Jenz Drake Posted November 22, 2010 Author Posted November 22, 2010 Alright guys - Let's shoot for Dec 20th for the next deadline. I know it's a quick one, but I think a lot of tracks can get done before the end of the year. LET'S ROCK!
Jewbei Posted November 23, 2010 Posted November 23, 2010 Just who the hell do you think I am!? Don't believe in me, believe in yourself who believes in me!I'll send you a WIP in like hmm, a few days. Ima start right now...YOSH! you...hype????
bLiNd Posted November 23, 2010 Posted November 23, 2010 Its from gurren lagann, that anime is hype. No matter, my wip is submitted and its pretty developed.
Emunator Posted November 23, 2010 Posted November 23, 2010 Sweeet Can't wait to hear it, shoot me and/or Stevo a PM and we'll get you some critiques.
bLiNd Posted November 24, 2010 Posted November 24, 2010 I sent you and stevo the wip. I will finish this soon, since I am inspired for it, definitely before the final date. <3
Kinslayer Posted November 26, 2010 Posted November 26, 2010 It's been a year, we get no preview this time around JaDE?
noTuX Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 I think she might be working on something. I'm not really sure though.
Brandon Strader Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 Preview? We don't need no stinking preview
Gario Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 If/when the preview is out I'mma hopin' my track is on it .
Bahamut Posted November 28, 2010 Posted November 28, 2010 Patience guys! Having heard a lot of the tracks already, I gotta say that I can't wait for this to hit though, it's fantastic so far.
KyleJCrb Posted November 29, 2010 Posted November 29, 2010 I miss this project being on the KNGI forums. Come back to us, Wild ARMs.
Level 99 Posted November 30, 2010 Posted November 30, 2010 Regardless as to whether or not there's another preview, I can tell you that progress has been ample in the last few weeks. The WIPs I've been reviewing just keep getting better and better. Even if the project doesn't scope every track in the end, this is definitely something special. Keep up the good work, folks! Next due date is coming up shortly, less than 3 weeks away!
Jenz Drake Posted December 1, 2010 Author Posted December 1, 2010 Hey guys! For Thanksgiving week I was not home, but during it I was working on the preview track. Except the laptop my older brother gave me months ago overheats on a regular basis and I wasn't able to succeed. On top of it all, I cannot access my internal hard drive right now, which have the other tracks, nor my old computer that works a hella lot better than this crappy laptop. I spoke to Emunator about it and he's going to throw me bone. We might do this for Christmas or maybe MAGFest. I think it would be better that way. Just like Baha and Stevo said - the tracks are turning up very nicely and really keeping my fingers crossed for at least 38 to 40 tracks done by New Year's Eve! Anyone who helps me complete this goal will officially make the project 50% done. So please, please, please - do not lose your focus and motivation! Currently we are at 37 tracks done. Holy crap - we're almost there!!! Come on guys!!! I really want to thank my team and all the artists who have worked very hard. I believe in all of you to bring the best out of Wild ARMs! I hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving. I cooked and baked my ass off for the holiday and everyone (total of 12 people) enjoyed it. I finally got to do it my way on that day. Anyway... let's welcome Danton F and Xenon Odyssey! Brandon Strader is also claiming one last track and he's going to be working on vocals this time with Rhapsodos. Super excited for it because he has the official Japanese ending theme. bLiNd also reclaimed a track and delivered us justice.
Eino Keskitalo Posted December 3, 2010 Posted December 3, 2010 Yeah! This project has gone far, and can go even further. Awesome work everyone! Computer woes.. I can relate. A fan started screaming in my laptop. I wasn't able to fix it, and when I was moving my stuff to my spare machine, it overheated and is now gone for good. Thankfully, I think I have backups for most of the stuff. --Eino
SpanishFly Posted December 4, 2010 Posted December 4, 2010 Man, this just keeps sounding better and better. Can't wait for it to get put out there!
Jenz Drake Posted December 9, 2010 Author Posted December 9, 2010 One of Theophany's song is done, it just needs to be reviewed. AWESOME WORK!!! So we're at 38 tracks now. If I am given 3 finished songs by the end of the year, the progress of this project will be exactly 50% done. LET'S TRY TO GET THERE. I know we can. Some artists go to school so after finals, I know you can work on your tracks!!
Emunator Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Make that two songs done... (: And oooooohhhhhh myyy goood they are so good. Wound Carved Upon the Heart in particular is absolutely groundbreaking music for OCR, I can't wait til you can all hear it
The Joker Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 I swear as soon as i get some time I'll have my revised track to you! I swears it.
Bahamut Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 Old old post, but Into the Wilderness will have to be really awesome.Of course, in general, I would love to hear more Into the Wilderness ReMixes. ... and the rest of the soundtrack is good, too. Loved this game back in 5th grade or so. To the End of the Wilderness you mean? It was my favorite song when I listened to a lot of them a while back.
Jenz Drake Posted December 12, 2010 Author Posted December 12, 2010 YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Theophany gave me another song last night and HOLY CRAP. SFDSDFSDFSADDASDASDFAASASASSFDSADFSASDASFSA My blood is boiling and MY EXCITEMENT KEEPS ON GROWING.
Abadoss Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 You sound like prophetik now Nah. Too much capitalization.
Gario Posted December 12, 2010 Posted December 12, 2010 So is it the Theophany group of people or the individual that uses the forums here that submit the music?
Jenz Drake Posted December 13, 2010 Author Posted December 13, 2010 So is it the Theophany group of people or the individual that uses the forums here that submit the music? The OCR artist...Theophany.
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