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If by chance you are reading this, this post was an old mistake of mine, something I'm embarrassed of. Mostly just trying too hard to be a good poster. Not only was it stupid and horribly written, but it gave me a HORRIBLE first impression on those here on these forums; some even dislike me now because of this terrible thread. A formal apology would be just too dramatic and dramatized, though. Look away, please.


this "original feel" stuff is a really graaay area. you could argue that anything short of the actual original doesn't have the original feel. if someone arranged a track to have the original feel, then what's the point? why not just listen to the original. and feel is totally subjective anyways, since everybody feels somethin different when listening to music

this "original feel" stuff is a really graaay area. you could argue that anything short of the actual original doesn't have the original feel. if someone arranged a track to have the original feel, then what's the point? why not just listen to the original. and feel is totally subjective anyways, since everybody feels somethin different when listening to music

That's pretty much the end of that discussion. If you can't do a song in a totally new style, it closes off a lot of possibilities that many fans will respect and enjoy.


Bullshiiiiit. Why are you even telling people what they should or shouldn't do when they're remixing a song? Remix songs yourself if you're so smart but don't impose your standards on other people, ESPECIALLY if it's on a site like ocremix where a certain degree of original material/deviation from the source is nearly a requirement for a song to be posted.

The whole idea of keeping in line with the original feeling of the song is flawed anyway, since those songs in-game are meant to underline actions/locations, a particular scene or event, or a certain character (not to mention they usually have to be loopable), whereas a remix, or ReMix, is meant to be a complete standalone piece.

Remix songs yourself if you're so smart but don't impose your standards on other people, ESPECIALLY if it's on a site like ocremix where

standards are imposed on other people?

I mean, I'm not condemning the system or anything, but they are. If a song is too close to the original source material ("This isn't a remix, it's a cover!") or too distanced from the original source material or too short or too long or too big or whatever then it doesn't get in.

If you're going to submit anything to this site then you need to be prepared to have its standards imposed upon you.

standards are imposed on other people?

I mean, I'm not condemning the system or anything, but they are. If a song is too close to the original source material ("This isn't a remix, it's a cover!") or too distanced from the original source material or too short or too long or too big or whatever then it doesn't get in.

Personally, I'd much rather hear a brand new take on a song rather than an untouched composition with some soundfonts and a drumtrack

Being too conservative can be boring and being too liberal can fall apart in a lot of cases, but getting into a nice groove between both can result in some top notch remixes, especially when they take the original feel and turn it into something completely new

If we didn't challenge ourselves as remixers like that, not much would be accomplished

Personally, I'd much rather hear a brand new take on a song rather than an untouched composition with some soundfonts and a drumtrack

Being too conservative can be boring and being too liberal can fall apart in a lot of cases, but getting into a nice groove between both can result in some top notch remixes, especially when they take the original feel and turn it into something completely new

If we didn't challenge ourselves as remixers like that, not much would be accomplished

I'm djpretzel, and I approve this message.

Personally, I'd much rather hear a brand new take on a song rather than an untouched composition with some soundfonts and a drumtrack

Being too conservative can be boring and being too liberal can fall apart in a lot of cases, but getting into a nice groove between both can result in some top notch remixes, especially when they take the original feel and turn it into something completely new

If we didn't challenge ourselves as remixers like that, not much would be accomplished

I never said otherwise.

I'm just saying it seems a bit silly to condemn someone for "imposing standards on others" and yet praise this site for doing just that.


I can see both sides of this argument.

There have been some remixes that I was really excited to listen to when I seen what game and song it was. Well, the remix would not sound anything like the original and it just didn't make for that great of a listening experience.

On the flip-side, there are some remixes I've listened to that sound totally unfreakin' believable just because the remixer put his/her own creativity to it and it just make an awesome listening experience every time you listen to it.

Just sayin...


