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OCR00209 - Legend of Zelda "The Music of My Groin"


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(yes, I was ridiculously stupid. sorry)

Whoa, whoa. A little extreme there, don't you think? There's 40000000 billion other Zelda mixes, and it's not like you paid to listen to MoMG and you don't have to visit the UnMOD if you don't want to. MoMG is just a goofy remix, that's all. If you want something serious, look at 99 percent of the other remixes on this site.

Please, let's not turn this review into a flame war. Talk about it somewhere else...

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hehe. Well, the body of work can speak for itself. The author, however, is not gay and, in fact, is dating a rather atractive woman who dressed up as Lulu from Final Fantasy X at last year's Magfest.

Dear Lord! Really?

Do you realize how incredibly lucky you are?

You're probably one of the few men in the world who is dating an attractive woman who LIKES stuff like that, and not just to please her boyfriend.

May I ask you to point me in the direction of said women? If only I could ever get the girls who date me to do that sorta crap. Oh well...I got punk rock/raver girl. Getting closer! ;)

Oh yeah, the review of this song.

I love it. Musical quality, low, yeah, but like djpretzel said, any song that says groin this many times is bound to be a classic. And it is! Especially with the zelda theme. DOuble trouble!

This song kicks ass so hard, it makes your link-lookin' groin ache in pain.

And to the guy (Jodo?) who insulted the people who like this song and such fine movies as Wayne World...I have this question to ask of thee.

A sphincter says what?

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hehe. Well, the body of work can speak for itself. The author, however, is not gay and, in fact, is dating a rather atractive woman who dressed up as Lulu from Final Fantasy X at last year's Magfest.

Dear Lord! Really?

Do you realize how incredibly lucky you are?

You're probably one of the few men in the world who is dating an attractive woman who LIKES stuff like that, and not just to please her boyfriend.

May I ask you to point me in the direction of said women? ...

Okie dokie!


There she is with Alisean and Mustin.

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::stares blankly::

I shall now add bastard to my previous comment.

You lucky bastard...

And seeing some of my favorite remixers and what they look like (sorta) is almost sacriligeous(sp?)! Almost...Remember kiddos, Remixers are People too. If you prick them, do they not get bummed out?

Mmmm, cosplay. Perhaps I will meet the love of my life (or at least someone who won't shake their head in shame at me when I talk about video games and other related shtuff) at those kind of conventions? Hmmm....*proceeds to look for nearest cosplay convention*

Oh crap. This is starting to not look like a review thread anymore! Ack!

Ummm...this song still kicks ass. Like Mighty Mouse kick ass. Yeah...uhhh, listen to it, if you haven't already for the almost three years its been here.

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This is either a love it or hate it song :wink: My roommate at college can't stand it whenever I play it, but I still get a hoot out of it. I actually went around singing this song for a while, and got my brother-in-law hooked without him even HEARING the song....now thats addictive :)

Love it or hate it, I think it deserves to be on here just for sheer amusement factor. If you don't like it...well there's plenty of other fine mixes. My current 5 hour long playlist is made almost entirely from remixes off this site, and I'm still searching through the archives and finding new stuff. Long live the groin!

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This song will appeal IF you appreciate sophomoric humor AND/OR improvisation (it certainly sounds like the millions of songs my friends would improvise on their guitars at the drop of a hat).

Um thinking about that has me making up a song myself right now:

"I'm just gonna make up a SO-ong. (dununnuh, dunun, dununununh)

The music is crap and the grammars are WRO-ong (dununnuh, dunun, dununununh)

Pickin' at my metaphorical NO-ose (dununnuh, dunun, dununununh)

Making up cheesy wannabe PRO-ose (dununnuh, dunun, dununununh)

I say WAH! (wah)

I say WOAH! (woah)

I say er some stupid crap or somethin'-(hurry into next verse)

My girlfriend said I'm not myself todAY-ay (dununnuh, dunun, dununununh)

So I said um you don't SA-ay (dununnuh, dunun, dununununh)

If that's the case, why you tellin' ME-ee (dununnuh, dunun, dununununh)

Hold on a sec I gotta PEE-ee (note: the only reason that line is there is because while typing this song I am making up right here and now I seriously need to go! One minute.... okay, back.)

What! Kinda maaagic spell to use!

Slime and snails

Or puppy dogs' tails

Thunder or lightning

Then baby said!

Dance, magic dance

Put that baby spell on me!

In the niIGHT! When the night was young!

