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OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff

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The most frustrating thing in all of TF2 is when you get teleported and immediately die. eg. Someone was about to blow up the exit, or an uber heavy was coming through. Crits might piss me off if I've repeatedly gotten one-hit KOed by them (happened yesterday) but nothing is worse than the teleport kill.


Maybe this makes me a loser to the competitive types, but *absolutely* do I like winning on a lucky crit (or item drop in Brawl). If you're playing with the right people, it gives you something to laugh about between the two of you. Because if you get mad about it, the game has become SERIOUS BUSINESS. Really, don't take a game that's meant to be fun *too seriously.* Just roll with it and move on.

Hell, it's a running gag between me and Bahamut who gets to eat the critical rocket first. And truthfully? That's a good time. XD

The most frustrating thing in all of TF2 is when you get teleported and immediately die. eg. Someone was about to blow up the exit, or an uber heavy was coming through. Crits might piss me off if I've repeatedly gotten one-hit KOed by them (happened yesterday) but nothing is worse than the teleport kill.

On the other hand, it always frustrates me when I'm playing a heavy and I can't kill a Heavy or Pyro faster than they can kill me (particularly Heavy since Pyro is partly my fault for letting them get so close).

Seriously, having seen a Heavy who has no medic survive four direct rockets is just insane. Particularly in a game where a knife in the back or bullet to the head is an instant kill.

Not to mention that, as a soldier, shooting someone at close range with a rocket does more damage to you than it does to them.

I'd love to join the server but I am still banned for some reason.

Speaking of bans, on the friends list thing, who is "S T E A M Online Host" in the OCR group? I assume it's someone trying to scam us. I blocked him on my Steam friends list after he tried to start a voice chat with me.


Seriously, having seen a Heavy who has no medic survive four direct rockets is just insane. Particularly in a game where a knife in the back or bullet to the head is an instant kill.

Heavies are meant to have the upper hand on soldiers in a straight fight. If you're a skilled soldier you might be able take down heavies consistently, but they can soak up a lot of damage, and will usually take you down before you manage to do enough of it (crits notwithstanding).

A demo is a way better match up against a heavy and doesnt have to rely on crits at all. People seem to forget that soldiers are meant to be the universal combat class, thus they aren't particularly weak against any class (depending on situation, in a straight fight with a heavy on full health they'll probably lose, but so does every other class), nor do they completely dominate any other class, but they're effective in a lot of situations, which leads to people calling them overpowered.

Removing items in SSBB or crits in TF2 peels away a whole layer of great variety that believe it or not can still work serious, competative play.

i have played in smash bros tourneys both with and without items

in the one with items i beat someone who is literally a zillion times better than me because of two starmen spawning right near me

i prefer when the best player wins

oh sensai hates brawl because of the supposed character imbalance i guess

you just suck at brawl dude

no actually I'm pretty sure that's exactly what it means

if you can't have authority without being a dick about it then you shouldn't have authority, plain and simple


this is why .org is the best forum except no one goes there

The most frustrating thing in all of TF2 is when you get teleported and immediately die. eg. Someone was about to blow up the exit, or an uber heavy was coming through. Crits might piss me off if I've repeatedly gotten one-hit KOed by them (happened yesterday) but nothing is worse than the teleport kill.

On the other hand, killing someone who's trying to melee the exit by teleporting into them is probably the best thing ever.

Haha. I'm flattered. Into the signature it goes!
Maybe this makes me a loser to the competitive types, but *absolutely* do I like winning on a lucky crit (or item drop in Brawl). If you're playing with the right people, it gives you something to laugh about between the two of you. Because if you get mad about it, the game has become SERIOUS BUSINESS. Really, don't take a game that's meant to be fun *too seriously.* Just roll with it and move on.

Hell, it's a running gag between me and Bahamut who gets to eat the critical rocket first. And truthfully? That's a good time. XD

No, it doesn't make you a loser. And for some reason, somewhere in here you kinda started to change my mind.

It is a game and thus shouldn't be 'serious business' unless it is competitive playing or something...huh. I think what my point is is that I don't mind crits (really, I don't) but wish they were much less frequent. A Soldier should not bank on 1 in every 5 shots being a crit.

