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hi everybody, i've been hanging out in IRC the past two days and the amount of disrespect new members get is really troubling! i don't know what past experiences everyone has with newbies but it seems to be a 24/7 roast for all "new fags" and "KNOW UR ROLE NEWFAG"

however, on other forums i've been to, i've found the forums and irc channels are really pretty separate entities as far as policies/users go, especially since the ocremix forum has a "newbie welcome thread," etc.

in other words, does anyone else share my sentiments about irc being a little too cliquish? should i be staying away from irc until i am an established poster? or are they usually really nice and i just came in a bad day or what


The irc channel definitely carries a different feel when compared to the forums.

Newbie hazing on there has happened for quite a while. I remember getting that when I first went on there a few years ago. It is something certain members do on there to test your tolerance. I too am guilty of doing that to a few members.

Best thing to do is to just ignore it. Responding, especially negatively, fuels their urge to carry it on further. If it gets really bad though, you could always PM an op about whats up and they will take care of the issue, though that situation shouldn't need to happen since those that do haze don't mean anything serious.


I dunno about cliquish, but it really is a different group. I would say, don't worry about not being an established poster, cause one, that's just silly, and two, most of the people that I've seen in IRC aren't particularly established posters. (of course, I'm hardly a heavy IRC user)

The people that frequent it seem nice enough, you probably just came in at a bad time.

As long as you're not being a jerk or something, there shouldn't be any problem.

[07:38] <yubee> i still know the rules dog

[07:38] <yubee> first thing you gotta do

[07:38] <yubee> is make someone your bitch

[07:38] <yubee> i still know the rules dog

[07:38] <yubee> first thing you gotta do

[07:38] <yubee> is make someone your bitch

hahaha that was a line from a movie! you took that completely out of context
I never got hazed, but that's probably because I'm kind of a big deal around here.

Never got hazed because there is no reason to do it on you.

Besides you are so modest.

In any case I am not involved in that place. It is too much drama for me.

The irc channel definitely carries a different feel when compared to the forums.

Newbie hazing on there has happened for quite a while. I remember getting that when I first went on there a few years ago. It is something certain members do on there to test your tolerance. I too am guilty of doing that to a few members.

Best thing to do is to just ignore it. Responding, especially negatively, fuels their urge to carry it on further. If it gets really bad though, you could always PM an op about whats up and they will take care of the issue, though that situation shouldn't need to happen since those that do haze don't mean anything serious.

Just wanna echo what arek said. I too would be guilty of giving new people a hard time (not just in the ocr channel mind you). Not necessarily to offended and harass new people, but just to get an idea of what they're like in the channel. Are they willing to argue and pick a fight over trivial things? Are they laid back with a sense of humour? Are they gonna take every oppratunity then can get to mention to everyone they have a social disorder? etc. etc. etc.


I like it when forum people transfer into the chat room. My postcount is low because i prefer the instant gratification of getting responses right away, rather than constantly refreshing a forum page.

While I try to be polite to every new person that comes in, it's important to understand that there are often conversations going on between people who have known eachother for years. The polite thing to do is in a sense "lurk moar" and see how the conversation flows before attempting to turn the channel subject to yourself. No one likes an attention whore, especially someone who crashes the chat room and spews pages about themselves to people who don't know them. Would you do that IRL at a party, try to make yourself the center of attention like that? Would you really make a lot of friends that way?

It's just important to understand this isn't an aol chatroom where the members change daily and no one knows who anyone is. Most of us have long standing relationships with eachother and attend events such as magfest otakon pax meetups etc. It's not that it's necessarily a "clique" but a group of friends. We are welcome to people of course, but it's not your standard chat room where you can attention whore.

Also it's important to note that the first person who was snarky to you (i won't name names) is someone who has mental instability issues and social problems, whom I have had on and off of ignore for the past couple years.

Also garian and presh were really nice to you, and spend quite a bit of time explaining things like emoticons, regulars, artists etc when you asked. In fact, it looks like you had quite a nice conversation with them about ocremixes and songs were shared.

Gollgagh I think i saw you connect and then disconnect like an hour later without saying much beyond hello, and Rozovian a bit more than that. I guess IRC is not for everyone but going through the logs, there was no head biting-off or anything.

imho much ado about nothing


Point is, some of us are old school IRC and internet users. With the mass appeal of the internet over the last few years, more and more people are using it. And in that comes people that have no idea how IRC works. It's not really a super "politically correct" place, and yes, insults and names will be used sometimes, more so than others depending on the attitude you bring in. Back when I first started using IRC (1996), if you came in and started talking, you better know what you were talking about and brought no attitude at all, or you were fucked. So my advise to anyone is, lurk. Lurk long and hard, and see who talks about what, and who you can probably associate with somewhat. Don't jump into conversations and try to be the big dick right off the bat.


I hate that posts like this scare new people away. Someone, anyone can claim the IRC chat room was mean to them and get sympathy without posting a full log of the event.

Recently Mechaphone has transferred into being an IRC regular, a transplant from the forums. And he is cool and welcomed. It's not a clique that you can't get into. It's a circle of friends who have chatted with eachother for years.

And log everything.

This is just a case of someone complaining about something that didn't happen, and people bandwaggoning on and agreeing.

Someone, anyone can claim the IRC chat room was mean to them and get sympathy without posting a full log of the event.

Yeah, I seem to recall prior to djp cleaning house, when Protricity was an op, that the irc channel was hostile towards practically everyone, myself included.

Big fucking deal, serious business and all that. ;)

Yeah, I seem to recall prior to djp cleaning house, when Protricity was an op, that the irc channel was hostile towards practically everyone, myself included.

Big fucking deal, serious business and all that. ;)

I think I quit the channel for like a year or so when that happened, mainly because I honestly didn't like (read: HATED) protricity. I realize though, it's not serious business, it's not personal, but then again, at the time, prot always seemed to make it that way, and never knew when to back off.

Anyway...the IRC chan can be a lot of fun, especially if you stick around, we have some of the greatest conversations about a variety of subjects, not just vidja gaymes and muzakz.

So join us, but be fairly aware, it's 100% in your face unadultrated gratification. If you can't enjoy it, well, good luck. :razz:

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