It was dark and really... young

Stuff did stuff (backup: atthatplacethatonetimewiththepeopleandumyeah)

I think buff rhymes with stuff



Dun dun dunnnnnnn! *convenient guitar solo*

What wouldja say if I sang outta TU-une (dununnuh, dunun, dununununh)

If yer gonna say that get outta my ROO-oome (dununnuh, dunun, dununununh)

I can't think of words to sing (wordless phlegm-filled gritty grundge "uh" sound)

Mr. T likes the bling-bling ("uhh")

But that's okay cuz I'm just

Maaaaaaakiiiiiiiiing thiiiiiiiis uuuuuuuuup

Heeeeeere aaaaaaand noooooooow (backup: Now?) Now!

HUH! (or other suitable grunt)

*convenenient guitar solo*

Sup, Roxanne, what's up with that shit yo

Turn off the goddamn red light (backup: Word.)

Word, Roxanne, listen up yo

Ya don't have to wear that dress tonight (backup: Recognize.)

Okay this is getting progressively worse, but I'd hate to delete it after all that typing. If yer gonna criticize my made up song, review "The Music of my Groin" first, for the Recently OverHeard's sake.

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  • 1 month later...

Shael, please correct me if I'm wrong when I say this, but...

This remix is not serious. It's self-aware, silly, and random. It's not designed to make sense. It's an episode of SeaLab 2021. If you don't like the show you're not gonna like this remix. Quality's not good, the lyrics are stupid and sophmoric, but you gotta understand, THAT'S THE POINT! It's silly to the point of laughing, and I think he did a great job making me laugh.

While an argument about 'letting poor-quailty remixes onto the site' might hold bearing, I don't think even the webmaster thinks this website is that serious, and wouldn't, and didn't, mind something silly and stupid and random like this. I personally think it's comedic genius, easily misunderstandable, but genius no less.

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I would imagine most 7th graders wouldn't get the humor behind SeaLab 2021 (And yeah, you're free to say 'what humor?'), and I doubt they'd get the humor in this song, beyond "Huh huh, he said groin, huh huh."

Fart and dick jokes barely make me chuckle, but self-aware silliness makes me laugh. Big difference here.

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Well, that was strange. How anyone can listen to this and find it funny is beyond me... But at one point I didn't know how planes flew, either, so I suppose it's possible. Overall, an awful mix that I'll listen to again and again trying to figure out what everyone else sees in it... Thank goodness it's short.

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ok ok this is some funny stuff here! Whether the people above me think so or not! I doubt it's meant to be taken seriously and it's just to have alittle fun! I mean just loosen up and listen to the song. It's really funny! Any song that can mention groin that many times and get away with it is an instant favorite in my book! :D

Oh, and zircon. Maybe you should read dj pretzel's review of this song again. Apparently he enjoys it! :lol:

-The Diabetic Knight

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Any song that can mention groin that many times and get away with it is an instant favorite in my book!

Maybe the problem is that some of us aren't letting him get away with it. :lol:

I really didn't take it seriously, though. I never take anything seriously. :P

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I would imagine most 7th graders wouldn't get the humor behind SeaLab 2021 (And yeah, you're free to say 'what humor?'), and I doubt they'd get the humor in this song, beyond "Huh huh, he said groin, huh huh."

Fart and dick jokes barely make me chuckle, but self-aware silliness makes me laugh. Big difference here.

Don't you mean...BIZARRO silliness?

You know, I hope these "joke" remixes aren't just an old-school legacy because OCR was desperate for anything it could get...because I can think of a few BEER (and IMC) mixes that should be on the site. ;)

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
I remember in the WIP forum i listened to the first version. It didnt follow the notes of zelda and was very hard rock. I was wondering if any of you know where to find it again or if Shael happens to read this maybe he could post where to find it. Thx. :P

You must be thinking of a different mix. I did this in one take and there were no OCR forums--let alone a WIP forum--when I submitted this back in like 1998. Or 1999. I don't remember. Anyway, you're probobly thinking of The Rabbit Joint's Zelda song.

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  • 1 month later...

BLECH! I have no idea how this one qualified for inclusion on this fine site. Whereas Joe Redifer's infinitely superior Final Fantasy ROBOVoice parody required both talent and lyric-writing skills, this one is severely lacking in both categories. It makes me feel like if I recorded a one-minute bit of me banging on a guitar and singing "Mario Brothers is stupid" to the Mario theme, I could get on this website. Or maybe I should just do the Metroid theme with synthesized fart noises.

Two thumbs way down pushing the delete button. :vomit:

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  • 1 month later...

Doubters should be castrated. No remix will ever accomplish what this one does (statement open to interpretation). Regardless, "music of my groin" will remain in my playlist until God himself instucts me to remove it. And I bet he wont, cuz God is a damn funny guy.

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