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This is pure comedy gold. Not the groin references really. The way it is sung and the squeaky voice is really funny to me, then it sort of makes the groin references really funny.

  • 4 weeks later...

At this point, enough has been said about this song, good and bad. The song may have a place in OC Remix history, but I can't see why so many find it so amusing. I did find one part funny- right after he says Zelda the first time, and this scream of horror is heard in the background. I would usually say the rest is pretty forgettable, but unfortunately, due to the fact that I listened to it about 40 times trying to "get it," I will never forget the sound of my groin... I mean his groin. Err... the song. Dammit, you people are right, it is unforgettable.

  • 3 weeks later...

A chord progression on guitar and lyrics about a person's groin are... a song from Zelda... My friend sent me this song, and I had some Sonic remixes I had worked on just for fun, so I decided to send one in. And after hearing perhaps the worst song this site has ever accepted, I thought it was in the bag. Anyway, it didn't get accepted, and I've gotten lightyears better at DP since I submitted it. But I think I'll just break out the acoustic guitar, slap together some lyrics with a duhty wuhd in them, and send that in. Yeah, that seems to work.


This is really quite horrible. Not the song. Just the mere fact that when ever you look at Link it's like looking at Shael Riley's groin since they look alot alike apparently. Not Cool. At least the song was. But I'd imagine in this day and age this might not have made it up. With that said, it better stay, because nobody who hears this song will forget it, even if they wanted to.

It makes me feel like if I recorded a one-minute bit of me banging on a guitar and singing "Mario Brothers is stupid" to the Mario theme, I could get on this website. Or maybe I should just do the Metroid theme with synthesized fart noises.

I totally wanna hear what you come up with.

Yes, that can be very interesting.

This song is the only main reason why Shael got his verse into River City Rap. And that's why I'm not listening to it.

Sorry, buddy! I'll listen to your other pieces though. This is the only one I don't like.


Not sure what's so funny about it exactly, but it all adds up to utter hillarity.

Don't listen to the naysayers, this is gold.

Like someone said though, the actual mix isn't that great, its the comedy that makes this track good.


I must say that this song is pretty good except for the choice for Lyrics, while it may be stupidy funny as I like to call it, it could of been alot better lyric-wise.

The guy obviously possesses great vocal talents and not sure what instrument he was playing and my guess is that it was an acoustic guitar but still a great instrument choice and music blends in nicely with the vocals.

I must say that this song is pretty good except for the choice for Lyrics, while it may be stupidy funny as I like to call it, it could of been alot better lyric-wise.

The guy obviously possesses great vocal talents and not sure what instrument he was playing and my guess is that it was an acoustic guitar but still a great instrument choice and music blends in nicely with the vocals.

pfft!! lighten up man.... this songs great!! hehe one of my firsts.... it changed my life *tears welling* anyways....

yeah, this song is just fun... although, dont expect much.... its a song comparing Zelda, to this guys groin! ITS GREAT!!! if theres one song u must get on OCremix, get this one


This song is beautiful. Occasionally I try to introduce my friends to OCR music, with typically limited success. "But... it doesn't have any words!" tending to be the most popular comment, followed in a close second by "is that techno? Those aren't real drums!"

Fortunately, Music of My Groin isn't techno, plus it even has words. People listen to this and go "wow, I used to think these OCR people were no-talent hacks, but this is great!" Before long, you have them submitting their own spc+drumloop opuses (opera?) every fifteen seconds. Consider this Shael Riley classic the marijuana to McVaffe's heroin; a gateway ReMix to convince the naysayers that not all the tracks on OCR are for "music lovers", or even people with a capacity for hearing.

Highly recommended, except to the elderly, those with heart conditions, children over 20, and Prot.

This song is beautiful. Occasionally I try to introduce my friends to OCR music, with typically limited success. "But... it doesn't have any words!" tending to be the most popular comment, followed in a close second by "is that techno? Those aren't real drums!"

