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does sound a bit midiish, but i like the second part more than the first, the intro sounds straight out of metalgear solid or something. its pretty good anyways, i just like the style of the second part better.


I enjoyed the Intro and the first couple of minutes.

I usually read the reviews while I listen to the mix the first time through, so by the time I got to the second half of the song, based on the reviews, I was expecting to be disappointed. I wasn't.

I think the second half was the best part of the song, it was tasteful, didn't get old. The sampling wasn't bad...for some of the instruments, electronic music sounds don't get much better than that without going to beg your local symphony orchestra to record for you.

This one is going on my favorite mixes list!


I liked the mix as a whole, but it's got one problem (as far as I'm concerned).

The whole intro, while long, was great. It's a good intro, and the long buildup works. You can't listen to it several times in a row (that would make it annoying, I suppose), but whenever it pops up in my playlists, it's great to listen to.

The whole elctronica begining doesn't make a whole song in itself, and so adding the victory theme for the second half was a good move. But there's one thing about it that really bugs me. The fade-out. The buildup was nice, very much like some kind of movie preview or something. The fade-out simply doesn't fit in as a decent counter part to the begining.

The begining 2:26 minutes of this song was my favorite part. This song is definitly something that I like. Good Job The Wingless. :D

Ditto. I don't to much care for the first part, that's just a matter of personal taste. But like Tybalt said, from 2:26 on through I absolutely loved it. Damn good work!!! 8)


damn, that was good... I gotta say my favorite part was the beginning (who doesn't love the Corneria theme?). The Orchestra strings and bells were beautiful. Being a Corneria-junky that i am I probably would have enjoyed more of the initial theme but... Hell... this is one damn good solid mix. If any future StarFox game coming out doesn't have music that equals the level of quality that this mix has I'm gonna have a sack of shit on fire at Nintendo and Namco's doorstep......

Nice work Wingless. This mix is incredible... ^_^ This is starfox as it should have been. So dramatic too.... i could just see some form of suspensful story telling going on with this one.... if only the Starfox games had a real story....


Excellent medley. The variety here is excellent. The electronica opening is cool (especially since the pilot's voice isn't Fox's voice from StarFox Adventures... gad, that voice got on my nerves).

The part after 1:15 sounds like Mannheim Steamroller, if you're familiar with them. And the electronic arpeggios at the beginning sound like Creatures of Levania from their Fresh Aire V album.

I'm stunned by your versatility, Wingless. This isn't at all like your other mixes, the ambient piano sorta ones. Your style was quite evident at places like 4:39 with those thick chords.

You = awesome. Submit more.


Excellent work Wingless!

This remix of this classic tune brings back those memories of flying those Arwings into those unfriendly skies.(with some kickbutt techno playing)

If the next StarFox game was to feature any kind of music..it would definitely have to be techno. 8)


thanks to everybody who responded. Normally I don't post anything on my own songs, BUT, this just baked my little noodle--

Not my cup'a tea. Didn't really give any feeling into it. I just made me want to sit there and stare at the screen, like an aquard silence.

--What the fuck?




'tis a sweet song cheif. i say i like the first half. but my faveirte of the whole sogn was the first minute and 30 or so. you know the "secondary wepons to enable and prime.." with the voices goin on. great job man. hopeing you make just an all cornia remix song.

  • 2 weeks later...

Dude, I love the intro.....reminds me a hell of a lot like the little intro to Corneria, when it says, in big, bold, flashing letters, "SCRAMBLE" with uninterpretable voices in the BG.....you remixed the corneria theme nicely....second half was a nice little relaxing thing, but there's very little trace of any SF music there....not from what I remember anyway....

EDIT: Screw it. After further listening I found nothing wrong with this mix whatsoever; in fact I loved every part of i.

  • 2 weeks later...

Best. Intro. Ever. Damn, I love the way this remix begins. The buildup with the voices and bells is just awesome. Gives me the shivers. The rest of the song is great, too -- hey, it's Wingless after all -- but nothing beats that opening.

I give it a second class recommendation.


I really, really liked this one. The intro was especially great. It really feels like you're in an Arwing, getting ready to scramble out into a battle. Great job with the feel there.

The first half is also nice, brings me back to the first time I played Starfox 64...the first game I played on the N64 actually. The main melody is good. and the bells/pings/whatever you call them going on top of that is great.

The fade out does kill the feel some...there could have been a better way to make that transition, but it still works. The second half is nice, though I like the more up-tempo first half. Overall...a very, very nice remix.

  • 2 weeks later...

I love this mix, but what's going on at 1:15 (and 3 times after)? It sounds like there's voice, but it's impossible to understand. It's been driving me nuts, and I'm amazed that none of the previous 45 posts have mentioned it.

Other than that, this is definitely a great remix in my book.

  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, I'm late but here's my humble opinion...

Really a great remix, the intro is fantastic as everyone says, the checklist voices need to be turned up a bit...also before the chacklist begins I can hear a plane fliyng-by, that had to be a little louder too.

The best part is the plane's engines noise just before the music starts...and the rest is real good.


...Will someone listen to us?


I don't think there's anything I could say that hasn't already been said, but I must say, this is one of my all-time favorite mixes. EVER. The synth work is great, the stylish piano breaths life into what would just be a long wind-down, and the samples at the begining give this mix a feeling of something... more. As a whole, this mix sounds full and beautiful; nothing ever seems contrived or out of place... it revs you up, calms you down, and then sails you away before you hit bottom.


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