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Dragonforce kicks ass. I've been listening to Dragonforce since Sonic Firestorm, not Guitar Hero 3, and I love 'em. You know why? Because their music makes me frikkin' smile. When every other metal band out there is putting on facepaint and pretending like life is a living hell, Dragonforce go up there and smile and drink alcohol, like I'm about to be doing after I make this post.

That's right. Instead of whining and acting like a bunch of pansies in black clothing and bad makeup and then making fun of a similar scene that does the same thing (a.k.a. emo), Dragonforce get up there and kick some ass by playing fast songs that sound like video game music. Hating someone for their popularity is stupid. Hating something for being upbeat and in major key is stupid. Let's get to the real point. What I'm really trying to say is this: People far too often group anger and toughness with sadness and gloominess. These same people think that anything associated with happiness is fucking "gay" or "lame". I'm really tired of the whole "dark" thing. I'm tired of the promotional shots of mediocre bands that have every member frowning or trying to look like Satan.

It's stupid. I'm not convinced. Those same bands are driving around and seeing the world, playing shitty, derivitive music while consuming tons of liquor and having sexual intercourse with attractive people while a bunch of kids line up to worship them. Whining and overcompensating by looking tough are common ruses of cowards. I'm not buying it.

If you hate bands like Dragonforce and / or other upbeat rock bands, hate them for the right reasons. Hate them because the music doesn't appeal to you, and if you the music bugs you because it's too happy, then maybe you should consider lightening up.


Dragon Force is a good band and I enjoy listening to their music, but there are two things I hate about them:

1. The somehow cause people to make too many threads here about them (and everyone loves to talk about how early they discovered them)

2. They stole the name of a Sega Saturn game that is better than they'll ever be.


oh yeah dragonforce is so original no other metal band ever thought of playing upbeat music and its not like theres an entire genre called power metal or anything all other metalbands are just pansies in black clothing your totally spot on there

Noooo, but seriously, you're generalizing a bit here. There's tons of bands playing optimistic, upbeat metal like you seem to enjoy from Dragonforce. While DF just puts a twist on it by doing it at a generally higher tempo and adding all kinds of crazy game sfx (Which, don't get me wrong, is cool imo), it's a bit of an overstatement to say they're the only metal band to 'play all happy stuff and shit'

And it's a sad fact that as a band they're really not that good, especially live. What I've seen from them live was mediocre at best, and most of their songs, while awesome, sound very much the same.


hey guys, today I got fired from my job.

I work(ed) at a grocery store where i do the same thing today as i did yesterday and will do tomorrow. Since there was nothing to do but face the shelves and make them look pretty and shit, I go to use the bathroom. It's just a small room with a sink and a toilet; kinda like one you would find at your house minus the shower. Anyways, the piece of shit just wont come out so i get bored and bust out my iPod. I set it on shuffle and just pass up a couple songs. Josie's on a vacation for a week.....(piano intro to the friggn WHEN I WAS song).....yo yo check this out, theres this blind man, right?...oh my god. becky. Nothing rly good comes on yet but the next time i press the skip button, I'm barraged by a picking of an acoustic guitar faster than my mind could register it.

I'm rly big into music, being able to play guitar bass and drums and so such a thing really amazed me and its not even 5 seconds into the song. I look down to see what was being forced into my ears and slowly read "Through the fire and flame...DragonForce...Flames...Through The Fire And Flames..." This mustve been one of the songs on the cd my friend gave me of songs to learn to play. Holy shit, no way was i even gonna try to figure out the guitar part. But that doesnt matter. I just sat and listened.

By the time the song was over, I had not even noticed that the ball of shit that had clogged my anal orifice minutes before had somehow found its way to rest peacefully at the bottom of the toilet. I was just in pure awe. Dragonforce...what a name...shit, why isnt this the stuff they show on TRL?! Fuck those fuckin rap niggers , Dragonforce will fuckin fuck you the fuck up. fuckin.

So I wanted to learn this song and i wanted to learn it now. The guitar lines were way too hard and fast for me; i cant even move my fingers fast enough to fake it. the bass line i could barely hear, mostly drowned out by the guitars. but the drums...THE DRUMS! Thats it! I could just air drum it right now! im already sitting down anyways with nothing to do. So I start the song over at full blast...ohh, that intro will forever send chills down my spine and force my brick-esque shit through my narrow holloways. The toilet seat is fairly low to the ground so i have to put a lot more effort in getting those bass drum hits in, even if i pretend i have a double bass pedal. at about 2 minutes, im starting to get the hang of it but I'm also starting to sweat. alot. Ohh god, i cant wait to friggn show my friends what I learned, theyre goonna be pwnt soo bad!

