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I've been noticing lately that people have been posting YouTube links in the WIP forum to share their music, creating a quick video with the song in it. The problem with this is that sometimes YouTube will downgrade the quality of your audio and make it sound lo-fi and muffled. Mixers also using MySpace can be a problem: MySpace's flash player sometimes recompresses the audio and adds artifacts. It also requires registration for downloads.

I want to stress the fact that it's always best to post an actual audio file (preferably MP3) of your remix that people can download and listen to. This allows the people giving feedback to hear an accurate render of your song and pick out any production issues that might be present without worrying about whether or not it's just YouTube or MySpace that's responsible for the crappy sound.

There are a lot of options available for music file hosting that don't require the listener to register. Here's two:"

FireSlash's WIP Uploader


FireSlash wrote up a little uploader script where you can temporarily house your works-in-progress. There's even a nifty little flash player for the files.



Allows both downloading and streaming, as well as download stats and other stuff. I don't use it myself, but other people swear by it.

If any other frequent WIP posters have some good suggestions for WIP-hosting sites, please post in this thread following the simple format laid out above. Sites that don't require the listener to register are preferred.

Thanks, and happy mixing.

  • 4 weeks later...

Tindeck has been unavailable for me for a few days now, and it'd be good to report it here.

My guess is that it's locked out Europe for whatever reason, or that a european mirror is offline and strangely not redirecting. Willrock (UK) can't access it either. Cyril the Wolf, in "Northern New York" was able to download it. HoboKa, in Canada, had no problem uploading his works there.

Try accessing it, and reporting here where you're at and whether or not you managed to access it. If you can access it, have a look at whether or not there's anything about this stated on the site.

And if you want feedback on your wips from me, willrock, or anyone else unable to access the site... find an alternative host.

  • 2 weeks later...

In preparation for another wip run, I downloaded 13 tracks (of 15, stupid soundclick). I took some notes on how intuitive the sites were to use. What I didn't take into account was space, download bandwidth, and whether or not the files are purged after some time.

What I did take into account was first and foremost how many clicks it took to get the file to download. Here's what I got:

tindeck - 1 click, good

4shared - 2 clicks, wait time

googlepages - direct link, good; (not much space iirc)

supload - 1 click, ringtone link bigger than download link

mediafire - 1 click, popup ad, otherwise good

box.net - 1 click, good

soundclick - 1 click FOR MEMBERS, no download for non-members

boomp3 - 1 click, brief load time, distorts file name

From a listener pov, tindeck, googlepages, box.net and mediafire are the best of these.

In preparation for another wip run, I downloaded 13 tracks (of 15, stupid soundclick). I took some notes on how intuitive the sites were to use. What I didn't take into account was space, download bandwidth, and whether or not the files are purged after some time.

What I did take into account was first and foremost how many clicks it took to get the file to download. Here's what I got:

tindeck - 1 click, good

4shared - 2 clicks, wait time

googlepages - direct link, good; (not much space iirc)

supload - 1 click, ringtone link bigger than download link

mediafire - 1 click, popup ad, otherwise good

box.net - 1 click, good

soundclick - 1 click FOR MEMBERS, no download for non-members

boomp3 - 1 click, brief load time, distorts file name

From a listener pov, tindeck, googlepages, box.net and mediafire are the best of these.

to add to that: tindeck also distorts file sames somewhat, by adding four random letters in the title, like adfg or something random like that. But I use it anyways, cuz i r lazy.

From a listener pov, tindeck, googlepages, box.net and mediafire are the best of these.

I've had trouble both listening and uploading to tindeck, but I also have a sucky computer.

I love it when people use googlepages. That said, you can no longer sign up for an account there (though I assume Google Sites is pretty much the same).

Box.net is probably the best option when considering both the uploader and the downloader. It's got a reasonable amount of space (1 GB free), quick file access, the ability to stream or download, easy file management...

Actually, I'm looking at mediafire now and it seems pretty good. It's one I haven't tried personally, though.

  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

I'm putting up props for http://www.mediafire.com/,

I've been using it a bit lately, no problems really. It has a really nice upload interface, allows files up to 100mb with unlimited downloads, unlimited files, etc. Easy to download stuff from there too, also has a good folder based organization system.

  • 4 weeks later...

I hacked up this little script for #ocrwip, but I figured I'd extend it for use in the forums as well.


I'm still tweaking the layout and such, but the general functionality should be there. This script will take care of hosting your wips, without dealing with annoying services, registrations, or download timers.

Files are automagically purged after 3 weeks. If this is a problem, I can extend it.

No registration is required. It's pretty straightforward and simple.

Also let me know if there are any quirks or things you'd like added. I know it's ugly, but I'm still working on a proper layout.

I threw up a couple files so you can play around with it, I'll clean them up once a few actual wips go up.

Looks like tindeck died. :-o

In its wake I volunteer to host WIPs in the small sack I am constructing from the excess of the front of my shirt... It'll be free, but it won't be pretty.

Hm, I do have SOME hosting.... but not unlimited bandwidth... It's a certain number of thousands of gigs a month or something. Perhaps, just PERHAPS, we can work something out. I need to figure out a way to allow easy uploading and easy linking distribution to it. I wonder if eyeOS could easily allow for external links to its data?

  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

i flipped through this thread and saw nobody mentioned fileden

1gig of storage and 5gigs of bandwidth.

works pretty good for me and seems people can download my songs pretty easily.

watch out when signing up i got a lot of ads when i was signing up even a couple disguised as signup pages.

So be careful around this site it seems a little fishy at times.


I hacked this up real quick, some of you might find it useful:

If you want to host your files, but still want to provide a streaming link (Note: Most people don't like downloading tons of wips), then I has a solution for you!


This also works if you just want to listen to someone's wip without downloading it. The script does NOT store the file on my server; it doesn't even pass through it. The file is simply streamed straight through the flash player.


Someone links this URL in their post: http://fireslash.net/~fireslash/files/lol.mp3

and it becomes this: http://ocrwip.fireslash.net/?f=http%3A%2F%2Ffireslash.net%2F~fireslash%2Ffiles%2Flol.mp3&action=stream

No downloading required. Plus the player shows time, unlike many in-browser players.

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