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OCR01034 - Wizards & Warriors "Wise Wizards, Old Warriors"


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Yeah, this really NAILS that "switched on Bach" feel of being simultaneously so cheesy and so amazingly cool it's disturbing. I LOVE the gated bits and little squeaks. They serve well to point to bazooie's sense of the melody of the original. It's especially interesting to me because I've been working on this tune as well, and have heard a take Mustin did on it, and it's very cool IMO how, from the constant barrage of eigth-notes in the original, each person seems to pick out different bits as the "melody" (obviously I'm referring to the upper parts, not the bass melody). Also, I really dig the kind of Casio-ish drums. They sound nicely understated, and anything else would be over the top and not fit well IMO.

Anyway, great work on this one.

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Now that bazooie has posted the lyrics, I'm not really sure what he meant for them to be. On a purely auditory level, they do excellent in giving the song it's creepy feeling (at least for me). But perhaps, they have a deeper meaning? Anyway, just speculating on the significance of them.

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this song really is addictive and kinda hypnotic...i like how it uses a very oldschool synth sound without sounding really cheesey...i also like the voice and lyrics. overall a great job bazooie. if you like this i highly recommend you check out the stuff on bazooie's website...i especially liked 'gellie frisbee'

bazooie, i would love to see more of your work on oc remix

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I am pretty much a lurker around here, except when I'm experimenting with remixes of my own (none of which are of the caliber that OCRemix would take, but that's another story for another day)... But I had to come out of my lurking shell and at least say something about this mix. Decidedly new and original, to say the least.

Just like DJP said... first 11 seconds, the song just sounds like another techno mix. But then, my head gets to bobbing at 11" in. At 33", the main melody starts kickin, and my eyes drift closed -- I'm deep into the song now, my head sways left and right as my head bobs. What a jammin' song, I think to myself. At 1'11" I get a little variation on what's been going on and get further into what my ears are processing through Bazooie's magic...

But it's at 1'28" that I really start moving my whole body to the groove. The transition to this decidedly short section of this piece isn't perfect, but the song has actually enthralled me to the point of forgetting everything that's going on around me BUT the song. Amazing. Not perfect, but this mix is thus far perfect in its imperfections, if you catch my meaning.

And at 2'02", all hope is lost as I drift away into a buzzin' world of Wizards and Warriors Goodness. Back to the lyrical stuff. Who cares what the lyrics are -- the song is just flowin'. At 3'07", my strange trip into the Bazooie's musical world of Wizards and Warriors finally begins its descent toward reality, and fades into the dark depths of silence.

... whoa. What an experience.

The euphoric state of stereophilic goodness that I experienced here is unmatched since maybe goat's Ironsword remix... but perhaps not really like this since the now-antiquated "Death on the Snowfield" mix. This is one of the most naturally-flowing mixes I have heard to date, to say the least. Bazooie knows what the hell's going on, and I like it. Props to you, my friend -- you have made it to my (very short and exclusive) list of favorites from OCR after only 3 listens.

- Rossodio

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  • 2 weeks later...


Wow! The highlight of my night was coming across this remix. Totally puts me in the zone. Utter ear candy. Walter Carlos meets Kraftwerk. This is absolutely great production work and of all the video game tracks you could have done, one of the more deserving tunes.

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Well, I couldn't be bothered to read all the other reviews, but I wanted to add fuel to what I expect is the critical acclaim fire.

I love this song. LOVE IT. I'd never heard the original or played W&W, but I went on a downloading spree of remixes I otherwise had no interest in and this was one of them. It is now probably one of my top 10 favorite OC remixes. It's that good.

What can I say that hasn't been said? I love the vocoder so much (stole that term from earlier reviewers, what do I know about musical technology?!) I so wish more vocal (vocalesque?) aspects were added to remixes. Two of my other favorite remixes are ROBOVoice and The Incredible Singing Robot. Guess what?! Both have vocals. Guess it's just my forte (not bass).

Anyway, hope to hear more from this remixer very soon.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

i've had this remix since it first came out and am only now doing a "review"

not even a real review, just offering more encouragement to bazooie- - smashing job good sir (assuming you're a sir).

i was skeptical of this at first...but there was always this undeniable...uh...hook or something...something that i couldn't ignore.

i've come to conclude this is an example of a perfect electronic/synth song. the ambience - the reverb - the fluidity - i wish i had a fraction of these skillz

i will be to the site to sample more of this delectable sonic cuisine...

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  • 2 weeks later...

