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I've heard a ton of amazing songs, but only 2 have ever had me close to crying, both of them sad songs.

Summoning's 13 minute epic "Land of the Dead." You may hate the vocals, but the song has so much emotion you won't care.


However, it's cut short due to youtube cutting off vids after 10 minutes.

Also some classical song I played in high school, but unfortunately, I do not remember what it was called. I only remember it was Opus 36 lol.


I've got to be the only person in the world to have LAUGHED when Aeris was killed. I remember thinking in 1997, that the game was trying to manipulate me into caring about a character I had in my party for a grand total of like five minutes.

Good tunage, but hamfisted attempt at tragedy.

I love Tchaikovsky's music *_*. 1812 never motivates me to tears though, it just pumps me up full of energy XD. His 4th and 5th symphonies though (moreso his 5th) can bring out the emotions in me.

Have you heard the Doráti recording of 1812 he did with the Minneapolis Symphony with the actual carillon and cannons? It's magnificent.

But yeah, it's not really sobs. More like misty, hopeful eyes for the battle described in the piece.

This song made me cry tears of joy and laughter., not kidding. This song is pure SEXCELLENT.

DOD MagFest 2008:


Hahahaha! I didn't cry, but my face and side hurt after laughing so hard. What a great track. The MAGFest experience of everyone in the room dying in laughter, including Jake trying to not vomit a Costco-sized mega-can of Chef Boyardee ravioli he ate, made the whole thing 50 times funnier. :lol:

I've got to be the only person in the world to have LAUGHED when Aeris was killed. I remember thinking in 1997, that the game was trying to manipulate me into caring about a character I had in my party for a grand total of like five minutes.

Good tunage, but hamfisted attempt at tragedy.

I had to laugh because it was so over-the-top. I saw it coming a mile away.

Something I just remembered - the max payne 2 theme. Once when I beat it, and once last sunday when my ovarian cyst ruptured just as the song goes into its final swell. If that wasn't perfect timing, I don't know what is.


Recently was moved by SH:HC's - "The Sacred Line" It was those bonus tracks that you were given a link to if you preordered... I had to fake sleeping on my way to work to hold it back as I didn't expect the track to be THAT good. Enjoyable sure but not THAT amazing to me.

:sad: very good. The rest of the "bonus tracks" are on par as well but only THAT song caught me off guard...

I'm a Christian, so I've had my share of music that made me cry. Although I'll only post them if asked.

Why should your religion have a leading factor to make you cry. I myself belife in the Christian faith, but there has been no songs that made me cry in the gerne.

I never came close to crying, but two songs had made me feel emotional:

Aerosmith's "Livin' on the Edge" and Metal Gear Solid's "The Best is Yet to Come".


I've gotten chills from music before, even though a lot of it was really shitty.

Like Oh, Oh, Oh, Sexy Vampire.

And Party 4u (holy nite mix)

And Live and Learn.

And You're Not Me from the Yu-Gi-Oh movie.

I'm a moron.

I've gotten chills from music before, even though a lot of it was really shitty.

Like Oh, Oh, Oh, Sexy Vampire.

And Party 4u (holy nite mix)

And Live and Learn.

And You're Not Me from the Yu-Gi-Oh movie.

I'm a moron.

oh jeez

you just reminded me that I got the same thing from hearing the pokemon theme in the first pokemon movie

and I'd totally forgotten about it too >:[


Well, eh, I'm not sure about full blown crying but there are songs that sometime trigger an immense amount of nostalgia or just tug at my emotions so much that I can't help but get teary-eyed.

One particular song is "Grey" by One Be Lo off of his R.E.B.I.R.T.H. album. Song has a kickass sax in it that makes me melt everytime I hear it. :-(

I had to laugh because it was so over-the-top. I saw it coming a mile away.

I laughed my ass off when Aeris died. She was whiny and annoying and completely useless both in battle and in terms of importance to the plot.

I should say that by this point, I already thought the game was crap and wasn't taking any of it seriously anyway.

I thought she seemed to have nice potential as a healer and stuff, but...it was so long ago I don't remember if I just put all the healing stuff on her because she couldn't fight too well, or if it was something else.

I cried when I realized that she died ALONG WITH SOME OF THE GOOD MATERIA ON HER!


I don't know how many of you saw Hustle and Flow, but the song the lady was singing during the church scene made me shed a few tears. Damn, I can't find that video.

And I don't care what you guys think, I cried when that fucker killed Aerith in FF7. Not really because of her death, but the music that was playing in the background.

And also, this song touched me...in inappropriate places...



Hey the guy that sent me the PM, I replied, Also... for those who haven't heard the track, it's already on Youtube, but the actual song sounds better than there...

Silent Hill: HC - The Sacred Line


Another track that moved me but didn't bring on the waterworks is "Okami - Rising Sun". I often listen to it whenever I get back after a long work week and I see home coming into view....

Okami - Rising Sun


I'm a sentimental sap. At least when it comes to books, music and film/plays. Though I rarely cry when real life is involved. When it's real, the tragedy of it is to overwhelming for tears and I just get quiet and numb. My family ridicules me for this.

But oh man, if I had a nickel for every time a song has made me cry, I'd have like $13.50 or something.

I tend to cry in movies if there's a certain convocation of music and the moment. But if we're just talking individual pieces of music, here are a few that stand out in my mind the most:

1. Appalachian Spring, by Aaron Copland. But it has to be the fully orchestrated, full ballet version, not the medley suite version most people know. There is a big damn difference. I first heard this piece on a plane from Denver to Dallas. There's this moment right at the beginning where the winds are building on these add9/sus4+4 (or something) cluster chords and there's some solo violins drifting over the top... I was visibly weeping in my coach class seat. As soon as we landed I bought the CD. That was about ten years ago and it's one of my favorite recordings still.

2. Leonard Bernstein's Mass, by Leonard Bernstein. At the very end. I listened to this whole broadway style catholic mass, which was full of all kinds of shocking and offensive lyrics. It's this journey from religious ritual into debauchery (and the idea that the two are not far removed from each other to begin with) and then back into faith and hope. And it's that moment at the end when you think that people are way to messed up and that they've ruined everything and then this child starts singing, and everyone joins in this very simple, very hopeful chorus. I cried like a baby.

3. Keith Jarret's performance at La Scala. So Keith Jarrett is this great jazz pianist who occasionally does these all-improv concerts which are recorded. One time he's at La Scala in Milan (I think it's in Milan) and he's doing his thing and there's this moment of intensity followed by utter musical bliss. I remember I was sitting on my best friend's living room floor while listening to this, trying to hide my tears.

I also have an album of christmas carols sung by the Cambridge Singers which usually chokes me up, and Arvo Part's works are quite emotionally disturbing to me. Also when my wife and I saw the musical version of Little Women, and there's this part when the sickly, soon to be dead little Beth is playing the piano and singing this stupid song about going to the bay or something but the whole setup of it just dissolved us both into blubbering idiots.

Carousel made me cry too. Again at the end, when the deadbeat dad is up in heaven realizing what a moron he was. It's so sad!

I'm barely scratching the surface here.

I'm a big crybaby. Don't hit me!

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