Yes you would. You did:

Either that or the song wasn't meant to have another style to begin with; some songs just SHOULD NOT be done that way.
Don't assert whether an artist should or should not attempt to arrange something in a certain style. To do so is to insult the artist for taking creative risks.
Like I said, it can be done well. Sheesh, maybe I just sounded bad when I wrote the opening paragraph to begin with.

which is exactly why this "keeping the original feel" is silly in the first place

You prove a good point. That style just tends to worry me half the time because it's hard to make a good remix like that. Out of what I've heard anyway. Just to give me some inspiration could you point out some really good remixes that do just this?


use it


He means "Use the Edit button to go back and change your posts if you decide you have something more to say, rather than posting two or three in a row."

A picture really is worth a thousand words.

You prove a good point. That style just tends to worry me half the time because it's hard to make a good remix like that. Out of what I've heard anyway. Just to give me some inspiration could you point out some really good remixes that do just this?







http://www.ocremix.org/remixer/neskvartetten/ (especially http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01050/)

Those should start you off.


I know what the original poster is feeling, actually. Before Mithus, I never heard a track based off of Hyrule Castle (both including OCR, VGMix, and Official Soundtracks) that kept the original March and "I've got shit to fucking do" sort of feeling.

The thing is, the ReMixers aren't wrong in adding their own style to it. I should just look for ReMixes based off of source material that is the opposite of what I like :D

Mithius' Death Mountain track is also fucking brilliant because it still feels like a death march.

Lower Norfair is another good example of a track where I haven't heard a ReMix that sustains the pulsing beat that makes the track. Metroid Prime had a great version of Norfair, though. I actually heard it on Metroid Prime first, and loved it. Then I saw someone playing the final stretches of Super Metroid, and recognized the 16-bit source. It was neat.

edit: Understandable as it is, I'm amused at how the well-known ReMixers are annoyed at this thread.


Cuz it's the same old song and dance

Once the Commoners(i.e., listeners who contribute nothing) finally understand that a song may not *necessarily* be made solely for their listening pleasure, things usually return to their even keel around here.

Speaking for myself, everything I've remixed has been for my own personal aural delight.

standards are imposed on other people?

The difference is that I come to this site voluntarily, submit remixes to it voluntarily, and I voluntarily (try) to abide to the standards here. Nobody says I SHOULD submit to this site.

If a nobody comes along and says hey, YOU SHOULD NOT REMIX LIKE THAT, well then I'll just say fuck you to them.


The Wingless' One Girl in All the World, one of my favorite remixes ever. As music, it's awesome. As a remix, it's awesome. It's nothing like the source track, and if you haven't heard the source over and over you might have some trouble recognizing it. It's a simple track arranged into something far more advanced, full of nuances and with a very enjoyable progression.

What it doesn't do is take a simple, beautiful, and unnerving track and turn it into bubblegum pop. The original feel isn't there, but it doesn't matter. I get what the OP and others say about the original feel, but my threshold is when it's remixed in an inappropriate feel.

OCR, however, isn't about "appropriate feel". It's about quality interpretations and productions. If you don't like a remix, don't listen to it. There are other remixes here, there are other remix sites, and if you don't like anything anybody else did, remix some yourself.

The Wingless' One Girl in All the World, one of my favorite remixes ever. As music, it's awesome. As a remix, it's awesome. It's nothing like the source track, and if you haven't heard the source over and over you might have some trouble recognizing it. It's a simple track arranged into something far more advanced, full of nuances and with a very enjoyable progression.

What it doesn't do is take a simple, beautiful, and unnerving track and turn it into bubblegum pop. The original feel isn't there, but it doesn't matter. I get what the OP and others say about the original feel, but my threshold is when it's remixed in an inappropriate feel.

OCR, however, isn't about "appropriate feel". It's about quality interpretations and productions. If you don't like a remix, don't listen to it. There are other remixes here, there are other remix sites, and if you don't like anything anybody else did, remix some yourself.


what the hell why aren't characters in brackets counted as characters

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