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Over at Shakesville, however, writer Melissa McEwan cuts to the chase, telling Sony she's "positively thrilled to see such unyielding dedication to creating a new generation of fat-hating, heteronormative ---holes."

I dunno about this girl, but I was always under the impression that fat was a bad thing in general.

This issue's probably been beaten down on many an occasion, but I just wanted to know what you all thought of this.


They're right, though.

They should just keep the princess thin, thereby maintaining the status quo that fat people are worthless in games as anything aside from comic relief, and promoting the idea that if a princess were fat, she obviously wouldn't be worth the trouble of rescuing.


I just read the article on what exactly is the game about and I still don't understand it... The fatter she gets the harder she is to be captured...

lol wut?

Ridiculously overblown which only serves to work against these "feminists" which pretty much sums up how important their outcries are when it comes to games of all things...

How about the problem of the burgeoning numbers of single mothers in American huh..? Why aren't they making an outcry on that problem... maybe for ppr...?


Really getting old... Firstly it's because it's not about sexism. The issue is about being fat.

I think the real bad guys (or girls I should say) are the imbeciles attempting to persaude every one that being fat is okay. It's not. It's unhealthy and some thing you must work at. Myself, I eat health (no sodas/soft drinks especially) and exercise reasonably well to keep my thin build.

"I choose to be lazy or I am a depressed emo" is a poor excuse to claim discrimation against any thing negative towards fat people in general.

Fatter people have generally shorter life spans and it's their own damn fault.

/end rant


Dude this is AWESOME! I have more of an issue with most video games making the female lead some Barbie like figure with low amounts of clothing and a hair style that would be horrible to fight in. I'm totally loving this idea and feminist can shove it their bum holes for not realizing something like this or at least thinking this could be way. If you don't like a game don't buy it.

I'm a girl and I'm fat and I'm totally gonna buy this cause its a princess in a blue dress thats bigger than the moon.

Dude I can cosplay someone now.


Obviously feminists don't want to see any sort of female in any game ever, because their fragile egos can't handle it. This somehow reminds me of the escapades involving the alleged racism in Resident Evil 5.

Developers won't give this kind of thing more than a passing glance, which I think is a good thing, but just reading about this kind of thing is a testament to the ignorance of the masses, which I find upsetting.

Really getting old... Firstly it's because it's not about sexism. The issue is about being fat.

I think the real bad guys (or girls I should say) are the imbeciles attempting to persaude every one that being fat is okay. It's not. It's unhealthy and some thing you must work at. Myself, I eat health (no sodas/soft drinks especially) and exercise reasonably well to keep my thin build.

"I choose to be lazy or I am a depressed emo" is a poor excuse to claim discrimation against any thing negative towards fat people in general.

Fatter people have generally shorter life spans and it's their own damn fault.

/end rant

being fat is fine, being unhealthy is something else entirely.

also fat girls are a million times hotter than skinny girls so there


I dunno about this girl, but I was always under the impression that fat was a bad thing in general.

This issue's probably been beaten down on many an occasion, but I just wanted to know what you all thought of this.

Pfft, just looks like a horrible attempt to humor. You know, there are two kinds of 'fat': being big and being horribly big. I wouldn't get too roused over this crap. However, for definition, the girl isn't normally big; she's disgustingly overweight. No girl that huge would feel comfortable walking around; she would feel the pressure on her heels.

Yah, stupid game... that's all it looks like, so I'll pass.


I recently observed someone making a resentful remark.

Resently thought about trolling but then I thought back and felt the person who'd take the bait would recent my actions and may make an inane post. Regardless I get a laugh :lol:

What I'd really like to see is how far they would go to complain. There are tons of stereotypes in games if one chose to look real hard for them; one would even be able to find some that don't even exist because of the desire to complain and get attention. :lol:

in other words just the word "feminists" says it all. :lol:


Stepping above all of the cultural dialogue for a moment, am I the only one who finds the concept of this game hilarious? Stuff your royalty with twinkies so they can't haul her back to home base? It's amazing.


The truth is, we live in a stupid society of politically correct pussies who are offended by everything. "Don't use this word. Don't say this. Don't make fun of fat people." Well, fuck you too.


Yeah, there are some things worth getting worked up over, and then...there's this. It's entertainment, people, not propaganda. If anything, it has a positive message: IF YOU EAT HUNDREDS OF POUNDS OF CAKE IN THE SPACE OF LESS THAN 10 MINUTES YOU WILL GET FAT.


True. I'm now going to attempt to make a less angry post. I'm just disturbed at how backwards we've become. Sensitivity is important. I have fat friends. Some of them are simply fat. They're aware of it. I don't insult them about their weight, but when they gripe about it, I tell them to go exercise.

That's what I do. I was up to 213 pounds and my face was getting chubby. Now I'm down to 195. I still eat tons of fattening foods and I still won't lay off of the beer. It's still hard to keep my stomach down because of that, but I'm doing it. I'm not saying that it's that easy for all people. Some people just tend to be fat, but a little exercise can go a long way. If you have 5 hours to watch TV (and you probably do), then you have time to exercise for one hour.

Run, get on the treadmill, have sex, do situps, take the stairs - It's that simple. If you cut down on bad food and you exercise often, and you're still fat, then feel free to call me a jerk. I know people that do this and still have trouble with their weight, but they are still smaller and healthier after they do it.

It is not my belief that all people are meant to be small, and I like diversity in size (yes, I like jolly fat people who are also active, but there are too many fat people). If anything, Fat Princess is just giving people more of what they hate - the truth.

The truth is, we live in a stupid society of politically correct pussies who are offended by everything. "Don't use this word. Don't say this. Don't make fun of fat people." Well, fuck you too.

We also live in a society where a woman is fat if she's five pounds overweight. For Christ's sake, Ivy from the Soul Calibur series is considered fat by a good number of people.

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