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SirChadlyOC now engaged. I believe this deserves a thread here ;)

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DUDE! What the hell with everybody getting married and crap? I swear, this place is getting disgustingly sappy. I knew shit like this'd happen if UnMod wasn't here to balance out all the cuteness.

No seriously, congratulations, and I wish the best for you both. It's a Festivus MIRACLE!

Boo, this means less time for him to join in on random TF2 and L4D matches.

Unless she joins in, we can always use another player.

More and more girls are becoming gamers, so its possible. I would.



Congrats, my fellow zombie hunter! I heard the news awhile back, but I wanted to say congratulations in your thread. Hope everything goes well for you, my friend! And don't think this is an excuse not to play L4D or TF2 with your friends and community-mates anymore... >>

Congratulations Chadly.

Man, this place is full of good news these days. I can't go on here without someone getting engaged, married or having a kid any more. Wow.

Its getting to the point where Overclocked remix could easily be called "Overclocked Marraige levels". That sounded much better in my head.

Nonetheless, congrats :<


OMG, my own thread!!

Now that people are actually interested, I'll have to post more information.

First of all, here's a picture of the ring (needs more light in the picture so it can really SPARKLE!) :


I doubt she'll be playing much Team Fortress 2 or especially Left 4 Dead (she hates when I play that game) because she's not much of a gamer. I did buy her a Nintendo DS a couple of years ago, and she sometimes plays Wii with me, but she's not a fan of shooting games. In fact, she doesn't even have a computer capable of playing those games anyway.

However, this probably has very little impact on my frequency playing TF2 or L4D with fellow OCR regulars because we already live together, and she understands that I need my video game time. Woo!


As for the story, it's not that great, but the time was right:

We moved in together about six months ago after being in a relationship for more than three years. At the time, I reasoned that it would be a six-month "trial run" to make sure that we were compatible enough with each other to make it work.

Sure enough, six months later, Christmas seems like the perfect opportunity for a proposal. I order a ring from a well-respected local jeweler (not a chain in a mall) after looking for an hour or so, and pick up the ring less than a week ago. I didn't want to just wrap it in a jewelry box, so I put it in another large Amazon box, and wrapped it.

I asked her parents for "permission" to marry their daughter on the 23rd because it was the first time since I bought the ring that I had a chance to see them in person. They were impressed that I'd actually ask them since it's so old fashioned.

She has a family tradition that they all open one present on Christmas Eve, so I continued the tradition for out small family of two and asked her yesterday if she'd like to open one early. She actually said, "I don't care. We don't have to," but I insisted. She opened the present, saw the box and immediately knew what was inside. She opened it up and said yes, then unfortunately, she had to go to work (retail sucks) and I went home to spend Christmas with my family.

Yay Christmas memories!

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