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blue man group's song club nowhere was a song that i really like, but it never made me cry.

I suppose this is kind of cheating, since Exhibit 13 made me teary-eyed mostly because of what was about rather than the song itself. It commemorates 9/11 by incorporating pieces of scorched paper which blew into the Carroll Gardens neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York on September 11, 2001.




The story?

An accident happened, and I ended up watching a friend of mine die. It's hard when something like that happens because you begin to wonder if you could have saved them. I drove home in silence. I was living alone at the time so there was no one to talk to, though I don't think I would have wanted to anyway. I went online to distract myself and saw that a website had been made for the upcoming Advent Children movie. I went to it and heard that song, set on repeat. I remember laying face-up on my bed,staring at the ceiling, listening to it over and over. It comforted me.

When I hear it, it takes me back, but it is always more comforting than sad. I later got a translation of the lyrics, which I found to be profound given the associations I draw with the song.


Honorable mention to Reuben Kee's "Ascension to Cosmo Canyon".


Yes. Frequently. I find, for me, it's tied about 50/50 to the overall emotion of whatever I'm watching or doing at the time. Here's some examples which come to mind:

-The climactic end to a series

-Soft, fluffy, clumps of snow falling all around me

-A sensitive scene with portrayal of intimacy

-"" beauty

-Riding my bike through wet night streets watching the streetlights reflections in the road

-The wind in my face on the bus after first realizing a girl in class likes me too

-being near beauty in nature in general


I don't think I have heard a song out of context that was so magnificent, touching, beautiful etc. that it made me cry. However, there have been a number of songs that within contexts heightened emotions that I was feeling. One of the few songs that I still remember as being touching came from ending credits of FFVIII:


I still remember playing this game and feeling a bit underwhelmed mainly because none of the characters were interesting. Even reaching the climax of the game I wasn't into the story that much and was just looking forward to finishing the game and being done with it. But when I was done with the game and started watching the end credits, I saw the fmv of characters interacting casually with each other and it dawned upon me that in a sense I will never see any of them again. Their playful interaction with each other along with realization of never seeing them again really touched me. And the song served as a perfect tune for signifying that end.

i didnt know this website was full of sissies... haha jkjk

if that were true, i would be one too =/ haha

uhhh for me,

Dragon Roost Island -Zelda Wind Waker

Credits - Super Mario 64

Mario 64 credits, i think i did.

Final fantasy Anxious hearts.

Uematsu concert 2008. yeah, i couldn't stop being a sissy either lol :)


Closest I've come, which meant getting choked up, was during the sunset credit roll of Zelda 3 when it seamlessly transitioned into the main Zelda theme.

And I agree about the Mario 64 credits. Much more upbeat but pretty moving at the same time. Also, the credit roll for Super Mario World.


Rachmaninoff's Piano Concerto #2. When I listen to it on a CD, sometimes the climaxes will sorta get a tear to well up, but I recently went and saw it done live with my gf, and I was just a teary mess from the get-go. I spent the majority of the performance thinking, "Don't cry."

I don't know what the deal is. That music is just so beautiful to me.


Crying I haven't done to music before (ENTIRE TEAM IS BABIES), but one sequence in LoZ: Twilight Princess comes to mind for raw emotionality, especially thanks to the music. BRACE FOR KINDA SPOILERS:

It was right after the third dungeon, where you're stuck in wolf form and Midna just got the crap kicked outta her, and you're racing her to Zelda to try and save her.


I love the Tattered Slippers remix on the site, but I hadn't heard the source for it until that scene there. Hell, that was probably one of the most emotional moments in a game ever for me, and the music had a lot to do with that.


Credits song of EarthBound ("I miss you"-that little soundbyte gets me every time)

The trailer music for Ace Combat 6

"The Oath" from FF8

"Winterborn" by The Cruxshadows

"Dragonfly" by The Cruxshadows

"Beloved" by VNV Nation

that's all I can think of off the top of my head


There are a few songs that have a lot of meaning to me, but not many that get me due to the song itself...most due to the situations where I've encountered them.

That being said...The Protomen's self titled album, which is a rock opera concerning Protoman, Megaman, and Dr. Light...is an amazing listen that gets me every now and again.

There are a few songs that have a lot of meaning to me, but not many that get me due to the song itself...most due to the situations where I've encountered them.

That being said...The Protomen's self titled album, which is a rock opera concerning Protoman, Megaman, and Dr. Light...is an amazing listen that gets me every now and again.

OOH! I totally forgot about Protomen! "Sons of Fate" gets a tear out of me. Sometimes "The Stand" and "Funeral For A Son"

OOH! I totally forgot about Protomen! "Sons of Fate" gets a tear out of me. Sometimes "The Stand" and "Funeral For A Son"

The one that consistently gets me is 'Unrest in the House of Light' (3). The specific line is the one in which Light yells at Megaman 'You are all that I have left!'

It's such a psychologically deep song...


Anybody just sit and listen to the Diablo Tristram theme and just sit dazed at how awesome the gothic guitar piece is? I'm not into gothic stuff AT ALL, but I was pretty stunned at the Tristram theme. Stay a while and listen!

The one that consistently gets me is 'Unrest in the House of Light' (3). The specific line is the one in which Light yells at Megaman 'You are all that I have left!'

It's such a psychologically deep song...

Oh hell ya. That who album is just gushing with emotion.

The end of "Sons of Fate" is just epic and beautiful. When Megaman yells "The Fight of Protomaaaaaaann!" as the Humans sing behind him.

Anyone who loves Megaman and rock n roll owes it to themselves to listen to The Protomen album.

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