djpretzel Posted March 7, 2009 Posted March 7, 2009 What did you think? Post your opinion of this ReMix. Quote
Rexy Posted March 7, 2009 Posted March 7, 2009 First post! (lol theshizz reference) Obviously, I'm a big fan of what CHM puts together, and his second Brazilian collab shows. Both he and LuiZa have contributed their strengths to a very stunning collab movement for the Symphonia part of the album, and have managed to show justice to the original track with their fun melodies, performances and fun behind it all. I deem this the highlight of Disc 3 for sure. Here's to hoping we'd see more from the pair of them Quote
MichaelTheCrow Posted March 7, 2009 Posted March 7, 2009 Stuck on repeat! Argh the words to describe my appreciation of the sheer brilliance of this mix, I really enjoyed the guitar work. Great job guys, you've created another great reason to download this remix project, downloading now . I hope to see more from you pair, you work so swiftly smooth together . Quote
KyleJCrb Posted March 7, 2009 Posted March 7, 2009 This is OLDE. But seriously, still one of my favorites. Fatalize was begging to be rocked, and Luiza and Chris delivered! Quote
LuIzA Posted March 7, 2009 Posted March 7, 2009 Jeebus FINALLY I decided to revive my long forgotten OCR account just to say that haha. I didn't find a project thread, so it had to be here. well, first off, thank you all for the kind words. much appreaciated =) I noticed my comments on the song page here were outdated haha. Chris and I redid the song a year after it was first finished, which I'm guessing is when I submitted it. The main difference is just the little bridge section. The wah guitar was replaced for a clean guitar and I changed my solo there. god it has been awhile haha. This is one fine project. congrats to all! PS: do check out Myth´s Zelos mix, it´s an awesome track and it has my wah guitar there... I guess that´s where it went haha. Quote
Platonist Posted March 7, 2009 Posted March 7, 2009 great work! ive been listening alot to carbohydrom on teh walkmanphones .. this will definitly add up there Quote
XZero Posted March 7, 2009 Posted March 7, 2009 I have waited for something like this since I first played ToS in 2004. Fatalize is my absolute favorite battle track in the Tales series (my favorite RPG series), and this ReMix does it justice. More than I could have hoped for; excellent work! Quote
Lucentas Posted March 7, 2009 Posted March 7, 2009 I must really be in a rock mood today, because while I'm not usually so keen on such heavy guitar work as this, this piece is amazing. Excellent job, I really love all of the energy put into this. Quote
SwordBreaker Posted March 8, 2009 Posted March 8, 2009 I was lucky enough to listen to this track beforehand thanks to LuIzA. Oddly enough, the old version of this remix kicked ass...but the new version is much, much, much better. Indeed, both LuIzA and CHM did a great job in improving on what's already good. Even though I haven't listened to the full album yet, I can confidently say that this remix is one of the highlights, if not my favorite track already. The performances blend so well with each other it's hard to differentiate who did what...until that end bit when LuIzA goes all ska on us. Quote
Sir_Downunder Posted March 8, 2009 Posted March 8, 2009 Hehehe, i liiiiiiike! I like it a lot! Very punk indeed. Like Kyle said: With the way Fatalize was done, it was just begging to be rocked out like this. Solid work by both Carbo and LuIzA and congrats to everyone for the album! Quote
Rozovian Posted March 10, 2009 Posted March 10, 2009 I'm enjoying this. It's got the right amount of weight and drive. Love the drop-out part around 2:30, makes for a nice change it what otherwise gets a little repetitive in tone and soundscape. After that, it keeps changing from one thing to another, keeping it from getting boring. the firsttwo and a half minutes took their good time to get through, but the other half of the track went by all too soon. Awesome stuff. Quote
OceansAndrew Posted March 11, 2009 Posted March 11, 2009 Nice guitar playing on both counts, but what is up with that wimpy snare? The arrangement was pretty nice, and there were a lot of good textures. Quote
HeavyHorse Posted March 27, 2009 Posted March 27, 2009 This track was one of the reasons I finally decided to strap down and make an account here on OCR (along with the whole OCR album "Summoning of Spirits"). This track is definitely one of the highlights in music for Tales of Symphonia, so I was glad to see it got the OCR treatment, and it didn't disappoint. Although the direction the track goes from 3:10-3:31 raised an eyebrow for me, the rest of it is pure gold. Great job LuIzA and CarboHydroM. Quote
Mtlbro Posted April 11, 2009 Posted April 11, 2009 WOOOOooooT!! That guitar solo just totally melted my face off Quote
CNash Posted April 21, 2009 Posted April 21, 2009 Fantastic guitar, and I'd say that there are few tracks that needed it more than this one. I've always thought that Fatalize was the best battle theme of ToS and I was disappointed that it wasn't played more in the game itself; suddenly, this remix appears and it's fresh and new again, and I want to play it on a loop all day! Quote
swansdown Posted March 27, 2016 Posted March 27, 2016 Great rendition of Fatalize. Always on my list if I'm listening to ToS. Quote
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