Fortunately, Music of My Groin isn't techno, plus it even has words. People listen to this and go "wow, I used to think these OCR people were no-talent hacks, but this is great!" Before long, you have them submitting their own spc+drumloop opuses (opera?) every fifteen seconds. Consider this Shael Riley classic the marijuana to McVaffe's heroin; a gateway ReMix to convince the naysayers that not all the tracks on OCR are for "music lovers", or even people with a capacity for hearing.

Highly recommended, except to the elderly, those with heart conditions, children over 20, and Prot.

LOL! I hereby declare this review definitive. :lol:


I Love this remix. It may not be classy, but it has to be a classic! The first time I heard it I was on the floor laughing, and it keeps bringing a smile to my face! :) Great Job Shael Riley, Can you live up to the expectations you've set for your next song

*Cue Dramatic Music*

Expecting BIG Things,


EDIT: oh wait. you already have!


I am quite the fan of OCReMix, and burning songs to CD to listen in my car is something I've done for a while.

The other day, I had Music of My Groin playing on my car stereo, driving down the street to the Albertsons, when I see the flashing red and blue lights behind me. My stomach leaps into my throat, for I have been given a ticket before, and I didn't need my insurance any higher than it already was. So I pull over, and the cop stops behind me, and...suprise. He wasn't giving me a ticket, he was, quote, 'Wondering what the hell that is on your stereo about a groin'

So, congrats, Shael, for making the first OCReMix that the Police will stop you for.

(Endnote - I gave the policeman the site name and address, as well as the name of the song.)


How come so many ppl love this song? If u want funny music, go listen to tenacious d (f*ck her gently) atleast that song makes sense, this song's just plain stupid


This is your most awful remix, Shael, I am so sorry to say that. First off, the mix is encoded at 22 Khz and the quality is a horrific live and that of an 8-track. It's evident that you inserted certain tracks in a "cut and paste" fashion similiar to what's done in Audicity when you insert sounds in an audio file.

And cryk, man, you sound like David Spade on hellium which almost made me cry even if that was done purposely. It's not your voice that bothers me, I mean your rapping delivery is just hilarious at times, but it's how you sing. It pops my ears' blood vessels.

The strangest thing is that people find this funny, and I actually have a thing for stupid mixes and movies like Kung POW which are of this nature, but I just can't keep it. It's just plain sickening, not just because there's nothing except groins inside, but the fact that the performance and execution of this mix is amateur.

Face it, Shael, you have better talent than this, and I even thought "Music Is Hard, Man" should have made it onto this site. But this mix is sort of killing my love for your other mixes. I hope you keep working hard to get a whack of better mixs like your 2002 songs on this site soon, my friend. I'll keep downloading stuff you release on VGmix though. This won't stop me from liking what you put out currently.


For one thing this mix is almost 4 years old. I think we can be a little more lenient than that considering the age. Second, you say "But this mix is sort of killing my love for your other mixes." What does one have to do with another?

Yes, GrayLightning, I realize how OCR standards have become more strict over the last 4 years which is why I'm scared to submit lately. If I was around 4 years ago, all my crappy polka and Eye Witness Jr. band cover VGMixes would be here.

As for the comment I made about this mix killing my love for his other mixes, sometimes if a remixer's well known mix is horrible while his/her other tracks are awesome, it affects my generic judgement and perspective of the artist in general.

An example of this would be me producing wicked beats, while my same fans, who love my beats, throw tomatoes at my raps just because they're clean and old skool. Yet they still listen to my stuff and they're not sure if they should be listening to my stuff or not. It's hard to explain.

But do you ever feel like that when someone asks you "What do you think of Shael Riley's music in general?"


once again I would like to affirm that this mix is the soul reason I havent remixed the Legend of Zelda theme.

Nothing can top this mix.

The production is amazing... the performance,

the comedy, the shael, its all hear in a neet little package ready to be served to the populous. it doesnt complain when i come 'home late at night.

This mix is king. Bow your heads before your king!

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