they even upgraded the Kritzkrieg's charge rate to 25%.
duckyboycantfly Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 I will be back on Thursday. Going to warm up a couple times before I go out and enjoy my first night of college. But I really can't wait to start sniping again. Especially with the inevitable heavy rush coming. (P.S. The Remod server has gone public, for all those that are interested)
Tensei Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 Apparently our server isnt the only one that has problems with the arena maps (frequent crashing, all kinds of errors), so I hope Valve can quickly patch this up because they've made quite a mess of it as far as I can tell :/ On the bright side, there shouldn't be anything wrong with cp_steel and pl_badwater.
Zephyr Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 Ya there have been some major problems so far, but I'm sure it will be fxed soon, I'm happy with my sandvich for now.
The Vagrance Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 I'm probably going to start playing semi-frequently under the tag "reccej".
WindStrike Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 For the record, I'm not playing until mass heavies die down. I tried playing today, but when there were 6+ heavies on each team... ... it was kinda stupid for me. I couldn't even snipe them like crazy because there were that many shooting at me (and that many on my team getting in the way). At least on the other updates, I could plow everyone else down as a heavy. In the meantime, while this lasts, I'm going to suggest a strategy for red team on gravel pit that my friend suggested to me a while back. Point C, 1 medic, 1 engi (for teleporters/dispenser over turret), 1-2 snipers, everyone else is a heavy and is standing on the point gunning everything that comes. I'll probably be back on in a week or two (actually, school starts next week, so I'll hop on Sunday).
Powerlord Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 Not only does it crash on changes to arena maps, but a map vote from cp_dustbowl (the map the server defaults to when it crashes and restarts) always switches the map to cp_badwater no matter what actually wins the vote. I haven't seen anything about this on their forums, but at a best guess, mani admin and Metamod Source need new gametypes.txt and gamedata.txt files respectively.
Zephyr Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 And apparently some people are having achievements taken away from them (most people start with 2 extras, but some people are getting more than that taken away.) Some people had the theory that they had earned the achievements before the patch was released, but I had konspicuous konsumption (eat 100 sandviches) and I obviously didn't even have a sandvich yet. This is odd.
Triad Orion Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 Nah, it's really just more of Valve's shoddy patch-work showing again. Don't get me wrong, Valve's a good company and makes some great games, but damned if their TF2 patches actually work more than half the time. Any new content patches typically create a gaggle of new gremlins. Granted, usually only for a little while, but I'm surprised they rushed this out the door instead of fixing it first. But what do I know? Anyway, I'm interested in these Heavy updates. The sandvich sounds fun, but is sacrificing the shotgun really worth it? I know the shotgun's not a great weapon, but it really helps the Heavy in the rare situations that Sasha isn't appropriate. XD Oh well. Experimentation will be the word of the day. Also? This will be a sublime time to play Medic.
Bahamut Posted August 20, 2008 Author Posted August 20, 2008 So I just removed the arena maps from the rotation because I've heard of crashing problems.
Effef Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 There are a few problems. Arena is fun as shit though. Badwater Basin needs to be in the rotation if it isn't already, its an excellent map.
Sensai Posted August 20, 2008 Posted August 20, 2008 The Arena maps (specifically the Green one and Granary) are AMAZINGLY fun. Too bad they crash every 30 minutes or so. @ Triad: I can safely vouch for the fact that the Sammich (which is MUCH cooler than Sanvich, or what have you) is a must have, overpowered weapon. It's won me the (arena) match a few times now, simply 'cause I could walk behind a corner and get back a ton of health. Seriously, it's broken. And I don't think that there are too many heavies on the OCR server anymore. It died down pretty quickly, actually (and thank God). @ Bahamut: When they stop a'sploding the server/computers, can we have at least the Green one on rotation?
Bahamut Posted August 20, 2008 Author Posted August 20, 2008 Yep, the Arena mode is actually pretty fun, but sadly they're not fit for play until they release another patch.
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