I had this ReMix early on but its only now that ive got round to listening to it! Good things come to thos who wait is the saying and this is definately an example of how that can be justified. First off the intro sounded to bloody familiar but from then on this is a techno mix with that added quality. Synths used to perfection. The variation in using a techno genre is done well, enough to make me put "theme" on repeat. Ive always like the W&W's theme, the notes always remind me of a medieval atmosphere and this track for me still retains that atmospheric style blended with the excellent, even addictive techno fluidity. Oh and err.. kool trance-style lyrics i guess, they're pretty neat ^_^ Great job Bazooie

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  • 1 month later...

00:00 - Not a bad intro. Somewhat misleading though.

00:11 - THIS is what I mean by misleading. The vocals are just...perfect...

00:32 - Kinda cheesy, but a'ight. You mix the original melody back in occasioanlly for effect.

01:28 - My favorite part of the song. This made me do a review. There is no word in the English language that can accurately describe this.

02:03 - Here come those vocals again. They add an emotional, even melodic, feel to this mix.

03:08 - In my opinion, I think those string-style synths are ruining the overall effect of the vocals. They'd best be taken out or replaced with something less frontal and less up-and down. Same thing with the strings in the beginning.

After 03:08 it just kinda fades out. Unnecessary, but you did a good job on hiding the needlessness of it.

Overall - 96.5%

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  • 4 months later...

Oh I just found out about this one. It's been so long since I played W&W, I don't even remember the theme, but oh well. This remix has a really strange feel to it, and I don't much like the style, but it's very addictive nonetheless. Some of the synth sounds stand out too much, but maybe it is supposed to be like that? But the entire piece flows really well into each part, and the...uh...vocals, are awesome.

This is one of those that I wouldn't just sit down to listen to, but while in my car, I'll hit the "back" button every time the song ends :)

Definitely worth a listen if you want something a little different.

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  • 2 months later...

Going through my playlists, I have been stumbling across old old songs... I began thinking that I wanted to go back give reviews of all my old favorite songs.

This song definately portrays emotion and it gives me the creeps in a way, and makes me a little bit sad too..

Vocoded to perfection and so smooth and groovy. I think its just right.

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  • 1 month later...

Bazooie...where art thou? You make Buzz sound more than it truly it is...or perhaps the man/woman behind the machine can lift such seemingly cumbersome software out of it's self made grave? In short this is one of the most played songs in my playlist. If Mr. Bazooie had a nickle for everytime I played this song..why he'd be rich man. And rightly so.

This remix screams originality wrapped up in some common techno themes. It is the quintessential example of VG remixes...combining the non-commercial with the pop heart that is techno/dance. Creamy vocoder passages add an air of mysterium...what is this lament in the midst of such happy tunage?

What could make this mix better? I can't rightly say...my head is bowed before such might..I could only ask in the most humble way for more smooth transitions and perhaps switching in different tempos. I usually play this mix back to back with Rotator's Orb of Light so maybe where this is where this sentiment comes from? Oh forgive this heretic his trespasses!

Bazooie..you must produce more...don't let your talents go to waste! Give me more! :lol:

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Oh, wow. This is by far one of my favorites. It's just the... ethereal feelings evoked by the song. It's very calm and relaxed, and it just kinda says "Hey, nothing to worry about. Just sit back and take it easy for a while." Only it doesn't really say it, so much as it projects an ethereal, dreamlike feeling that just draws you in without you realizing it.

The lyrics are difficult to understand, but I think that the effect would be lessened if they were clearer. As DJP said, at first it seems like just another techno cover, but it quickly proves itself to be something else altogether. It just works. It all comes together like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.

I really, really wish I could say more, but since I'm totally musically illiterate, there isn't anything else I can add that isn't just reapeting what I've already said.

Bazooie, if you're reading this, seriously, do some more songs. This is highly memorable, and I'm certain a lot of the people who've heard this, including myself, would love to hear more.

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  • 1 month later...

This song is so ecstatic! That's funny too cause I thought I heard the word "Ecstasy" in the main melody.

At first I didn't even realize that there were vocals in the piece but I can sort of make them out

"Let me dream?" something like that

1:30, love this part

3:07, also love this part

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  • 2 months later...
This song is so ecstatic! That's funny too cause I thought I heard the word "Ecstasy" in the main melody.

At first I didn't even realize that there were vocals in the piece but I can sort of make them out

"Let me dream?" something like that

1:30, love this part

3:07, also love this part

The most I can make out of the lyrics is:

All alone here


And you belong with me

Where the road leads

Where the horizon meets the sea


Anyone know the full and correct lyrics to the song?

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I've listened to this one very very much. I even sat down with my keyboard and figured out how to play it myself. I loved the game, I loved the theme, and I love "Theme." Thank you so much for remixing this like you did. I can't say I love the other versions, but yours is the major major bomb.

And it would be nice to know the lyrics. Any helping us out?


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  • 3 months later...

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