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no dark lines on, well, anything, and the characters definitely didn't spend the entire episode looking at each other. (hello, DBZ)

To be fair, that's was mostly a combination of the facts that:

1) Taking a comic and putting it directly into a 30 minute episodic cartoon format is a tricky business overall, and

2) Half the time the cartoon was actually ahead of the comic and they didn't know what was supposed to happen, so they had to keep drawing things out.

(I mean, billy and mandy? WTF lol)

It's odd that you should choose this one as an example here. I'm under the impression that Billy and Mandy is held to be one of the few gems remaining in the fetid heap of feces that comprises most of CN's line-up today.

I'm holding out for the return of Ed Edd 'n' Eddy, personally.


I think they should do a proper sendoff for one week by showing people why it was so beloved amongst fans.... but then again this is Cartoon Network so I know good & hell well that they ain't gonna do it.


Toonami died when they took off all the awesome anime and cartoon series:

-Batman: Animated Series

-Sailor Moon S (Never really cared for Classic, R, or SS)

-Dragon Ball

-Static Shock (I think it was on that block)

-Super: Animated Series

-Outlaw Stars

-Yuu Yuu Hakusho

-Samurai Jack

-Any reruns of 90s action cartoons


Just goes to show you: anime = bad ratings.

It's true for Adult Swim and it's true for Toonami. I'm not surprised to see CN shuffling most of its anime away and leaving it to Adult Swim (where it is constantly the lowest rated of all animation on adult swim).

In short, lolanime.

Oh, and FUCK Cartoon Network for canceling Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. Best cartoon in 10 years.


WTF!?!?! They cancelled foster's? God damn it. That was one of the few newer animated series that I really loved. They fucked up Dexter's Lab the last couple of seasons with animation changes, and seem like they can't leave the good stuff alone. I long for the days of dexter, johnny bravo, samurai jack, even the ppg. It was good times.


CN obviously have no idea how to run a network. I found that out when they "revamped" Dexter's Laboratory and took Ed, Edd and Eddie out of the culdesac. I have no fucking idea who's idea it was to do the latter.

CN obviously have no idea how to run a network. I found that out when they "revamped" Dexter's Laboratory and took Ed, Edd and Eddie out of the culdesac.

Did they take it off the air completely over there?

We still get reruns of it at hours that no sane parent would allow their child to stay up until, which I suppose is somewhat justifiable in that they're probably not likely to give a prime time slot to something when all they can show is repeat episodes.

Also, it's Eddy you unwashed heathen.


CN always hates anime. The leadership that brought about Toonami was quickly canned, anime was kicked out of primetime/evening slots and forced to late-night only. Leadership swaps...

But I was with Toonami from the get-go. It was a very fun rise.

As someone point out, anime has inferior ratings to domestic shows with vastly cheaper costs.

Adult Swim used to just be anime that Toonami couldn't show, then all the new anime went to AS. Now AS is virtually anime free and takes up sooo much time. This was the house anime built, and someone changed tenants.

Oops, Guilty Gear spelling. I don't know if we still get them or not honestly. I only watch CN now for Tom and Jerry.

Lol speaking of which old cartoons (loony toons preferably) were the only things CN had going for them. CN doesn't even have those anymore. Anime was one thing, but stuff like that is universally liked. CN must be dumber than we thought.


I hate Tom & Jerry. Looney Tunes has its moments, but it's NOT something I'd care to watch too much of. The stuff was already "classic" when I was a tot... it's ancient history, now. Kids don't care about that stuff. Adults might, but they're not the ones watching daytime cartoons.

Without Toonami, though, we never would have gotten IGPX or Big O. The latter is a favorite of mine to this day.




Oh, and FUCK Cartoon Network for canceling Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends. Best cartoon in 10 years.

You got to be joking? I didn't like Foster but dammit, at least that show had standards compare to come of the crap on CN now!

Is Ed,Edd,and Eddy gone as well?

Without Toonami, though, we never would have gotten IGPX or Big O. The latter is a favorite of mine to this day.

Big O was awesome! I remember when the show was the only anime show on the Sunday block. Did the ran through the entire series or did CN took a shit on it and left it alone?

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