But then here's where it gets bad. I've been in this bathroom for 15 minutes now and apparently, I had forgotten to lock the door. My boss, who is a fairly old lady who has a grand-daughter going into the 7th grade(loliLOL) is on a manhunt for me wondering why the pop coolers hadn't been stocked yet. and so you can probably guess what happened next? she's banging on the door and I hear it but misinterpret it for a snare drum hit and pay no attention to it. and so she walks right on in and is hit at full force by the sweet mixtures of fecal musk and armpit aroma. it appears that the bathroom also lacked a functioning fan or any airvent to the outside world.

About 3 minutes into the song and this is all happening and on the pause, I see her out of the corner of my eye. I look to her face and i am met by a look that is somewhere along the lines of shock, horror and pure disgust. i am shocked as well but i didnt know what to do. shit, WHAT THE HELL WOULD YOU DO?! the song was stil playing so i friggn just kept going at it. I could see out of the corner of my eyes that she was probably screaming at me, pleading for an explaination for this malarky. but no, go away bitch, im busy. DRAGONFORCE IS FRIGGN AWESOME AND NOTHING WILL FRIGGN STOP ME FROM LEARNING THIS FRIGGN SONG. FRIGGN.

Soon she realizes that i can't hear her and wont stop for anything, she just walks out and shuts the door behind her. Finally! Anyways, the second time through was pretty rough and I was too tired to go for a third time in one sitting so i decided to just try again later. between my feet were numerous drops of sweat whereas my shirt was nearly soaked and ass sticking to the toilet seat. I know what just happened was would be pretty embarassing to most people but i didnt care. IT WAS FUCKIN D-D-DRAGONFORCE.

Needless to say, upon leaving that bathroom i was immediately paged to go to the upstairs office where I was promptly relieved. she couldnt even look me face to face. all she said was "do I really need to say anything?" and I responded "sure, do it faggot" because i didnt care. IT WAS FUCKIN D-D-DRAGONFORCE. the last thing she said was "just get out of here" and i was gone. most people would be sad, thinking "oh noes, where am i gonna get my money?" or "how will i support the kids?" or even "how the hell am i gonna get another job?" but me? i dont care. IT WAS FUCKIN D-D-DRAGONFORCE.

so sup guys?

dragonforce sucks balls


And contricity, you poor piece of shit. I realize that through the fire and flames was balls to the walls awesome, but the flame was gone when I heard the rest of that album. Totally the same shit. EVERY SONG IS THE FUCKING SAME. it SUCKS.

Hey you should rape your bosses daughter and then go to work and cockslap her in the jaw. and then wave your penis around and be like hey evrybody remember me?!?!!?!!FUCKDRAGONFORCE


How has no one mentioned the band's real name yet?

They're called Studioforce.

All their songs are concocted and perfected in a sound room, and no one (except the drummer and singer) can replicate the notes in real life. Observe:


Watch as the singer is compelled to distract the audience from the horrible performance of the lead guitarist. It's simply pathetic. Then, any other noteworthy sound is drowned out by the drummer clanging as loud as he can.

Now, that isn't to say that their stuff doesn't sound good in the album. Granted, it all sounds the same, but it is frickin sweet. But this band has no talent when it comes to performing.


Lot's of bands just can't cut it live, and Dragonforce is no different. Great to listen to on the album, but that's about it. Another prime example would be (and watch me get flamed for this) Dir En Grey. Incredible band, but Kyo needs to stop smoking like a freight train so he can not suck live. And no, screaming until you end up in the ER for inflammation of the vocal cords does not make up for it.


i've seen them live twice asshole and they can play their shit

that having been said, they are totally overrated by pretty much every non musician that's ever listened to them, and because of that they catch alot of hate from the people that do know what they are talking about but really they are a decent band not the greatest but they are decent


I used to like DragonForce because they were catchy (heard of them back in 2004-2005), but they are pretty repetitive in their songwriting and get stale fairly quickly - the running joke for several years has been that they only know how to write one song, and their stuff from their black metal days was pretty much the same thing except with growling instead of clean vocals.

There are certainly much better bands out there in the power metal genre, who also maintain the uplifting sound & themes typical to the genre, as well as show a lot of variety & proficiency. I've mentioned plenty of other bands in other threads, and it doesn't take long to appreciate artists like Angra, Kamelot, Gamma Ray, Helloween, and Blind Guardian.

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