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The following excited me

- Valkyrie Profile DS

- Nintendo will re-release Cube classics in a new ‘Enjoy with Wii selection’ lineup

- Sin and Punishment 2 for Wii

- Punch-Out!! Wii confirmed

I'm also surprised, based on one of the vids, that it seems that they're remaking Rune Factory? Some other rather awesome looking titles. Still hesitant on the Castlevania fighter game...

Also it seems that Street Fighter's gonna make its way to the Wii..?

Storage solution: you'll be able to play stuff directly from your SD cards next year when they roll out the a firmware update.


That's not what Nintendo actually said.

Nintendo said that you can DOWNLOAD games to your SD Card and then COPY them to your Wii Memory.

So it's not a real solution, it's still clearing out the fridge; copy what you're not playing right now to an SD card and not play it.


Other than picture-taking, it doesn't look like anything we can't already do with homebrew. "Better" speakers still won't be better than the majority of headphones.

I'm not impressed, honestly. I scanned the article, but couldn't find anything on how the larger screen will affect older DS games...

Still, Punch-Out is exciting, and DQ9 will be awesome as well.


Removing the GBA slot means some DS games won't work... on a DS...

Totally forgot about that...not the smartest move, methinks.


Bigger screens and lighter DS does sound appealing, but the sacrifice of the GBA slot will be troublesome for those with GBA games without an actual GBA console (like me :E ).

Does the new games only work with DSi, or is a DS Lite just as good? I'd hate to buy a new DS for the sake of playing Chrono Trigger and 358/2 Days.


Removing the GBA slot means some DS games won't work... on a DS...

Good gracious mother of joysticks NO

They killed the GBA slot though, which IMO was a big mistake. How much space could they possibly save by doing that? The DS Lite is small as-is. Removing the GBA slot means some DS games won't work... on a DS...

Yeah, seems like a mistake offhand, but perhaps there's more to it. Hopefully. Reverse compatibility is pretty important. Then again, I suppose they figure the DS catalog is deep enough now, and frankly, most people buying the DSi are just upgrading and would still have an earlier incarnation to use for GBA games. Exploitative, sure, but there's not gonna be an uproar, so what of it?

Wasn't really much in the vid that interested me directly, as I'm not into those saccharine-looking Japanese characters shown in, what, 40-50% of the footage. Nice Mario arrangement in Wii Music though; definitely looking forward to hearing the full cut on that one.


Wow. Not bad. I'm looking forward to the new Punch Out, the Vanillaware game, and Endless Ocean 2. There are a lot of interesting-looking games on there. Nintendo should have pulled these guns out at E3.


But Larry, the issue is that some DS games actually use the GBA slot. For example, the new Tony Hawk game, Guitar Hero: On Tour (that's a big one), etc. A number of DS games also can access data from GBA games. By removing the GBA slot you're actually killing CURRENT generation compatibility which is flat out retarded.

But Larry, the issue is that some DS games actually use the GBA slot. For example, the new Tony Hawk game, Guitar Hero: On Tour (that's a big one), etc. A number of DS games also can access data from GBA games. By removing the GBA slot you're actually killing CURRENT generation compatibility which is flat out retarded.

I'm not saying it's a moot point, but Nintendo's own PR says that the DSi is meant as a supplement and not as a replacement. Grab dat money!

I'm not saying it's a moot point, but Nintendo's own PR says that the DSi is meant as a supplement and not as a replacement. Grab dat money!

They actually said that? Haha, fuck you Nintendo.

I'm not saying it's a moot point, but Nintendo's own PR says that the DSi is meant as a supplement and not as a replacement. Grab dat money!

Damn expensive supplement :lol:

I'll save the cash for the Valkyrie Profile DS thank ye sa..

Good job Nintendo, now do this ever 5 months and we'll all be happy campers.

(A conference with announcements, not release a new hardware version...)

That's pretty much the direction they're heading in.


How is the DSi a supplement to the DS? That's like saying buying a new computer that doesn't have a CD drive is a supplement to your existing computer. They have completely redundant functionality otherwise. What a stupid decision on Nintendo's part.

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