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Super Mario Bros. 3 'La Samba de Agua'

I read somewhere that Mustin actually does all the instruments in this track, you've gotta admire the man just for that. While the mix is a really nice sounding tune and it's done well, it's not my cup of tea. Great mix, well performed, but I don't like it. Oh well, what can ya do.

  • 3 months later...

God, I can't believe anyone else has reviewed this one. It's definitely one of the best on this site...if you forget that he even played all of the instruments live, it's still an extremely well-aranged remix, and the added fact that he did in fact play the instruments makes it 100% cooler. Forget techno and all of it's bleepy-bloopy synthesized crap, this is all I need (well something like that anyway :) )...


Well said, Mr. Adhesive :D . I've been meaning to review this one for a while. This is probably my favorite song on OCR. Everything is so well arranged, and the fact that it is performed live is pretty rad. It's amazing this man can play all those instuments. This one is a definte download...you'll fall in love with it. Much thanks, Mustin.


this song has a cool factor of like 68 billion or something.

this is a really freakin cool song. excellent arrangement and performance by mr mustin. there seems to be a few small timing problems (hardly noticable) but that's to be expected when playing live instruments. especially so many and one at a time (i think it would be kinda hard to play a guitar and a trombone or whatever at the same time). the fact that there's so few timing errors blows me away. i've tried doing stuff like this (recording each instrument seperately) and there's ALWAYS timing errors, but mustin pulls this here off masterfully.

i give mustin... uhhh... 5 lightbulbs or something



  • 3 weeks later...

Man this ReMix is so grand! It has a coolness like never heard before! And That speech that Mustin the man gives at the beggining is halarious! Great Job!

  • 1 month later...

I liked "La Samba de Agua" the first time I listened, but it has since grown on me and become one of my favorites. For some reason, the beginning of this piece makes me think of water flowing along with the deep guitar chords. I suppose that means that the remix is both well odne and aptly named. The melodic variation and saxophone solos are also quite professionally done. This piece has awesome tonal and instrumental depth. Download it!


Ah, now this is high-quality stuff. The guitar playing is lovely, and the whole song has a friendly bounce about it. Mustin inviting you to "Enjoy" at the start was a nice touch too. Great.

  • 3 months later...

Download this right now. Completely phenomenal. 2.5 minutes of audio bliss. I originally looked Mustin up because I saw him listed playing sax in a collaboration track and like real instruments... I got to this one and it blew me away.

The fact that he played every instrument in the song makes me want to weep with appreciation for the musicality and virtuosity displayed here.

The first few seconds of verbal intro was the only thing that turned me off the first listen through, but I like it now... gives it sort of an authentic feel... imagine you're sitting in the jazz club and the band leader says a few meager words before the song starts, because that's what band leaders tend to do.

  • 1 month later...

Nice work, Mustin. I mean this is some good stuff.

Very rarely does Mario music inspire the mind to thoughts of tropical beaches and beautiful women serving fruity coctails in bikinis, but this relaxing samba piece does just that. Needless to say, it kept me entertained.

I'm not sure how much of the original theme was in the song, but that might just be because I don't particularly remember the original piece. But all the same, this little thing is amazing.

One complaint (I always have at least one): It's too short. There, I said it.

Other than that, keep up the good work, Mustin!

  • 3 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

My friends and I have a rule. When this thing comes on the stereo, we all put up our feet, get out a coke and just relax and kick back for the duration. Ah, bliss.

The image I get: you know those outdoor bars they have in the Carribean, with a thatched roof and stuff? I see myself at one of those, sitting at a table with a giant, frilly tropical drink, no shoes on, and I just came back from a swin down the beach, so my hair's all wet, and some water's running down my neck. I have on an unbuttoned Hawaiian shirt, and a band is up on stage playing this.

Well done, Mustin. Much respect on this one, brotha.

  • 1 month later...

I haven't listened to this piece in months, but I can still remember it clearly. It is very catchy and memorable, the sure sign a great piece.

The first time I heard it, I only thought it was nice... however, I found myself listening to it more than I originally thought I would, and slowly liking it better. By now, I must admit that it is classic.


enjoy, indeed. Mustin's invitation couldnt be truer, this thing KICKS ASS. the REAL samba flavor is toroughly achieved, all those instruments (real!!! OMG!! 8O )work together SO well, the music just draws you in into a tropical paradise, and wont let go. the guitar is awesome, the sax! omg! everything. this one rule. one of the best rearrangements in OCR. and, incredibly interesting way to transform this piece.


the fact that the man played all these by himself and arranged them all just adds volumes to the character of this thing. awesome. get it NOW!

  • 3 months later...

I <3 U Mustin

I like this song so much I'm trying to tab it out so I can play it too. I just need to find a sax, harmonica, woodblock, flute, and maracca player, and learn to play the guitar.

  • 1 month later...

Traveling back to the old 8-bit days, we come upon the humble NES. If you're lucky, you have one. If you're really cool, it works. Anyways, this is one of my favorite games, and out of this, World 3's music has to be the best. It's really good, especially since the music is... live? (really strapped for proper musical terms, despite being self-taught pianist). when I actually learn guitar, this will be the 2nd (to Gerudo valley) that I'll try. Of course it won't be as great

Kudos Mustin! :D

  • 6 months later...

This remix is special. It's special because it reveals a very unique talent: the ability to arrange/play/mix several instruments into a style that requires more than a passing understanding of musical styles. This remix displays Mustin's maturity as a musician and files him in the ranks of the great remixers...good job!

  • 2 months later...

I really enjoyed listening to this. Whenever I hear it I imagine myself in a small cafe in Havana, surrounded by Koopas :D. I like the intro as it adds that personal element to the piece. This is an overall great piece. Nice work!

  • 3 months later...

I absoloutly love this mix!

I'm not a big fan of latin music but this song is still very relaxing

This is probally Mustin's most normal song on the site

I read that Mustin spent more time going around gathering instruments to make the song rather than actually recording it

I also read that this song started a great relation between him and this girl

Awesome job on this, Mustin!

  • 3 months later...

I heard worlds collided and the heavens cried when Mustin recorded this song.

On a more serious note, this is a great mix - short, but very chill and enjoyable. The talent really shows here, especially in the production. Some people spend days trying to record ONE instrument for a song. Mustin really goes all out on this baby, and it shows.

  • 1 year later...

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