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Hey guys! The holidays are here, and I have a pathetic lack of (good) Christmasy music to play!!! :oops: Anyone got some good recommendations of where to look for awesome Christmas stuff?

Relient K updated their previous Christmas album (Deck the Halls, Bruise Your Hand) and called it "Let it Snow Baby...Let it Reindeer." If you're into incredibly arranged pop-punk versions of classic Christmas songs, this is for you. Also, their cover of the Beach Boys' version of Auld Lang Syne is pure ear candy. Rocking out to Handel's Messiah is fun, too. :P

I'm actually grabbing this cd from a friend this week! I really want that Ho Ho Hoey cd as well, and I swear I'm going to get Jillian cd, even though i couldn't preorder... Thanks for all the recommendations so far!


If I could be so bold as to plug our new Christmas album consisting of 17 original songs from lots of new indie bands from all over the world including the Cloud Room, Idaho, Jape and the Very Most. http://www.indiecater.com is where you can listen to it all. We think it’s great but then we are biased and obsessed with Christmas.

Sorry if this one is too obvious, but if it's not already in your collection, might I suggest the classic Vince Guaraldi album?
I found that album in a bargain bin at work back in November, and bought it without hesitation. A great Christmas album.

Also, now that you've got me thinking Peanuts...

I know it's a bit cheesy, but I really the song 'Snoopy's Christmas'. If you can find it, get the full 'Story of...' version with the mock wartime radio broadcast introduction. (I found it on vinyl earlier tonight; got it for free due to how badly it was warped. 'The Story of Snoopy's Christmas' plays through fine, albeit very crackly.) The rest of the album is mostly non-Christmas-filler stuff, although I kinda like 'Down Behind The Lines' as well.

Boney M's Christmas Album is alright too, if you're into that sort of thing. My grandfather and my mother/brother (can't remember which) each had a copy of it on cassette, so I ended up listening to it a fair bit growing up. It's been re-released several dozen times with various edits, overdubs, and 'new' tracks, but prefer the original versions.

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