And me and Bahamut do that same thing too...except, it's never a competition and he always crits me. And it's not so much fun as it is despairing. :-) I swear to God, he has like a 30% crit rate with whatever character he plays.

oh sensai hates brawl because of the supposed character imbalance i guess

you just suck at brawl dude

I'm going to assume you're kidding as you play a lot of Smash. But, in case you're not...I think you may be right. I do suck at Brawl, 'cause I don't play it much. Which is why I don't like it. Lemme explain:

I can STILL go over to a friend's house and pick up Snake and come damn close to kicking his ass, even though I suck. God knows what would happen if I decided to play Metaknight. And I know he's not a scrub, as he's in the top 10 or so SSB64 players and one of the top 20 in the South (jeah, we suck much more than everywhere else, but he's good among us) in Melee. I think people around here are saying he's in the top 5 in this area as far as Brawl goes.

It is still fun, just as TF2 is even on allcrit servers (yes, there are those, sadly). But some people just enjoy playing in a way that luck doesn't come into play or, in Brawl's case, where things are balanced.

Hope that last part made since. I'm at work and kinda having to do this and, y'know, work at the same time.

ALSO, Internet Explorer is really weird. I had forgotten how weird it is since I hadn't used it in such a long time.

I can STILL go over to a friend's house and pick up Snake and come damn close to kicking his ass, even though I suck. God knows what would happen if I decided to play Metaknight. And I know he's not a scrub, as he's in the top 10 or so SSB64 players and one of the top 20 in the South (jeah, we suck much more than everywhere else, but he's good among us) in Melee. I think people around here are saying he's in the top 5 in this area as far as Brawl goes.

as far as im concerned there is no character imbalance in brawl as i play as olimar and match up pretty well against the best in the new york city/new jersey area (ive beaten some pretty good mks)

On the other hand, killing someone who's trying to melee the exit by teleporting into them is probably the best thing ever.

Happened to me once, worst thing ever!

teleporter exit killed [OCR]Zephyr


Overclocked remix TF2 Sever: 0/24



This is going to be the last thing I say about Smash Bros, I promise:

@ atmuh: When I get a TV in my room this weekend, we should play. We'll see how things work out.



I have a bad feeling that changing the server address caused some problems with losing some regular visitors to the server. People who don't frequent the OCR forums, that is. Also, school is back in session for everyone now, so I'm sure that plays a big part.

I was on by myself at around 5 p.m. EST for awhile before I gave up and left. Other servers are no fun. :sad:


Chadly is correct. Other servers are filled with people who are just generally rude, mic spam a ton and have no idea what they're doing.

But ours is so empty...

Also, the points system is screwed up. Everytime I get on I go up a few positions (today I was number one, yesterday I started at number 4, the day before that 7)...and I don't think I'm doing that well.

I really think something needs to be done so that the points are not so easy to get, or you're going to just reset the server so often due to the fact that some people get points way too easily (Engineers/Spies/Medics).


BTW, today I went something ABSURD like 47/5 on Turbine. It was amazingly epic and I loved it.


The points system we have now worked great with an established database with a lot of people having several days worth of experience all added up but now it's a bit wonky... I still don't see why we needed to restart.

Yeah well, Sensei, you were first place for a little bit but I reclaimed my position on top.

...Not that I care about place at all on the stats ladder or anything.


well apparently we needed to restart because zircon and bahamut felt that it would take forever for them or anyone else to get to number one as it stood

although the irony is that now neither of them have very much time to play and the stats are basically saying 'this is who plays engy the most'


Hlstatsx is a very good system in that when dealing with points because, unlike other systems, it gives players points for basically everything they do, and even recognizes things like killing sprees and kpd. However, they might have gone a little overboard with engies and medics... If they wanted, an engie could just build his whole base in the middle of nowhere, abandon it until it gets destroyed and then rebuild it again! You get something like 5 points just for BUILDING a sentry, the ranking system doesn't care what happens after that...

I think it's fairly balanced overall, but could be a little better for sure. A good medic can still pick up a large amount of kills on top of their assists, and an engie with a good sentry can often get more than most offensive classes, especially if you factor in how many spies they get to kill, so if they're getting regular points for kills, as well as extra points for special events, it can get to be a little much.

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